HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - Printable Version

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Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - Ophelia - 06-08-2013

Just like what Rayo is doing in the Basin, we are going to follow suit! All characters MUST post here to remain ranked in the Foothills. Otherwise they will all be put into the OUTCAST rank.

Absent players/characters will not be subject to this.

Ends on 6-15-13

Ophelia's cloven hooves left behind distinctive crescent marks in the snow as she moved, her tail collected snow as he trailed behind her, lightly whisking across the ground. White clouds puffed from her flared, gray nostrils, and she moved forward, determined to not abandon those she loved needlessly, not like the Sun God had done to her. She had chosen to gather those who resided in the Foothills now under her and her sister's lead, and in the thick of winter was when they needed to pull together as one.

Tinek soared overhead, opening his jaws and spitting lightning. Joy moved through their bond, and she could not help but smile. He dove toward the snow and snapped his wings open a split second before impact and flew upward again - spinning, twirling and gliding on the wind. She could feel the freedom he felt in his heart, and she wished that she could mirror that with her own. With a youthful gait, she trotted inland and into the shelter of the mountains where she shook off her pale coat and snorted the ice from her whiskers.

"Where are they?" she murmured, the thoughts moving from her head through the bond with Tinek.

"Looking," he replied.

She closed her eyes and viewed the world from his eyes, watching the world tumble below his claws. As he scanned, she tried to spy and that she knew. "Bring them here, if you will..." she murmured politely before opening her own gaze to the crystalline horizon on this quickly fading evening. The shards of stars and stone began to sparkle in her made and tail, giving her an ethereal shimmer.

Ophelia opened her dual colored gaze, waiting for the herd to gather before speaking. "Greetings to you all, my friends and family," she said. "We have reached Frostfall victorious and uncontested, and we must remain that way. The borders, though thick with snow and bitter weather, still need to be maintained and watched. My sister has organized groups already, but should you need a task, please accompany them."

"I would like for my spies to start venturing beyond our borders and return anything they find. Knowledge is power, and you never know what is important until that moment when you are not fully paying attention," she warned. Tinek flew in then and landed on her softy, thickly furred back. He smiled happily at all who have gathered.

"We are in the process of making a contract with the Basin, but I need you all to understand that they are not our enemies. They are different than us, yes, and we do not have to condone or even like anyone of their choices. I know that I do not, but from every shadow can come a light." Her eyes sought Mesec, and she wanted to give him the kind smile that turned her lips. "What right have we to judge the way they live when others would judge us the same way?"

Ophelia's sighed a cloud of smoke. "As always, we must try to remain as impartial as possible." Our hearts mislead us. Our love will break. "I am not asking that you not make friends, but when the time comes, our loyalty is to our own. A fundamental tenant of our laws is that we protect our own, first and foremost, and then, we fulfill our contracts with discipline, honor and impartiality."

"I open the floor for any discussion, though I might suggest that our crafters make a wall to barricade some of the northern winds. "

[[Full permission granted for all who show up here to write Tinek bugging them in any and all ways possible to get them here :)]]

Faith shattered and decays as frosted blood flows in my veins

sdrcow @ DA

RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - Osiris - 06-08-2013

 osiris</style>                                                      even holding on tight won't save us this time.</style>
image by Massimo Valiani @ flickr.com</style>

Another year, another winter. Like waking up from a headache and bad dream in the caves with wolves. Osiris remembers it well, the cacophony, the rapture, and awaking to the chill of winter and the warm tongue of a friend on his face. Kaya. Frostfall reminds him much of the times in Isilme, for whatever reason. The snow holds many things, many memories. The glimmer of white reflecting your thoughts, holding the steps of those who have passed by, and the secrets of autumn now passed under layer of fresh ice.

Winter is the time of remembering.

A thick fur coat keeps the hybrid warm in these bitter months. At the foot of a mountain, the winds howl and chase after all. If not for his predatory lineage, the wolf is quite certain his ass would have frozen off and his joints all but quit working at his age. Unfortunately for his companion, Comadre is not so blessed with a plush coat. The fire in his gut sustains his temperature, but Osiris still awakens to find the small reptile cuddled into his fur like a leech in the brisk mornings of Frostfall. Even know, he sleeps tucked upon the back of the hybrid, between the well rounded flanks of his friend, nestled in thick fur and breathing softly. It is then that Osiris receives the summoning.

Paws move more or less silently on the frozen ground, with familiar pads closing in on his left side. The three wolves he called family strode their way toward him, coming in close and making their way toward the tower of ivory, Ophelia. Osiris rests easily close by, but allows enough room for any to fall in beside her. He is only a member of this family, and far from the most important. At his feet, the trio of wolves come to sit, waiting patiently for her to begin speaking.

Her speech is short for such a meeting, but Osiris is glad for it. Long winded speakers have long since been an annoyance to him, and words that are too laden with flowers often deceive. She is succinct, efficient, and the wolf knows what he must do. Roam, as he always has, with his eyes and ears open. "As you wish, lady," he says, nodding his head before falling silent.

RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - Mesec - 06-08-2013

      boy of the night fell from the stars</style>

Today, I had found myself alone. The night had brought a frigid chill, and with it came a bitter snow that swept across the land, layering the rolling hills with crystalline white. Thinking back, I could hardly recall my first winter spent in the World's Edge a mere year ago. Back then, I had been given protection from the snow in the form of my family's bodies as barriers, but now, I was on my own and had abandoned them to the Basin. My second Frostfall would be spent alone in the cradle of the Foothills.

'I am not truly alone,' I thought to myself as I scraped away at the snow, determined to uncover what grass might be left beneath it, 'I have the Grey, now. I have Ophelia, and I have Roskuld...' The simple thought of having somebody that cared for me was enough to mend my broken soul, if only a little bit. I would be a liar to say that I knew my new family well, but I knew that the words they spoke were not built on lies and instead on truth and trust. With a smile alighting my features, I focused back on the movement of my hoof, assuring myself that I would, indeed, seek somebody out today. I longed for the company of another, if even it was only spent in close silence.

Finally, a few blades had escaped their wintery confinement, but as I dropped my head to pluck them from the earth, a fluttering of wings overhead snapped my attention away. Peering towards the downcast sky, my silver eyes spotted an equally hued dragon, whom I instantly recognized as Tinek. Euphoria washed over my very being; surely Ophelia must be around! But as I watched the scaly being, we locked gazes momentarily, and he seemed to be beckoning me to follow him. "What is it, Tinek?" I questioned with a curious tip of my head, and as the dragon began to retreat in the way he had come, I followed.

Soon, I was able to make out the shapes of others in the distance. The first I saw was a towering giant, with paws supporting his large frame rather than hooves. He, too, is accompanied by dragon, this one smaller and much darker than that of Tinek. Although the the wolf-horse's appearance does not frighten me, his sheer bulk does, so I distance myself somewhat from him and affix my gaze on the pale maiden who had brought me here in the first place.

Looking upon Ophelia, a tenderness settles in my pupiless gaze. Although I don't view her the same as my true mother, I still consider her to hold the same title, and I respect her nonetheless. During the darkest time of my short life, she had become my beacon of light, my savior; and I loved her. I pined to speak to her, but it had been obvious upon arrival that this was more than just a simple meet and greet. As the Chieftess began to speak, I stilled my feet and curved my ears forward, soaking in every word that she had to say. I nearly scowled when she spoke mention of the Basin.

I remained quiet, considering her words as she continued to speak. She was right, for not all in the Basin were nasty racists, Hell-bent on ridding the world of all who were different. I had witnessed several atrocities during my time there; beatings, maimings, the captivity of others... I had never witnessed somebody's life being taken from them, but I knew it had happened. My eyes alight when Ophelia turned her gaze on my, and pride swelled within my broad chest. She had been referring to me, and I could feel my heart soar.

But then, my mind drifted to what she had said to those members who were ranked. I certainly had not been put into any patrol groups, nor had I ever been assigned to gather any sort of information from anywhere. My expression fell at the realization that I had done nothing to assist my family. I already owed Ophelia so much for letting me into her home, and despite my young age, I felt it was a necessity to show her my gratitude in more ways than my simple thanks.

With a deep breath, I dared to lift my head and let my voice be heard. There was a noticeable twinge of nervousness within it, but I hope they would all look past it and see that I truly wanted to help. "I do not hold a rank," I started, only when I knew I wouldn't be cutting anyone off, "But... perhaps there is a way that I can help with something? I am willing to try anything for the sake of my home."


RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - Roskuld - 06-08-2013

….and then Tinek was flapping somewhere above me, insistent and shiny and all kinds of annoying, my eyes creaking open slowly in a fit of reluctant wakefulness. I had laid down for a nap—I was young, okay? I still needed my sleep for growing big or…whatever. But it was a really good nap, full of all kinds of adventurous dreams and exciting scenarios that I would undoubtedly tell Bro about later, whether he liked it or not. Or maybe I’ll tell Jiji instead? She liked hearing about myd reams sometimes—and this time, they weren’t even that violent.

What was I dreaming, you ask? Well, as I sat up and rubbed my eyes to get rid of the groggy fog that always clung to eyeballs after sleep, the impression of the dream was swiftly fading—I had to grasp it with both mental hands to remember what it was, and even then, I couldn’t remember the whole thing. All I remembered was shadowy figures that seemed faintly familiar—blurry shapes of electric blue and swirling white lines on a backdrop of deepest black (I’m not crazy)—and the distinct sensation of flying. That’s right; I dreamt of flying, of actually soaringand weaving through the clouds and the bright blue sky, being all free ‘n stuff. Well, now you know—I wasn’t lying when I said the dream was a good one.

I grumbled, rousing myself and following the silver dragon towards whatever he thought I needed to go. My mane was shaggy and flyaway, as was my fur—but I didn’t care about appearances. I desperately wanted my dream….okay, that sounded odd. I don’t know how to describe it—whether or not I wanted my dream to be real, or whether I just wanted to remember it—but it was linked to something deep inside me, some lightbulb that had clicked briefly, ever so briefly, ephemeral in its illumination of my path, if that’s how you would say it. It was dear to me, bittersweet in my heart, though up until that moment I had never really gave a thought to flying. But I continued to walk, and with every step the dream faded more and more, until there was just that lasting impression of something grand and majestic I had glimpsed in my waking dreams. I heaved a great sigh, both in exhaustion and in resolution to loosing something I would probably never gain again.

Also, it’s a marvel I’m still alive, what with me using all these big words. I heard on the grape-vine it wasn’t healthy.

Anyway, I made it to the meeting—for it was a meeting—and I saw Ma and Auntie standing up there being all big and bad and important. I was too tired to care; my lidded eyes boredly roved over all who had gathered there, even passing over the big furry Wolf that had come by. He was interesting to see sometimes, all huge and fluffed out like he was—but still, the tired thing. Didn’t care. I saw Bro though, standing there yacking his jaw about holding rank or whatever the hell. Still didn’t care.

But I walked my way up to him with my stubby gait, coming close to him and burying part of my face into his stomach—I would’ve done the same to Ma, but she was busy right now and she had already explained that she needed space when “Grown Folks was talking”. So I gave her space, and stuck my head into Bro’s side, willing my eyes to drift downward again and partially lean my weight against his tall frame. He wasn’t much of a fighter—but he was strong enough in his own way, I guess.

Whatever. I just wanted to sleep.


RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - Lakota - 06-08-2013

[Image: 2s9qi69.png]


When sole support is stripped away, what happens to the structure?

It crumbles.

Lakota had not realized just how easily she moved through her own home until her own long-repressed emotions forced her from the side of her best friend. For so long she had thought that at last, she had found a place where the people around her would actually be aware of her presence; where she wouldn't be the shadow she was so well known for. When she realized that without Ktulu she had few real friends...it only twisted the knife currently lodged in her heart, and sank another one in to bury deep like shrapnel. She had deceived herself, thinking she could be noticed. Shadows slid through their environment unseen, unacknowledged. She had been a fool to believe she had held importance in the Grey, to think anyone could ever understand just how shattered she was inside to befriend her for the soul that lay like a beaten pup behind its wall of glass. Somehow, the demon was still able to feel pain. How dare she try and make what she truly was seem more valuable? Undeserving of a name, a blank-eyed body not yet frozen all the way through so that all who wished could still deliver pain. It was masochism that she stayed; sadism on the end of all those who begged her not to go. The demoness could not deny them, because somehow a heart still beats when it's been broken, and even after breaking countless times after. Inconceivably, pitifully, it continues to feel and hurt when it should have given up years ago. It was a miracle and yet every night she found herself whispering to it, begging and pleading, for it to just give up the fight. Leave her body, still elegantly curled in the frozen snowy grasses, to be found by any who truly cared. Should there be none she hoped her heart would stop this horrible battle it seemed inevitable to lose, and let the shell she'd never loved be frozen as a statue like a testament to the innocents that the world was cruel and vindictive. Let her never rise, a perfect iced vigilante of the weeping maidens and the bitter widows, the anguished children and the suffering royalty. For had she not been all those things in her life? They would come to her, peaceful and finally free in her encased timeless form, and try to use the knowledge from her relieved expression to continue on. Because death was the ultimate gift, the one thing you struggled and bled for, crawled along the rubble of the world without a care for pride or pain for. Because in death, you were granted peace.

There should have been nothing to keep her. Her entire life she'd seamlessly slid in and out of countless herds and groups, unnoticed at both times. So why now was parting so hard? As the saying may go, parting is such sweet sorrow. Was this why she was a masochist and sadist all at once? Doomed to be perceived as a heartless wraith and avoided because of it, but cursed with a heart that loved with the intensity of a thousand hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes. It kept her loyally and painfully devoted, agonized in her love for them and their indifference towards her. But she could not leave, because even if it would save her sanity, her soul, and possibly her life, she loved too strongly the members of the family who had forgotten her to leave them. What if they needed her in the future? What if her life could be better spent saving another's, and if she left she could not be the martyr that died for them? The thought that her departure could harm them at all, or put a single hole in the fabric of their defense and protection, stilled every leg that extended in shaky attempt to save herself. Coward, her mind would hiss at her every time her leg stretched in vain search of freedom, only to repeat the cutting word when it was retracted. Weak, it would cackle, insidious in her thoughts, a poison in herself that her experience and power could not remove.

She had managed to flee only once, happening mere hours beforehand. Had encountered a buttermilk lass with a warmth and devotion Lakota was afraid of, if only because it was so different from the usual acquaintances that turned to her with eyes that glazed over to show they did not recognize her, perhaps see her at all. Lakota had been invisible for so long, a gypsy with a ripped heart and secretly shed tears of bitter loneliness and desire for love; unseen and never missed in the wake of her departure. But then, like a twisted game of fate's design, she had been found at her weakest by someone who saw her every layer with such clarity it terrified her. Arah had seen every scared defensive habit, every dark and twisted path she'd taken, every helpless loving inch of a heart the size of the sky, and she had still smiled and wrapped that broken gypsy in a warmth that brought tears to violet seas of vision simply by recalling it. Arah had looked, and suddenly Lakota had stopped being invisible.

It had been enough to drag her weary soul by the tail back to the land she still masochistically loved. Aodaun was at her heels, even with the slow speed of her gait. It was like she was stuck in a maple's sweet liquid, numbed from pain for the first time, but mind a whirlwind of thoughts that confused and weakened her into a lost and scared filly once more. Ao knew he could not reach her, had tried despite that knowledge, and at last had quieted into heartache over being unable to protect the one he loved so deeply. Also unable to show her how precious and loved she was, show her the princess she had remained in his eyes long after her crown had toppled. Every day he sent her memories, images that shifted and glowed so slowly in his thoughts, time nearly freezing as he showed her so many portraits of herself that displayed how beautiful she was to him. If he had gained anything from her, however, it was the will to hang on and never give up until the gods and fates above forced you to. So instead the pair slipped slowly back into the land they'd won, looking like war victims, sole survivors.

It wasn't a sight any would wish to gaze upon.

Dragonsong however is a hard thing to ignore. It holds importance and abnormal beauty that catches every ear, alerts them to the powerful magic the singer had been born from. In her haze, Lakota barely catches it, turning crushed velvet orbs to to the skies meekly. She is so weak and confused, trying to sort through anger, betrayal, heartache, curiosity, hope, fear...she felt like a thousand Lakota's, all smashed up into one, but they couldn't hold the emotion they embodied and still fit within the canvas of her skin. Tinek was a brief reprieve, but also a reminder of what she had to soon face, the disrepair she'd left that only her eyes could see.

Soft sigh was the only answer given to the mercury scaled beau twirling about in the heavens, resuming her pace once more as she was guided to Ophelia's presence. Only two stand around, both with names she can't recall ever learning. It does little to soothe her. Ophelia looks just as weathered as her own countenance is sure to bear, and quietly she wonders if they could ever understand each other's individual experiences. Frostfall's chill nips her skin, Aodaun perfectly content in the weather he hailed from. Thin frame and athletic muscle is all the composes the poisoner, but with the recent turmoil of unrequited potential love (she didn't dare call it anything other than potential, for fear the pain would triple), realization of her own invisibility, and an ache for companionship that made her touch the orange clay beads at the end of her locks with teary eyes. It didn't always bring her comfort.

Hard as it was to concentrate, the actress has seen this stage before; walked its gleaming wooden floors, stared out into the darkness created by near-blinding golden lights, and performed without a single flaw to no applause. The moves are hardly difficult to recall now. None of it applies directly to her, and the bitterness over not holding the Executioner rank twinges through her stomach disturbingly. The magic of her position had slowly changed her personality, and it was her belief that magic was an energy so pure and celestial that it nearly had sentience, and so influenced the one who harnessed it. It had softened her, and she wouldn't give up her new view on the world even if she had yet to heal anyone. Another cramp of sorrow and rejection, recalling that she was so hidden that all others went to Apollo in their time of need. Logical considering he was the head of their category, but a painful sting nonetheless. Talk of contracts pricks her obsidian audits, Arah's welcoming smile nearly breaking her heart as it brushes her memories. Why had she left? Why didn't she stay, beg Arah to do the same? She could not reach her in that snowy prison, but she'd been given a teasing hint of salvation and ached for it now. Ktulu's smirking features followed right behind that still photo from her mind, irises alight with play as they shamelessly flirted with one another. Of course, the new shake in her knees and tightness in her breast was not enough. Thayne's sheepish, handsome smile and soothing timbre voice rolled over her next, and she wished that her nearing breaking point could have chosen a better time to occur. Not a herd meeting where her weakness and disgusting example of crumpling could be seen by all.

Body does not betray her other than the faintness of her head and quake of her knees. It keeps her regal and seemingly normal on the outside, for once giving her a break. The season has always hated her delicate frame, the one she acquired from her granddam and not the perfect swell of elegance and strength that had gone to her paler siblings. Lately she had been unable to eat, chest too tight and mind too crazy. Weight dropped off her like water, the little she'd possessed beforehand. Did that only increase her look of fragility? Did it betray her to her herdmates, show that she was too weak in the face of emotions when so strong in the face of danger?

Ophelia is as eloquent as she remembers, but the proud pose the Poisoner holds does not move in recognition of her words. Let Hana come to me, she pleads internally. I need her. Please, I need my baby sister. I can't do this alone anymore, and even in her thoughts her mental voice cracks with emotion. Pray let her see how I've fallen. Let her catch me as family should, but as this family around me does not. I just want my sister. Subtly her eyes shift, looking for the pale mixed canvas she knows like the back of her eyelids. To anyone else it would be hardly noticeable. To Hana, it will show every shred of terror and panic that lingers just beneath the surface. Frighteningly thin form shudders into motion, words crawling from her throat without her permission. When they spill, the purring chocolate tones are missing, replaced instead by quiet resignation. "Other than patrols, as healers and executioners have no magical ability to aid those creating a wall, what is asked of us?" If nothing, the vixen would be leaving the borders more often, though not in hopes of becoming an outcast. Only enough to somehow bury the pain she felt when encountering someone she could not avoid.

Internally, she fervently prayed that this Frostfall would be the one to waste her away, turn her skeletal-goal form into nothingness so that she may die a reasonable death. Eternal slumber is an almost impossible temptation when you've been broken enough that you're less than half the person you'd started out as. Like thinning ice, instead of fearing if the next break or crack would bring the end, she had reached a reserved acceptance of it. Maybe she would regret it, her life force extinguishing. Maybe, it would be the escape she so desperately needed.

If only she didn't have so many she'd leave behind whom she loved so fiercely and eternally.

“What do we any of us have but our illusions? And what do we ask of others but that we be allowed to keep them?”
― W. Somerset Maugham

RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - Ktulu - 06-08-2013

With Ranjiri tucked close by her side, for once, Ktulu followed the silver beacon in the sky that was leading her to her sister, she assumed. Upon arriving she took her place at her sister's side half listening to her and half listening to the whispered complaints of her hungry child. While Ophelia spoke and the herd gathered around them she turned her head and nudged her daughter closer and, eventually, Ranjiri's head disappeared under her mother's flank and she began to drink greedily. Her small tail waggled back and forth and her wings flapped, smacking her dam's side. Downy feathers rustled softly and small cloven hooves clapped against the ground occasionally as she stamped them while she drank.

With her daughter content Ktulu looked out at the crowd that had gathered. Immediately she found Lakota. Muscles tensed as she held herself in place rather than walk to her poisoner to stand with her. How Lakota had managed to worm her way into her heart, Ktulu was still trying to figure out. Among the gathering see of faces was her mother's. It was strange seeing her mother without her father nearby and she felt a tinge of bitterness toward the stallion she had once idolized. He'd abandoned his family. His daughters, his mate, his grandchildren. For what? His skewed sense of honor?

Her head turned at Ophelia's mention of a wall and she nodded. "I would also like weapons fashioned for defense of our land should an invasion be in the future." She added in. One could never be too careful, right? Beside her Ranjiri had finally finished drinking and turned, licking her lips, and looked out that the crowd. She grinned and danced forward on skinny, toothpick legs. "Hello, everyone!" The young filly said happily. "I'm Ranjiri." For anyone who cared to know.

RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - Hana - 06-09-2013

I don't preach or scream ain't trying to teach the scene,
The only guidelines are those you need to read between.

She had been almost silent since her fight with Lakota. The mixed pallet had settled comfortably into the foothills and while her punishment still hung over her head, nothing would send her running from this home. Her tears had long since dried, her fighting and stubborn side was all that lived now. It may had only been a short amount of time, but she had become fiercely protective for her older sister. The crumbling soul that needed her baby sister to carry her. After every thing that Lakota had done for her, Hana didn't care in the slightest. In fact she wanted to do it. Where had Lakota gotten to though? Hana hadn't seen her sister in a while and the young dame assumed that she had run off somewhere wanting to escape the shadows that she constantly lived in. Hana had ended up standing by a tree, the ground was frozen, Frostfall was truly upon them. She was searching for her dark sister, whose pelt would easily show against the pale snow. Worry upset her stomach making her feel nauseous, desperation upset her mood. Hana found herself turning in a slow circle while her ruby eyes searched. No where did she spot her sister's dark hide, no where did she magically appear from. So it was going to have to be a search on foot. Before she had even taken a step though, Ophelia's dragon Tinek, flew above her, and she noticed a few other's following him. A small smile played on her chops before she began to follow him as well. He was such an amazing creature.

Seeing the other's following him, Hana guessed that it was time for a herd meeting. Interested in the purpose of the meeting and hopeful she would find her sister there, Hana walked quickly to where they where gathering. She stopped and smiled in general at everyone that had gathered. The relief filled her as her eyes settled on the coat that she knew better than her own. Lakota was here, Lakota was safe. Her sister, the one person she would happily die for. She walked quickly to her sister's side, she was careful to give Ktulu a wide berth, not wanting to risk her life today. She pressed her muzzle to her sister's neck. Hana then looked into Lakota's eye and did a quick assessment of her sister. She saw past her sister's acting, the pain and darkness lurked. But there was something different in her eyes. Was it hope? Hana frowned at her sister, she seemed to be at different ends of the emotional scale all at once. "We will talk about it after this, okay?" It was a soft whisper intended only for her sister. Then her bright ruby eyes settled on Ophelia, however her mind rested with her sister still. Worry. That was all Hana felt after reading her sister's eyes. What was plaguing her mind now? But more importantly what had changed her sisters sadness, what had given her hope?

She did not feel the need to add in anything to everything that was already mentioned. She had no questions to ask and was quite content just listening in to everyone speaking. In all honesty when her sisters question was answered, so would Hana's. Her eyes fluttered down to the little filly that introduced herself as Ranjiri and Hana chuckled. "How adorable." Hana murmured to no one in particular. Little babies where so adorable, Hana was eager for the day that she would have her own children.


RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - Peixos - 06-09-2013

let the sky fall, when it crumbles, we will stand tall
The Foothills had become a harbor of snow. It blanketed the grasses leeching away the sun, burying the sea of strands under the cold that browned them. The trees were stripped bare and exposed to their last strip of gangly bark, a sheet of protection that could blow away at the gust of a nostril. The world seemed to turn away from the sun and gravitate to a whisk of hollow wind in the emptiness of space. It was cold but cold seemed only to be the absence of heat.

My coat grew long, Shire fibers extending out inches from my barrel, hanging pallid as the snow. I’d lightened surprisingly over the years, nearly white now as gunmetal ringlets danced ring-around-the-rosie on my neck and haunches. My knees were the darkest part of me, nearly black on the joints. My mane clung to me in thick tassels, connected only by warm static. I swished my tail in the absence of wind. I buried my nose in the northern Foothill snow, searching out the preserved grass strands under my progression of wall rocks. It was bitter and weak over my tongue, requiring few chews to thaw the frost. It was still nourishment.

Raimo circled the trees, blue scales shining deeply against the morning sky. He dove and showed me a badger sipping the blood of a dead dove and to follow, the crack of his spine. ‘Thanks,’ I said mentally, lifting my head from the uncovered grasslets. The way he ate horrified me, starting with the head, wringing the neck, and shaking the parts he couldn’t swallow whole. Raimo could be a disgusting creature – the way he sought a good laugh at my sick reactions. I swallowed, and forcibly ate more winter foliage.

The Foothills had gradually become home. The sea of hills were waves that didn’t move and my life felt at place with them. It was definitely an oasis for horses of all kinds to live. This was the dividing wall of separation between Adalwulf’s boundary and ours. Equality was strange, but it worked. From the great grassy hills, to the spillage of mountain run off, to the great lake, the Foothills reminded me of my short days in the Emerald Valley where I first met Aërwen.

The blue screeched from the trees and without anything but simple instinct, I hauled myself through the snow to his side. The trees blurred past and my eyes found him perched on the root of an oak, soaked in a thorough amount of badger blood as Tinek, with great manner helped himself. I stopped, nerves flooding with a fainting amount of relief. ‘What the hell, Raimo?’ My eyes grew dark with anguish and I nudged him with my muzzle, slapping the cold strands of my tail at my barrel. ‘Tinek is here!’ His brown eyes smiled at me. I glared back, expression saying ‘no shit,’ and like a kid he kept smiling. I sighed impatiently.

“What is it Tinek? Does Ophelia need my assistance?”

‘It’s a herd meeting,’ Raimo answered mentally.

“Oh, a herd meeting then.” What a creative way to tell us.

I felt bad for the poor creature, running his bonded’s errands. It was bad enough having to inform every herd member that they were to report. I looked at the blue and he looked back. My eyes rolled to the half-eaten waste of badger and he chirped, telling me that he’d eat it on the way. ‘Not on my back you won’t,’ I thought, glancing to the blood oozing from the creature’s chest. ‘I’ll fly.’

I trotted inland, Raimo soaring above me, munching his badger leg. Instead of staying with me at the herd meeting, he flew to the lake to carefully clean up. I emerged from the trees, picking my way down the snow bank to where I saw the red-tipped mare. Others had gathered, and I walked past the kind Osiris, smiling to him fondly. Without the help of his wolves, Raimo would’ve never existed. I made my way toward the center of the gathering, hanging near an inky male I’d never seen. He was truly regal in his appearance, reminding me much of the moon. I halted squarely, dipping my head to Ophelia and Ktulu. They both began to speak with great brevity and I was surprised of the length. I dipped my head when the white mare spoke of an extension of the wall to the northern end. It would be smart to block the Basin winds from creeping in.

Finding a time to speak, I gathered my breath. “Yes Ophelia. Donovan and I have been working slowly in these months, however if a wall to the northern border is what you wish, I will insure that your wish is granted.” Where I lay as a crafter was not where I’d intended my hooves to be. With Raimo’s diligent help, I tried to keep positive about the Grey, remind myself that my past should be forgotten.
background pattern by Patrick Hoesly @ flickr.com
codes by whit

RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - Casimir - 06-09-2013

Alone today in the Foothills, the stallion was starting to wonder what his purpose in life would be. He had nothing to do in this land, and thought his main family was here, the Grey was further from being his family than he would like. Since he had been accepted, he had done nothing for them. Perhaps that should change. He stood, and as he was about to walk, he felt something touch his back. He turned his head to see what it was, and it was a dragon. Colored silver and red, almost like his mistress, he remembered this dragon belonging to Ophelia, one of the leaders of this land. Upon their eyes meeting, the dragon flapped his wings, moving his head and moving in the direction opposite to where Casimir was facing. What was going on? He turned to face the dragon, a question on his lips, that perhaps the dragon would understand.

"What is little one? Do you want me to follow you?"

The dragon nodded in response, and it was with careful movement that he followed, with another sentence on his lips. "Please go slow, I cannot see very well, and I wish not to fall and hurt myself too much." So they slowly traveled, and Tinek helped make sure that Casimir did not hurt himself along the way. He always said thank you to the little dragon, and he liked him very much. It was nice that he would be so kind to help the almost blind draft through this land that was almost unfamiliar to his eyes, though he doubted it would ever be familiar since it was mostly covered with plants. The snow made it more difficult, and it took a little while for him to reach the group of other horses, with Ophelia at the front. He heard some horses talking about some things, but he guessed he had missed a lot of the meeting. He heard a draft talk of the wall, and that interested him, though he had to bring up his own concerns.

"Miss Ophelia, I would like to say something if you will. I have done nothing throughout these past few months since I have called this place my home, and I would like to change that. Would it be possible if I patrolled the borders? I have some fighting experience, but I'm rusty. I would still like to serve my family in any way possible, and I will do whatever you wish of me."

RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - Hototo - 06-09-2013


our hearts beat in time with the earth.

The silver dragon with crimson tipped horns, Tinek, was the first thing I saw as I opened my bicolored eyes. Bear had been standing at my side most of the morning as I took little naps. Adventuring was hard work for a growing boy, in case you were unaware. I have listened well to mother's advice and have taken my friend with me whenever I leave now. She is more interested in the newest addition to our family, Ranjiri. I have always longed for a sibling, much like mother and Ophelia. I was only slightly disappointed to find that it was a girl, for I am terribly awful at speaking with them. I have found, however, that my sister is far less scary than the other fillies I have met.

Ranjiri looks like mother but with wings, carved with beautiful gold like Midas. I do not know how I could possibly be scared of a mix of my two favorite adults. Instead, there is a growing fire in my chest that tells me to protect her. I am barely able to do it now, all uneven muscle and long limbs, but I will grow into a warrior worthy of guarding her from the darkness of the world.

Anyway, back to Tinek.

I am quite startled to see the silver dragon at first, but Bear quickly deciphers what he wants, and we follow obediently behind. After several minutes, we come into a clearing with several faces I knew well, and others I am still rather uncomfortable around. Spotting mother and my beloved sister, I quickly trot up to their side. The childish nuzzling of her shoulder has ceased, but I do extend a soft muzzle to the little one, along with the glimmer of a smile. "Nuna," I coo before turning my attention to the many speakers - first of all, Ophelia.

I do not understand much about what she speaks, for I have long lived with my eyes on the world and my head in the clouds. The word that grasps my attention, however, is contract. I do not know of the Basin, never having traveled to it myself. I am aware there are other herds aside from the Dragon's Throat and Foothills, but I have little interest in learning of them. However, this contract appears to affect us all. Am I the only one who is troubled by this?

"Mother," I say quietly, bi-colored eyes looking up at her through pale lashes. "What is a contract? What is Ophelia talking about?"


RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - Circe - 06-10-2013

any moment soon you'll be so unhappy
because you will finally know that
you were born to make me fight
There was no need for the silver dragon to intrude upon Circe’s wandering thoughts in order for the dark mare to arrive at the meeting. It was her duty to journey to the heart of their fair lands—and so the shadowmere complied with the wishes of her Pale Lady, and arrived to the gathering of her fellows.

Her normally proud head was lowered, the shaggy forelock of her mane shielding her eyes from view. They were particularly leaky, the beat of her heart raw and sensitive as she stood upon the Foot Hills territory. Upon her flank sat the tinkling light of a firefly, dimly glimmering in the white of the snow-topped fields. A faint sense of guilt riddled the conscious of the shadowmere; did she shackle the poor creature in order to soothe the aches of her own wounds? The tiny creature had offered her its powers of healing, it was true, but Circe wondered vaguely when she would be able to forgo the crutch of its gift. She didn’t want her own homelands to inflict this kind of pain upon her.

Her eyes flicked upwards briefly, ears swiveling as she listened to her liege’s words and the advising given by her present fellows. The sight of young children made her heart swell with a gentle warmth, a warmth that was all too grating upon her healing wounds, as flames held much too close to an open laceration. Still, their innocence forced a smile to bend the lines of her mouth, and it gave her the tiniest nudge to give her two cents to her fellows.

“My Ladies, Pale and Dark,” she started, eyes still averted and her gravelly voice as mist in the chill-laden air, “The Threshold is stirring overmuch this season, with strangers and walking shadows alike. We shall beware them.” With a deep breath, she considered her words a moment more before opening her maw again. “I will go where needed, I will fight when called.” With that affirmation, the shadowmere dropped her head again and forced herself to stay amidst the company of her shield mates. She must not abandon them now; she was stronger than that.



RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - Apollo - 06-10-2013

A warm trilling echoed through the cold air, and it was by that sound that Apollo lifted his head, a frozen chunk of ice and snow resting between the stallion's lips. He had been chewing on the ice, the cool sensation rather pleasant to his tongue and doing wonders to quench his thirst. Despite how very thirsty he was, the last thing that Apollo wanted to do was venture out in the snowfall to the river, puncture the thick ice that covered the stream, and then drink from there, all the while being snowed on... No, this was much better. Here, the horned stag was standing beneath a thick collectiong of pine trees, their heavily-bristled branches doing wonders to keep the overo free from most of the snow. It was meager and rather pathetic, and the pines oftentimes scratched at his sides, but... It was better than being out in the cold.

Still, as the trill floated through the air, Apollo's honey-brown orbs searched for the maker of the sound, only to spot Tinek drifting towards him moments later. Tinek...? What did he want? Was Ophelia alright? Surely she was, or else the Medic imagined that Tinek would not be so playful or leisure in his approach. Another trill floated through the air, and Apollo chuckled, daring to venture out from his hiding place. Muzzle lifted upwards, he called out to the white dragon.

"Tinek! Why are you out in the snow? Where's Ophelia?"

At his inquiry, Tinek drifted closer, seemingly unbothered by the snow. Apollo marvelled at his courage and determination, and the dragon let out another chirping trill, and turned, obviously wanting Apollo to follow. The stallion hesitated, turning to look back at his safe place nestled in the pine trees before releasing a rough breath and hurrying after the dragon. If Ophelia needed him, then he would go, no matter the weather. As he made his journey, eyes squinting against the falling snow, the white powder began to settle upon his back. The shaggy, ebony fur of the steed's winter coat absorbed the cold and helped fight against the melting snow, and his pace remained at a brisk trot as he followed after the wayward dragon.

Of course, it didn't take terribly long for Apollo to arrive at the meeting, his pace faltering as he eyed each individual who had already arrived. The overo spotted Lakota, his fellow Earth Medic, Mesec, young Roskuld, Hototo, Osiris, Peixos, Circe, and a few others who Apollo had yet to formally meet. Ktulu was there with her youngest, Ranjiri, and of course, standing at rapt attention, was Ophelia. Amber eyes glanced around in furtive silence, as if contemplating on where he should stick himself... Then, allowing his eyes to rest upon Mesec, the Moon Child, the medic ventured towards him.

He wasn't familiar with the yearling dressed in darkness, but they had crossed paths more than a few times, and there was a somber, almost downtrodden gentleness to him that Apollo felt a strange kinship to. His pace was slow, almost lethargic, and he paused on the other side of the Moon Child, for young Roskuld was currently using the yearling as a leaning post. A chuckle crossed the stallion's maw and he shook his head, and reached over to gently brush the crest of Mesec's neck with his muzzle in greeting.

As he did, Apollo's eyes turned once more to Ophelia, and he listened intently at her words. Ears swiveled forward, then tipped to the side in curiosity. A pact with the Basin...? How strange. There was surely more to this than was being spoken, but the Medic knew his place; it wasn't his right to ask. Instead, he swallowed a large breath of air, held it for a few moments, then spoke. His voice wavered slightly, as he was unused to speaking in such large groups, but...

"I will do as I can, as well. If I am needed on these... Patrols," here, the medic's tone faltered. It was no secret that he did not prefer violence. "Then I will accompany my brothers in arms. Or, if perhaps I can be of use in another way, I am open to any ideas."


RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - Phaedra - 06-10-2013

"Common, pull!"

Phae's breath exhaled sharply from her chest, as she hissed the order at Murdock. Between the two of them, in a cleverly woven net of vines and branches, Phae and her accomplice had drug a body from the Deep Woods, all the way to the Foothills. Her sooty flanks were covered in sweat, and her neck and back ached painfully. The spy was built for speed and seduction, not for hard manual labour. Even with Murdock's assistance, moving Tio had been a chore. Had Phae fought in the invasion, rather than staying with her foals and her prisoner, she would have recognized Tharos as the one who knocked Tio out. Regardless, the two had looked on as Tio, once heralded by all of Helovia as a threat, was knocked down unconscious. Phae, who had been following him for days, and who on that afternoon, had brought Murdock to help, had pounced on the opportunity to bring Tio under the attention of the Grey.

With a cry from the skies, Stella swooped low, darting in front of Ophelia's face, before circling round to where a sweaty Phae, Murdock, and their unconscious prisoner, appeared. "Oh look, sugar" Phae grunted, nudging Tio's brindled and unmoving back, as she dropped the vine she was using to pull him from her mouth.
"Phi's arranged a welcoming party. Just for little- (nudge) "-old-" (nudge) "-you."

Breathlessly, Phae spread her wings, luxuriously fanning her creamy mane away from her sweat-soaked shoulders. Her cheeks were coloured a dusty crimson from the effort, and the moisture had made her mane tangle and curl in a wild and chaotic swirl. Glancing at the group after a moment, Phae smiled brilliantly, shooting a particularly lingering glance towards Apollo.

As her oddly-patterned wings folded once again to her sides, you might notice a certain....sparkle all around Phae. It was a shimmer, almost perceivable only out of the corner of ones eye, that radiated and fell from points of starlight, seemingly woven into her mane and tail. Triumphantly, Stella landed upon the unconscious Tio, trilling smugly.

[Just to keep things moving, and so that the whole herd knows, this is a continuation of Tio's capture. He was stolen via the stealth board before Loon's absence. As such, Phae is only 'just' capturing him now. thread.
Can we also assume Rae and Verm are here as well? ]

Image Credits

RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - Atka - 06-11-2013

[Image: jt0ttw.png]

Lost in thought in the middle of knee high grasses, the stallion's bright eyes stared at nothing. His mind was in the process of trying to make sense of racism. We are all beautiful children of the Gods, are we not? A silver swish through the air brought him back to life, blue eyes watching the long object dart around. Then, it appeared to be a dragon. Ears cocked forward, watching the small reptile as he seemed to motion onward. Trustfully the draft followed, plodding along behind the silver creature. Soon enough, it darted toward the ivory mare that was fringed with red.

He plodded in a few steps, standing near a beautiful palomino mare. Long black tail swished back and forth a few times, then falling to a stand still between each stocky leg. The white mare welcomed the herd members, her voice proud but sweet. She continued on, every one seeming to listen with intent ears. Still listening, the male shifted his antlered skull, taking in the many faces of the group. He spotted Apollo, the kind stallion that brought him here, and gave a warm smile. Atka's attention quickly moved back to the mare that every one seemed to be calling Ophelia. She must have been the leader, the Cheiftess of the land.

Finally, it was his turn to speak. "Miss Ophelia," the gentle stallion dipped his head in honor, raising it back up before continuing "I am rather new, so none of you know me. But I am Atka. I do not want to sit aside while my herd protects each other, so whatever I can do, I will." Pink lips shut with a warm grin, hoping that no one would mind his small introduction during business hours.

[Summary: For those that don't want to read through all that crap; he introduces himself and says he will do anything he can to help his herd.]
"blah blah blah." think think think

RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - Janus - 06-11-2013

I'm Right Where I Should Be, Don't Try and Fix Me
Perhaps it was by pure chance that Janus stumbled upon the collection of members of the Grey. She had been wandering that day, uncaring of the frosty snow that fell upon her back, a lost and glazed look to her ice-blue eyes. This was her new home, yes, but Janus found it hard to settle without purpose. She felt no connection to those who stood a ways off, gathered around the beautiful alabaster mare with dual-colored eyes. No... The Grey was now her family, yes, but emotionally she felt no connection to them. Aside from Fence, but...

The war-mare's blue eyes searched for the Trotter's familiar frame, searching the collection of dedicated souls for the familiar tufts of ivory locks that were barely held into their once-pristine braids. There was no sign of him, and idly, the mare wondered just where Fence was. Janus didn't know if she should approach this band of close-knit mercenaries, but... She wasn't a coward, and the last thing that she wanted to do was appear intimidated or fearful by the Grey. What did she have to be afraid of? They were her kin now, her brothers in arms. Inhaling deeply and keeping that breath contained, Janus counted to three before releasing it. A swirl of mist floated from her nostrils, dancing around in the frigid air before rising and disappearing.

Squaring her shoulders, Janus ventured forward, cream-kissed hooves crunching the snow beneath her body. The Andalusian's ivory coat shone once more, as she had managed to wash the mud from her hide, but she cared not a lick for it. A war mount is what she had been raised to be, so she cared little about 'beauty' or 'appearance.' The strands of her tail flicked left, then right, before resting comfortably against the backs of her legs.

As she drew closer, Janus paused near the back of the group. What, indeed, woul they think of her? Was she truly even a part of the Grey right now, or just a bumbling outcast who had little relation? Ice-blue orbs sought out those around her, taking them all in, cataloging every detail of her soon-to-be family... Perhaps not too long from now, she could get to know them.

Turning her gaze to Ophelia, Janus waited until she was certain that no one else was going to speak before she opened her maw, forcing the words to come. Her vocals shook with light trepidation, but the Andalusian pushed past it, forcing her tone to shift and alter, to appear strong and bold. To appear the way she once was, before the wars in Vallhea had left her bitter and broken. Head lifting high, the war-mare's eyes remained locked on the blue and red orbs of Ophelia.

Please, Riveth, give me strength.

"Lady Ophelia... Lady Ktulu... I am new as well to your band, and I fear that I have met none other than your own Lev Fence. It was he who found me and brought me here, to your home... And I wish to offer my services to you in any way that I can. These patrols that you speak of... I am a soldier, my Ladies, and it would be an honor to fight for your family."

[ooc: Janus has yet to be accepted into the Grey, so I hope that I can have her rank changed by having her arrive here? :D Also, I'm hoping for a fighting rank for her...]

xxx words

RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - Irrydae - 06-12-2013


A weight on the withers of the Storyteller awoke her, where she had been sleeping in the cave of her pool. Golden eyes looked sleepily at the silver and red dragon who stared at her. She yawned, grumbling as she stood up. "Let me guess- a herd meeting?" It was a rhetorical question, of course that's what it meant. Irrydae looked out at the snowy landscape before her, not wanting to leave the warmth of her shelter. She sighed and watch Tinek fly off, shaking her mane as she stepped out into the cold.

Winter wind instantly sliced through her pelt and she clenched her teeth, pulling her wings in tightly. Dusted gold hooves puncturing the snow and leaving a trail that was easy to follow. It was so much harder to go unnoticed in Frostfall. Irrydae fell into a canter, stretching her legs as she ran. It did not take long for gold orbs to catch sight of others in their travel, following them to Ophelia.

The Storyteller slowed as she reached to group, many already here. Her eyes quickly scanned the group for Evers or Donovan but did not see either of them, so she stood alone, off to the side and near the front. Irrydae's face was as usual, her calm mask as she listened to the word's coming from The Forsaken, her thoughts wishing that Frostfall could be over already and the warm weather back. 'I would like for my spies to start venturing beyond our borders and return anything they find. Knowledge is power, and you never know what is important until that moment when you are not fully paying attention,' Irrydae nodded, choosing to speak once everyone had said what they needed to. What kind of information was Ophelia after, exactly?

She then spoke of a contract with the Basin and Irry couldn't help but think of Voodoo, who had been so blatantly racist towards other kinds when she had been hidden in the brush and listening to him talk to Myrah. A smile grew across Irry's face when Ranjiri came forward to introduce herself and a light laugh escaped her lips. She was so precious.

After the Chieftess's were done talking it seemed like everyone had something to say. Irrydae remained silent while everyone else said their piece. If she was needed, they could address her.

talk talk talk"
 spin around me like a dream...
c@rlijones @ flickr.com

RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - Evers - 06-14-2013

Evers the Able
We're just two little street angels with dirty faces

Evers stared nervously towards the herd meeting. The last time he'd been in one he had quite ceremoniously thrown his title and left the King of Thieves to lead the Foothills. He often wondered if that was the right thing to do, did they think he'd abandoned them? Maybe. Yet, Evers could not see his place next to Jackal, the young stallion was headstrong and the prospect of ruling jointly with him was rather unappealing. His brothers had left and he was all alone, the herd at the time seemed to want him to lead and Evers had taken the decision he thought was right at the time. The blue smiled once, if the young boys ego had allowed room for him to lead alongside, maybe the scholarly stud could have helped the child. That was in the past now, however, and Evers must do his best for the new and rejuvenated Foothills lead by The Grey. Taking in a deep breath, he began his steps towards the gathered horses, walking towards the front to stand next to Irrydae. Smiling kindly at her when he arrived before turning his attention to Ophelia.

He listened carefully, taking each bit of information and turning it through the vaults of his mind. Intrigued by the new laws of the land this mercenary band had introduced, the band he now called family, he began to see the role he might very well be able to fulfil for the herd. Before he could raise his voice, a yip on the wind caught his attention and Evers watched as the baby form of Rita bounded into the meeting, jogging happily to her bonded's side before watching Tinek with an expression of pure wonder. The skinny roan chuckled quietly, happy to have her presence at his side.

Turning his attention back to the two Chieftesses, a picture of contradicting colours, he wondered if they felt the same pressure standing there as figureheads for a large family. A large responsibility on quite youthful shoulders though Evers admired the respect they had claimed over those who followed them and so when the blue spoke, he graciously dipped his head to the pair. "My Lieges." He said at first to both of them before turning his head to Ophelia. "It has been a while since I have seen you Ophelia, it's an honour to see you again. Your sister tells me you command the intelligence, I would be grateful for the chance to serve this land once, however I think this time it's best I serve from the shadows? If you will have me" he left the question in the air. A spy. Evers had never fulfilled such a role before, but the more he thought about it the more it appealed to him. He already spent most of his time information gathering on subjects that interested him and he knew the wilds well from the time with his brothers.

Evers fell silent for the remainder of the meeting then, awaiting whatever for whatever Ophelia's decision would be.

[Requested rank change.
Name: Evers the Able
Current Rank: Unranked
Desired Rank: Shadow

RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - Locket - 06-14-2013

Locket chased after the silver dragon, Ophelia's bonded was summoning them to a meeting and the panda boy didn't want to be late. Like he normally was. It was hard to be swift on the soggy ground, the mud tried to claim hooves and suck them down into the sticky muck. He managed at a fair pace, however, arriving just in time to the gathering as his pale Chieftess was about to speak. Sideling in to stand at the edge of the meeting. Nostrils flaring from the hard work of ploughing across the herd land. Lobes touched in frost flicked forward and the vagabond listened to the news, frowning at the thought of helping a herd who had such a dubious reputation. He shrugged the doubts from his mind, Locket was here to serve and if he was ordered to go to war then he would go to war. The boy was a warrior after all, Archibald had taught him how to fight hard, he would not disgrace his master by letting doubts plague his mind.

When Ophelia had finished others raised their voices, some asking what their tasks were to be and others wanting a role to fulfill. Locket admired every one of them and was proud to stand beside them as a friend and ally. He was finally happy that the Foothills was going in a much better direction, it seemed the land he had come to adore had a future after all. He would protect it forever.

He lastly turned his attention curiously to Phaedra's prisoner, a brindled stallion who had been on their hit list for some time and wondered how he was captured. Was it by force? Or was it Phaedra's dazzling looks that snared him? Both were possible and the last one quite amused him. Turning back to the meeting he nodded his head to his Leads to show he understood the task before him. He would defend his family with his life. "Understood!" Was the only word he uttered in compliance. He needn't say anymore, he knew his task.

[ack, short post is short. ><]

And I took you by the hand
And we stood tall,
And remembered our own land,
What we lived for.

RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - Rafe - 06-14-2013

Because no one else here will save you and I will replace you

The blood stallion walked into the fray like a whisper of death through a town of desolation. He did not except to turn heads, but rather go unseen - the hearse driver, not the hearse. Cold, blue eyes stared with calculating indifference at those who gathered, finding them more and more childish with every word spoken. Their hopes and dreams were too grandiose and too naive in a world where violence and action was the language to speak. Ophelia seemed to understand this to a certain degree, but even as she spoke, he sensed a certain hopeless sense of morality in her words.

Morality was always relative. Murder? Accidental death? Just killing? Too often, the words were tossed around from different points of view. He learned to ignore the bullshit. He had his own code, broken and cold as it was, and he would follow it justly. The vows he made upon his own, dead soul were ones he chose to live by, and so he would not be tempted to break them. In all ways, they were a way for self preservation.

I do not learn with my passions. He who learns with his passions is doomed to indecision. I learn with my mind.

I do not hunt with my thoughts. He who hunts with his thoughts as forgotten the pathway before them. I hunt with my eyes.

I do not kill with my horns. He who kills with their horns kill indiscriminately. I kill with my heart.

A simple code, written in blood by the mind of one who has made all such mistakes, but it was his. Rafe had nothing to offer the meeting. He had no qualms or words of desire and out reach for contact. What he chased was violence, and only when violence arrived would he be satisfied. "I will be here when the contract needs me," he rumbled, cold eyes sweeping those who gathered before turning toward the border. He was not one to waste time.

RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - Murdock - 06-16-2013

Murdock’s hooves dug into the soft snow as he forced all his weight into the makeshift net, grunting against the mass of their load. His partner, Phaedra, pulled alongside him, dragging the unconscious body of Tio through the knee deep powder toward where the rest of the herd was gathered. The executioner and the spy had been sent to the Deep Forest to locate and capture the Grey’s long time enemy, who now lay on the entanglement of vines and branches after being knocked out cold by his own vengeful son.

He curved his neck against the mass of their prisoner as he continued to pull, his dark coat glistening with sweat from the journey. The Foothills was not far from the forest, but the distance felt twenty times longer when pulling a weight such as they were. Several times Murdock had begged for a break to catch his breath, after having attempted to shoulder most of the weight in a gentlemanly gesture. However, the cold air of Frostfall still burned his lungs and frosted his breath, and stopping for any great length of time gave them no advantages.

Finally, the dark mass of the herd had appeared before them in a sheltered vale behind the mountain, and Murdock had eagerly quickened his pace as they neared their leaders. Finally, they were able to drop the ropes and settle alongside the captive, relieved of their transport duties and free to take a rest. The executioner smiled broadly at both his leaders, lightly fanning his sides with his wings as attention was turned toward them. He was pleased to have successfully carried out a task for his herd, and after a job well done he was all too eager to return to the cliffs for the night.

Murdock directed his attention toward the sisters at the head of the group, listening intently as Ophelia spoke to them about the contract with the Basin and the need to defend their borders. He watched as other members of the herd entered, both those he was familiar with and those he did not yet know. Both chieftesses had foals at their sides, and Murdock smiled as the young filly with Ktulu introduced herself to the herd. He was not so brave as a child, despite being the son of a leader, but he admired her confidence as it was always something he had longed to have. Despite the cold of the season, Frostfall had turned the Foothills into a beautiful gallery of ice and silver trees, and it reminded him of the home he left behind.

"talk talk talk"

Wind me up, put me down
Start me off and watch me go

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