HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
VOIDS" open - Printable Version

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VOIDS" open - Gehenna - 05-29-2013

The forest is silent and it is maddening to her. The black sylph yearns for something to entertain her the moment the terrain becomes lush with vegetation. She has left behind the blistering heat of desolate wastelands with only vultures for friends. Traded the luminous sun for moonlight, shrouding darkness, and quietness. She never liked the sun much anyways. The light cast recognition to her heresy. It enveloped her in judgment while she walked by strangers… and they would whisper: “Sinner.” Then turn their heads in fear they'd be found out. She'd corrupt them next. She'd spellbind them into devious wretched things!

They didn’t understand.

So it wasn’t with anger she retreated to the life of a wanderer. It was with pity for the small brains that couldn’t comprehend her. Life was full of brutalities. Fate wasn’t at all kind to many the wicked mistress placed her hand upon. It hadn’t been to Gehenna but she didn’t blubber over it, rather picked up her pieces, because even demons could foster attachments, and moved on. It left her swaying gently by the trees. Their branches reached for her as though they were arms welcoming a long lost friend to their abode. A playful breeze lifts the silken tendrils of her mane. It slips in front of her vivid galactic eyes like an enigmatic veil. Perhaps Helovia would love her? The thought is dismissed with a chortle of laughter the moment it enters her mind. How silly of her! The societal flock didn’t love what was beyond their social norms. They didn’t accept what was different…

The consumption of flesh was different. It was heinous and gruesome crime! Regardless, Helovia would garner itself a cannibal today. The Heretic Witch had landed her broom here to manifest new roots.

RE: VOIDS" open - Accalia - 05-29-2013

The ghostly fae walked through the forest shrouded in darkness for the second time ever. Now, fear was less present in her, for moonlight was shrouding her white bod, giving her a glowing aura, and making her seem more like a deity traveling the forest at these times. But despite her willowy appearance, small and graceful wasn't who she was. Her blood, infested by many different breeds of horses gave her powerful, slender legs, a strong, quite tall body, and an intelligent, youthful mind. Thinking more about the moon now, she couldn't stop herself from thinking. Was there really a goddess who lived up there, capturing the moon with utter grace, not having just a horn, but a pair of powerful wings. Was she there looking down upon this simple, but beautiful equine, trudging through the forest. Gracefully, the girl felt the need to trot through the area, avoiding trees, but still feeling the wrath of the cold wind whipping up against her.

But now she was used to the upcoming winter of Helovia. In some places, it was already covered in snow. Now pricking up her ears, hearing a short but bitter chuckle, Accalia fluidly moved with no effort, trying to keep as quiet as she could as she approached another. Now, Zuri was a beauty yes, and the girl had encountered so many other beautiful mares, but here stood a goddess. There was a sense that told her this was no ordinary horse, but a powerful mare containing powers from the stars. Her beautiful stance seemed like it could bring devastation, and her eyes were so deep and intense, sparkling like stars themselves. Accalia felt like bowing before this eternal creature, but instead she called out to her in a small voice. "Hello. I am Accalia, part of the Assassins", she began quietly. "Do you seek a home?" She questioned, feeling so small besides the...powerful mare.

RE: VOIDS" open - Gehenna - 05-30-2013

Gods. Goddesses. She was certainly not divine. Creatures killed one another over their beliefs. They maimed and tortured as if that would be the persuasion to convert others to a proper faith. Alas it wasn't true faith but a faith kept in line by fear. Gehenna cared little for Helovia's so called Gods and their petty disputes with one another. The only thing that mattered in this life was survival – to keep her from rotting six feet under the ground riddled with disgusting parasites. The only being that could rip the soul from the mortal body was Death... and so that was who garnered the stygian witch's respect. Death had the power to conquer the strongest men and most beautiful women. He was just in his deliverance and didn’t favor one being over another.

Her musings had left her absent-minded. She barely noticed the arrival of the other mare, didn’t hear the rhythmic thud-thud of her footfalls against the heavily trodden ground. Only when she spoke did Gehenna sharply turn her visage to better inspect her. The glow of her infinite gaze befell her face and slowly slithered down the length of her pale bodice in an unnerving manner. As though her intense eyes could peel back the many layers that constructed the simple creature… then more to peer into the very depths of her soul. ’Is it an abyss like mine?’ she wondered briefly though almost immediately dismissed the thought. This poor girl was meek. Her quiet voice waved testament to her gentle nature. She was good if there were even such a thing. Though Gehenna thought labels on beings as intricate as they, mortals, were insulting to their many characters.

Her ears twitched forward. Her nostrils flared to inhale the sweet aroma that radiated from this precious thing and imprint it to memory. ” – and what cause do your Assassins advocate, little bird?” Gehenna asked bluntly. Her voice was deep for a woman’s. It resonated in a sultry baritone where the average woman’s seeped silk and vanilla lace. ”Would my home be with your Assassins, granted safety and all things warm if only I pledge my mind, body, and soul to them? If only I abdicate my freedom?” She chuckled then and licked her black lips… noting the plumpness of the flesh that clung to Accalia’s figure. This one wouldn’t be gristle and toughness. No. The succulent meat that comprised her many curves would be sweet, full of juices that would make her mouth water and beg for more.

Would it be in bad taste to devour her first acquaintance, she wondered?

RE: VOIDS" open - Thor - 05-31-2013

On the fringe of everything I’ve ever known, I felt lost. Was it dark responsibility that had made me bitter or just my own hardened resolve? Whatever the case, I found that floundering throughout the Threshold would at least give me some kind of reason to fulfill the empty caverns that had once been my name, my title. With little determination and the cruel insignificance that came with confusion, I graced the borders of the claiming grounds, all bulk and sheer power hiding the wealth of emotion that brewed within. I was sickened, but not broken. I would not let the Quian suffer from my mishaps even if it meant trudging through the filth of abandonment and loss.

I pondered Tamira for a time before I caught the faint traces of civil conversation. I was curious as always and upon trailing the sounds to their source, all thoughts of my sweet Tamira forgotten to the breeze, I paused to study my findings.

The two females were like day and night- one as dark as the twilight that often withheld my dreams and the other as bright as the moonlight that often soothed me in my darkest hours. Both were curious creatures to me, in spite of my growing experience when it came to recruiting; they just appeared to be… off. Perhaps that’s why I felt the need to interrupt…

Or perhaps when the word Assassins crossed the dark lips of the raven, I couldn’t refrain from laughing. "I don’t suppose you think the Assassins are capable of giving you anything other than failure.” I turned a hardened gaze towards the “Assassin” and smiled, though there was no light or humor in the gesture. "I find it quite humorous that after the imprisonment of your precious lead, you don’t cease to exist. And yet, here you are, recruiting for a hopeless cause that will surely die out in a matter of weeks. Take your persuasions elsewhere because I don’t think you’ll find that this lovely specimen is unclaimed any longer.” With a crude laugh, I turned my attentions back to the shadowed mare, a new note of seriousness claiming my once fragrant songs.

"I’m Thor of the World’s Edge and you my dear are more than welcome to call it home as well.

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RE: VOIDS" open - Accalia - 05-31-2013

Staring deep in those voids, that were supposedly a horses's orbs, the fae felt as if she couldn't rip her gaze away from the eyes that twinkled like twilight. Feeling week in the knees, she saw the other mare observing her, as if peeling away every layer, seeking to know more. The rush of nausea and fear that was building up in her throat was forcefully suppressed. A warrioress does not show fear. But when the eternal seeming mare spoke out, the tones of her voice seemed kind. Feeling flushed by being called 'little bird' it was quite the compliment for her. Accalia lived off of the kind nicknames that were placed upon her, and it made her feel...loved. "We advocate a growing herd, of skilled fighters. We fight for our justices and the justices of others", Accalia recalled from the temporary leader, Tonka.

Though Accalia was never filled in with the real intent of the Assassins, she still felt devoted to Ignita, the first horse to offer her a home. Indebted, she could not leave the group yet, until they have brought glory to their name. In the girl's mind, they were a righteous group carrying out duties for others, and seeking a herd. But the dark mare's question caught the fae off guard, and seeking an answer quick in her mind, she was forced to reply, hoping she didn't bumble her words. "Well, I believe so, though you are still your own individual, with a loving family behind you", Accalia replied. "But freedom is granted within this herd. You may come and go at your pleasure", velvety lips spewed out the words, slightly intimidated by the look the mare was giving her.

Not soon after uttering those words did a tall, able bodied stallion appear. Speaking harshly of her herd mates, she felt a retort grow, but due to politeness she did not speak back. Unnecessary fights were being provoked here, and letting out a long, drawn sigh, Accalia spoke. "Assassins are not giving her failure. They're giving her a chance to have a family, possessing fighting skills. We roam the lands, seeking adventure and helping others that need us", Accalia bit back, trying to sound calm, but with an edge of irritation in her voice. What had she done to the Edge? "We carry on the legacy of our one captured lead. We now have another leader that is guiding us through tougher times", Accalia said with a tint of sadness. "It is for her to decide. Honestly, you don't have to be so crude to me, for I haven't provoked any violence", a hard stare was accompanied by her submissive words. No. Anything but submissive. There was a passive quality, but anger was slowly building up in her gut.

RE: VOIDS" open - Irrydae - 05-31-2013


It's weird how much time the mare had spent thinking about one horse. All because she had had a bad dream. A bad dream. And now... what? She had awoken later in the day then usual, and she was hurrying to make her rounds in the Threshold today, as she had slacked on that more recently. She was not on the ground this time. Flying was faster.

A snort escapes the throat of Irrydae as she leaves her home, star splattered wings spread wide as the mid day sun beat upon her back, though it was growing colder with each day, signaling Frostfall. Signaling her first year in Helovia. It was not long before the mare found herself descending towards the forest she was so used to now. Sturdy hooves plant neatly into the soft earth, pulling in her wings as she trudged into the trees.

It was quicker than usual before she heard voices and silently made her way towards them. She stopped out of view, listening to the three voices that shot back and forth. 'I find it quite humorous that after the imprisonment of your precious lead, you don’t cease to exist. And yet, here you are, recruiting for a hopeless cause that will surely die out in a matter of weeks. Take your persuasions elsewhere because I don’t think you’ll find that this lovely specimen is unclaimed any longer.' Another Assassin. Really? Irrydae then moves out of her hiding place, golden eyes quickly moving over the two mares and the lone stag. I like his attitude. Irry catches the lick of the lips of the dark one, and her mind recoils but her face shows nothing. She has mastered this. The emotionless, calm face her mother would have loved to see. "Feisty. I like that." The words slip from her mouth. They are not like her at all. She offers a smile to the stallion, bright eyes looking straight into his before her attention is back on the two faes.

The dark mare has not introduced herself. She does the same. Although, Irry does not care for hiding her own name. Something is not right with this mare. Irrydae flicks her tail, gaze falling between each of them as the silence grows longer.

talk talk talk"
 spin around me like a dream...
c@rlijones @ flickr.com