HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] And I Scream Dead Monsters Alive - Printable Version

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And I Scream Dead Monsters Alive - Shajake - 05-30-2013

Night can not always be a welcoming time when you live without safety. There is nothing more to the dark and frozen landscape than snow, a few trees further off, and the cold waters that stand before him. Frostfall seems to have taken its icy fingers and touched this place permanently, residing in it like it belonged here. The dapple gray stallion took no notice to the weather. In the forest he had ran from after an encounter least enjoyed with a red gas that made the disease high off itself, there were better places to stay. Even if he had left the gas behind, the effects it had put to him never left. She was still on his mind, and the black and white figures seemed to want to keep their new forms. And for reasons only the stallion alone knew, he took a liking to their new look. The white one, who always stood close by and was the one known to feed him words, had taken on the most basic of features: pupiless golden eyes, slight definition to his body, and a mane and tail to match. The black one, always to the distance, the one that seemed so lost and confused and dragged the stallion about, had taken similar effects, except with red eyes. Shajake, left inbetween the two created by his mind, bore startling green eyes, a black mane and tail, and a body built for elegance. Yet elegance isn't much of an interesting thing when you can care less about others.
There is a sudden step onto the frozen sand as a flare of Northern Lights sets the black sky above into a frenzy of multi-coloured lights. Standing in the sand, he can hear the almost inaudible sound of ice within the sand cracking. Company is nowhere to be seen. Being alone out here seems a haven for the stallion, the only feature of him noticable from a distance being his eyes. They match the colour of the green flares above. A purple one free falls down the surface of the northern sea and screams a burst of light over the way. The sea lacks it's usual personality tonight - commonly a raging monster that takes no mercy to the ones that come across it, it is in this night it holds a calm. There is no roar when the waves move in and attack the black rocks covered in white snow in the sand, yet a steady 'sssshhhhh......' as sea meets land.
The stallion sighs, the only considered 'words' he has released since meeting Africa. Reminded of how strange the little winged mare was, how she amused him with how she lacked to see what was in plain shit. He reminded himself constantly that some just happen to be that blind.
He steps further forward, leaving behind the snow on the hard ground to the softer feeling of wet/dry sand underhoof. The sea in front of him has ice floating about in it, and he nears, one step away, a piece floats up near one black hoof. Ignoring the fact that what just floated up was a warning sign as of the coldness of the water, he takes that first burtal step in the cold before it hits him.
Now, have you ever watched cartoons as a kid, like the ones where a character has an anvil dropped on him and seems to react in a weird way when it hits him. Shajake seemed to have reacted in that way when the cold hit his chest. Like a blinding light of pain, he cringes and closes his eyes to help with the pain. The feeling is like jumping in a creek in summer, thinking the water is going to be warm, but in reality it's cold. You were just to ignorant to notice it till it hit you like a bombshell. And as that feeling took over, his body adjusted to become used to the feeling of blinding cold. The bathe was welcoming, yes, but is there to many downsides to walking into a sea when ice is floating about with you. On the shore, there is a whisper that has no words. Only a sound that has no name to it.
Attention towards what was just thrown towards him, he turns to look, craning his heavy head around to see the white figure standing on the edge of the water. A smile of pleasure comes across him. He is crazy enough to move into freezing waters, but a monster created from his mind, is scared to join him. Smiling, he turns and returns to shore before picking a pace at a slow canter. Moving along the sea, the Lights burst their colours brighter before a few stars can find their way to break out through. 'There is nothing down there.' For once, there is voice of reason from the white figure. It is not enough to stop the stallion before he picks up pace into a fast gallop. Now is a time he can be who he wishes to be, and as the air tears at his flesh with bone breaking cold, the water on his chest can dry faster. Yet while death seems an interesting thing to the stallion, it seems a sad way to die. Like two souls speaking to one another. "Hey man, how did you die? I got struck by lightning." "Oh well, you know. I went swimming in a frozen sea and then just stood around in extremely late Orangemoon and froze to death."
Ahead the landscape is no longer just sand. Ahead it becomes the black rocks that dot the land, topped off with white snow like frosting on a badly burned cake. Pace quickly dropped as he reaches his destination. Stepping into the rocks, he snorts and shakes his head. Here, he can lie and wait for day ignoring the fact that racist unicorns lived near-by. They meant nothing to him, therefore he cared less to go near their land except for this little trip to the Steppe, or speak to one. Though when you wish to stay to yourself, life seems to always know exactly how to mess things up one annoying way or another.

"talk talk talk"

image by frostie

RE: And I Scream Dead Monsters Alive - Orinthia - 05-31-2013

  Adventure is my Middle Name</style>

Walk walk walk

The Frostbreath steppe held a lot of memories for the onyx black Frisian mare. This is where she met the cold stallion, Alcina, and another stallion Murdock, whom helped her learn how to fight. The raven woman walked with a certain grace, trudging through the land with her powerful body. The whole place was now under a coat of snow, up to her ankles, and continuously falling. Boredom was all she could think about. There was nothing to do, and a feeling of grief gripped her heart. She was all alone, with no one. It was enveloping her, crippling her vibrant soul. There was no one to converse with, no fun, just the continuous wind whipping hard against her chest.

The cold was stifling, and the black mare yearned to flee the frigid ice kingdom before she was frozen to death. It was as if the cold was gripping her with its hands, exposing her to its violence. Despite her Friesian blood, Orinthia was not meant for the ice and snow. Heat was preferred in her mind, and she went to seek it.

Not long after walking, another shape was seen in the distance. Trotting closer, trying to get a better look, the onyx mare galloped close by the...stallion. Plastering a smile to her face, yet wary of the distance between them she spoke. "Hello there! My name's Orinthia, and who are you?" A cold breeze of air blew through, reflecting on the upcoming snow. The mare observed the pelt of the stallion: Dapple gray. Still looking around, she awaited a reply.

*WOW. I have no muse. T>T It'll get better*

"Talk talk talk"
blah blah blah blah