HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] PIRATES MEETING [all pirates] - Printable Version

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PIRATES MEETING [all pirates] - Cosette - 06-04-2013

Cosette stood on the rock that her mate had stood on before her. He had called a herd meeting not to long ago. Actually it seemed like forever ago, for she was still pregnant with their son, Caenan, and he was now a few months old. But Corsair had gone on some adventure, or something, and not returned yet, so the mare felt it her duty to call upon the pirates and discuss a few things.

There were many things that needed to be discussed, but one thing in particular... A new herd leader. Cosette never saw herself actually taking a step up and taking charge of a group. But she felt she could do it. But it wasn't her choice, it was up to her people. The new leader would probably consist of her, or Jack.

Jack was Corsairs right hand man, and probably best friend. But no matter how much Co loved Jack, she couldn't just give the herd to him without a fight. But if it is what the heard felt would be best, than so be it.

"Pirates! I must speak with you, this is of urgent matters and we must speak now." Her voice was loud. She had always had that sort of loud, leader like voice. But she never really had to use it while Corsair was there. Oh how she missed her beloved mate.

Caenan stood by her side as she reached down and nuzzled him reassuringly letting him know everything would be ok, and a sort of reassurance that his daddy would be back soon, even if she didn't actually know it to be true.

Inside Co was scared, but on the outside she stood composed and calm.

RE: PIRATES MEETING [all pirates] - Amara - 06-05-2013

I had slid away from Cosette so I could practice my flight, but at the moment I was feeling tired. My wings were looking less fluffy, and the muscles were looking thicker. I began to do swift movements with my wings, flapping them up and down with a strong swipe. I would them fold them and snap them out repeatedly, seeing how fast I could go. I then began tilting them, imagining myself soaring over the ocean with the salty breeze in my face. My wing tips touched the ground before swinging back up, my eyes shifting from wing to wing like a squirrel jumping tree to tree.

When I heard the call of Cosette, a voice so familiar, I leaned to the side, kicking my legs from under me. I was propelled to the side, attempting to turn so I was facing sideways. I braced myself for impact, sticking my legs out to the soft ground. My hind legs came swiftly after my forelegs, and I burst into a swift gallop, as fast as my thin legs could manage.

I reached Cosette withing a few minutes, my body beginning to show signs of sweat. My small ears flickered forward, my amber eyes trailed down Cosette's familiar face to Caenan, the newest herd member. He was still a thing I couldn't trust. Ignoring Caenan, I spoke, "where..... Daddy?" I was the first to arrive, but at the moment, there was just Cosette, Caenan and me. Perhaps Corsair would be returning today, or maybe he had already returned, Cosette just wanted to tell us. But as I looked around, there was no sign of Corsair. "Daddy?" I gazed around questioningly, seeing no signs of my daddy.

I knew exactly where my mommy was though.

She was only twenty strides away from my cave where she always is. She never moves, in fact, she never breathes, eats, sleeps, or blinks. She can't. She's just bones and some bits of wrinkled tissue. Her wing bones fell down about a month ago, and the sand buried them. Her ribs caved in at the same time. Her flesh and innards had turned to dust long ago. But I still had four of her feathers, two woven into my mane and two woven into my tail. Her other feathers had blown away and had been buried by the sand.

Pushing the thoughts on mommy away, I smile at Cosette and begin forming words with my mind. I mold them, craft them within my small brain. Opening my mouth, I attempt to speak them. "W-what. weeee. doooingg?" The words did not come out perfectly, but at least they came out. My almost metallic eyes gazed at Cosette, searching for an answer. Was she announcing something? Stepping down? What was it? As I stood thinking, a brief breeze blew salty air through my hair, ruffling my feathers. There I stood, waiting for an answer.

"Talk talk talk."

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