HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun

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Beginning, middle, end… My life has never reached such a point. I feel as if I am still waiting to start the first chapter to my life, my story, my everlasting tale. I breathe in and out and then lose myself.

This is only the beginning.

Frostfall has come and coated my world in snow and ice, but I enjoy it. It is peaceful and beautiful and most of all, it is wild. It makes me feel alive and jubilant because it twists my nerves with cold fingers that turn my blood to ice and my mind to silence. I do not think and I do not worry, I only feel.

As I press through the snowy drifts of the Edge, I begin to realize how little I truly know about it or how it came to be. The pieces are foreign and better left broken because I fear that I will not know how to cope with the answers. I am unsure of many things; furthermore I am ill-informed… I have heard news of Torasin’s death on the breeze, but it is not something that I have encountered first-hand. How will I take it… once his passing has been confirmed? We were close, but not close enough… We were family, but we were not friends. I fear that I am discovering some disconnect that has threatened to overcome me for some time. I long to know the answers… but am I strong enough to survive them?

Everything feels lost to me.

I don’t know what’s been going on around me other than the changing of the seasons. Have I simply fallen off the ledge and accepted my fate as a mere outsider to the family that had once held me together? Would it be best for everyone if I took leave, a break… anything to soothe the confusion? I needed the Dragon Queen if I planned to rise from the ashes of my imaginary flames. She would once again save me from the doubt and delusions that cloud my uncertain mind. I needed her light and her guidance…

Or perhaps I needed nothing at all.

Perhaps I only needed to drop away from all that made me uncertain. But why would I ever let my cowardice get in the way of something that I was once so adamant about? I needed an intervention of sorts or a kick in the ass. Whatever the case, I needed to take action even if it killed me.

The cold breeze began to wind around my face, moving the thick chords from side to side as I lifted my song to the skies above. I sought a meeting with the Dragon Queen. The slender wings along my back shifted in the cold as I waited, knowing that when she arrived she would be just as whimsical as the day I met her. She was rightfully born to rule; I could see it in the way she moved. Had it always been so easy or was I meant to struggle, meant to learn and grow from accepting a position of power… I had been given this life and now that it had begun to shape its way around me like a fitted cloak, I fear that I have begun to feel its restrictions- which naturally does not sit well with me, being that I am a pretty hefty creature in retrospect.

When I look to the skies again, I imagine that I see a golden dragon upon the current through the snow. But alas, it is only my imagination and I realize that I feel no shame in asking for help… In fact, I should have done it sooner.

RE: THE FALLLEN; TO RISE AGAIN [MIRAGE] - Mirage - 06-14-2013

Solitary confinement. It was enforced by the mare herself, the default reaction she had when she was faced with a pain that ran deeper than flesh alone. Cloaked in an illusion that only allowed snippets of her inky form to be spied at a time, the mare lingered in the shadows, the darkness of the forest, the same sort of environment she had been born into. None could console her, even the presences of her mate and children were met with feigned peace, something that took great effort, but was ultimately good for her. The struggle to contain that strange, unstable sensation of darkness coated with flames had been lifelong; it had broken free at random intervals, despite her determination to control it.

There was one saving grace to her terrible tormented thoughts.


How many years had the dragon been by her side? The little golden one knew her bonded almost better then she knew herself, she cradled the shadow mare's soul in her own gleaming one, supporting it, carrying it, refusing to let it succumb to the torment of her own inner demons.

You are needed.
How did I come to be this?
You have always been a dragon, a queen.
What if I don't want to be?
You would forsake your kin?
I am tired of love.

And so the conversation went on, with the dragon consoling her bondmate with direct, loaded questions and the little shadowmare responding with dull, dry snippets in return. Akaith did everything she could to help the mare, but it was impossible to scratch at the surface of her depression, her grief, so consumed by it she was. Dead, Akaith. Torasin and Solstice… As if the little dragon needed reminding, for the common thought that kept on appearing in her bonded's mind was that image of blood on a golden and ivory pelt, the lifeless stare that peered from the vacant emerald eyes, the still, cold, stiff little body of the brown dragon that laid on top… The golden dragon, flying low and slow above her bonded, would swiftly shut the thoughts out, blocking them from both her and Mirage's mind.. But they kept on resurfacing, breaking through the shield the dragon kept remaking, threatening again and again to drown the mare and bondmate alike in sorrowful depression.

This must stop.
There is a cliff I could leap off without summoning my wings.
You know I would never allow that.
I know.
So stop thinking about it.
You know as well as I do how.. Impossible, that is right now.
It is not impossible.

With a surprising, immense display of power, the dragon then landed upon her bonded's nape, tail lashing ungently across her spine, claws clinging to the silken tendrils of black mane. Just as abrupt as her physical landing, did she dive into the depths of her bonded's very mind, and literally chased away the negativity that was threatening to overwhelm the DragonHeart. She wasn't entirely successful, it was too early to banish the depression in its entirety just yet, but it was better - it gave both of them some small relief, at least. Words of gratitude were not needed, as in the wake of the motion, the mare dropped her illusionary cloak and stood, bathing in the mists of her home, letting them simply roam over her, through her legs. Within them, she entertained the notion that she could feel Torasin's warm embrace once more, even though the chilly caress of the mists was quite a different thing.

It was now that the mare heard the call, the summons, the request for her company - company she was now much more inclined to give. Akaith purred, before the sound evolved into a gentle trill as she took to the sides again, much more at peace with her bonded, not needing to expend so much energy in fighting with one whom she cared for more than her own life. Mirage turned to the cliffside borders of her home, moving with a long, smooth gait that would put her by the side of her fellow WeyrLeader in a matter of moments. Reaching out to him with her inky muzzle, the mare was more reserved then she previously had been when greeting him, resisting the urge to press her petite form along his side - she was typically afraid of allowing any to get too close to her, out of fear of the pain she suffered when they were inevitably taken from her.

The problem was, they were already too close, too dear to her dragon's heart.

"Thor." Her deep, melodic tones painted the word with the skill of a fine artist on the canvas of the atmosphere between them. Golden eyes regarded him quietly, drinking his expressions, his posture, trying to read the reason behind her summons today. There was much they needed to discuss; the Edge needed leaders who were in sync in order to survive. She knew he suffered from a lack of confidence in his own skills - she wished he could see himself from her eyes, from the herd's eyes, so he could see a stallion who is a natural leader, a caring and devoted friend and father, a protective steed who only seeks to nurture and aid those in need, without seeking anything in return. The mare often wondered why she was followed so easy - she was leader not because she had sought to be, they had called her their queen and she had accepted the title, and all that came with it.

The crown of a leader was not an easy one to bear.

"Speak to me, what troubles my beloved GentleHeart this day?"
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This time I do not imagine the DragonHeart when she appears by my side and though she is not as forlorn as I have become, there is a familiar darkness in her eyes that makes my heart ache. I cannot help but reach out to her, eager to soothe the pain that lingers reluctantly in her smoldering gaze, but I know that I do not possess the power she needs to overcome her secrets and therefore I do not press her for answers.

I am delighted to see Akaith after so much time apart and I smile warmly to the little Gold, hoping to find relief in her jubilance. It is still an amazing thing to me -the concept of companions- and I cannot help but envy the bond they share. They are one in the same despite the flesh that separates them physically. However, I am drawn away from my musing to indulge the soft sounds of dragon-speak and I am happy to be wholly consumed by its wonder. “My friend, I’m afraid that I’ve let you carry my burdens for far too long. I only wish to ask of you one last thing- give me your guidance so that I might be able to become a suitable counterpart to your reign… You carry the weight of the world on your shoulders and I want to help you now, I want to share your load.” I step closer to the dragon-mare and I press my lips to her cheek, hoping that she will find respite in my support.

You appear to be just as troubled as I and I will not tolerate such pain. You have given everything to this herd, this family… Let us return the favor Mirage. Let us help you.” For a moment, I look out towards the horizon, content to listen to the rushing of the waves and the crashing of the tide upon the shores far below. We live in such a beautiful place made of light and beauty- we have thrived and benefited from Mirage’s undying faith in our cause and I cannot help but feel that we owe it to her to stand behind her when even the darkest days come calling. When my gaze once again finds its way to the golden eyes of my dearest friend, I cannot help but smile at her, inspired by a new courage that seemed so lost just moments before.

Perhaps I am not as strong as she, but that does not mean that I cannot follow in her footsteps.

But, I am not so hopeful for long… Because there is much that we need to discuss and though my humility longs to avoid it, I cannot allow it to be ignored. “Mirage… I am sorry for my absence as of late, but I must ask-” The words do not find their way to my lips and I do not resist the urge to look away, certain that when I find the courage to find her golden gaze once more, pain will have clouded the powerful eyes of my beloved mentor and friend. “Torasin… Are the rumors true?

The scent of the sea and the taste of salt distracts me as the silence between us grows larger. I do not want to know the truth, but I cannot hide from it any longer. My strength has all but disappeared but I know that I must be strong for her, if not for myself. Without any more hesitation, I turn to her and press against her, giving her the skeletons of my pain so that she might find power in their sustenance. I know it is not much, but I long to aid her in her travels… whatever they might be.

RE: THE FALLLEN; TO RISE AGAIN [MIRAGE] - Mirage - 06-17-2013

I wonder if they notice.
Of course they do.
There was a time when I was always this way.
Were you happy then?
I am not happy now.

Though Akaith had done what she could, the mare's depression was incurable, however she was at least able to function slightly better now. As she peered into Thor's deep, chocolate gaze, she felt the affection soar in her chest, the trust and the hope that he would always be here, standing by her side, forever. It was traitorous of her own feelings, for while she didn't want them, they existed regardless of her wants. It was a curious lesson to learn; you cannot make yourself hate someone, nor can you stop yourself from loving them. As the draft's resonant voice speaks words of apology, she quirks an eyebrow up with interest, wondering what exactly he was referring to. He felt himself inadequate, and yet, she saw him as perfectly adequate. He was accepted by the herd, with warm and welcoming cheers - she recalled the day they announced the change, the smiles that touched virtually every face that day, the warm chanting of his name from the lips of all present.

Then he began speaking of her own pain, her torment. With a grimace that she swiftly tried to cover up, she winced in disgust at the thought that the herd had noticed her condition, her lack of control - or perhaps, her complete and immeasurable control that left nothing but a blank slate behind. Far too often she had allowed that indifferent mask to slip, far too trusting and loving of her herdmates she had become. Is that such a bad thing? Akaith questioned her, and she only ground her molars together in response, flicking an ear to the dragon that lounged upon her nape. She could not help it, and so she should just accept it, but the recent pain caused by the death of not one, but two, loved ones had made her scared of the emotion, it made her hate the idea of love, and yet she loved still, and hated herself for it.

Let us help you, he had said, and though the mare's heart warmed at the thought of the entire herd being willing to help her, she was unable to see just how they would do so. What would they do? The little shadow mare reflected on the memory of following Thor as he earned his magic from the Earth God, magic that she assumed he still had access to, even if she had not seen him use it since he cured the mental ailments of his mate, Tamira. Would his magic work against the darkness, the rage, the unstableness that had always existed within this mare? It was in her blood, this ailment, a result of mixing the forces of darkness and fire, as her parents, polar opposites, found love and conceived three children. While Mirage was nothing more than a little shadow mare on the outside, inside their writhed a dangerous and deadly fire - one that she had always controlled through various means. Akaith knew of this, loved her for it, helped her control it - and helped her unleash it at the appropriate time.

No, she could not be cured by magic, the cure to her ailment would occur through time, through Akaith, through the use of her own magic, and her own tried and tested techniques of coping. Ears pricked again (they had fallen somewhat to the sides), as he began speaking once more, this time apologising again, before bringing up the question, the name that brought to the fore the pain she suffered once more. As the mare grimaced again, she closed her eyes, suffering the ensuing pain that seemed to affect her both mentally and physically. It was Akaith who purred upon her back, focussing her bonded's mind on formulating a response, carrying her through the conversation. If not for Akaith, the mare would have forgot all that remained for her here on this cliffside, and taken a long walk over the sheer drop long ago.

"Aye. Murdered, he and his mate, Solstice. The killer of Solstice is known, Torasin's is not." The words were offered, factual and dry, her eyes opening slowly as she looked to him, meeting his own gaze with a heavy seriousness. He moves to stand alongside her, pressing against her, and it is automatic, the tension that flows through her then. The mare's entire spine stiffens, muscles leaping along her skeleton to form rock hard contours along her body. Relax, Akaith grumbles, the little dragon not hesitating to lean over the neck of her beloved to caress Thor with her scaly muzzle. The hold her muscles had upon her bones relented slightly as the moments dripped by, and the mare slowly accepted his presence, albeit incompletely.

"You are a fine leader, Thor. More than worthy to hold the title that you do. Never forget that." Her voice murmured softly, honestly, hoping to reassure him that while he might have been quiet recently, so too had the entire herd. He was there when he was needed, that was all that mattered - in her eyes, and at least most of those of the herd - she was yet to hear anything in the negative regarding Thor. "Times ahead will not be easy. We will endure, but we will suffer for it. It will take all of us to survive the path laid before us." It was an admission of his correctness, an acknowledgement that she would be the only one able to carry the herd through this. At the same time, she did not know exactly which road to take. The mare did not long for war or bloodshed, and so she would not seek it out - but if they brought it to her borders, then they would face elimination.

The expression painted upon her face did not change. There was a determined set to her brow, dampened by the sadness and pain that plagued her, and her body was held in a posture that was alert, ready for action, yet almost reluctant to do so. She was a paradox, a walking volatile juxtaposition of fire and shadow, waiting for a catalyst to trigger the explosive reaction that was sure to come.
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The news washes over me in a rush and I am quiet, removed. For a moment I let myself fall away to the edge of the cliff and leap into the waves below, content to imagine their depths taking over me. I cannot speak for awe and shock have stolen my words and made them stone. Murdered. Who could do such a thing- take a life for no damn good reason at all? They had a family, they had us… and now they were nothing more than the ground we stood upon. It was sickening, angering… Suddenly I was simply mad. Coldness seems to sweep over me and I am ignorant to the rigid Queen at my side. Perhaps there is a small part of my subconscious that registers her grief, but I do not acknowledge it with words. Instead I press into her shoulder as we stare quietly into eternity pondering the evil that has somehow infiltrated our ranks.

I’m sorry…” My mind barely recognizes the odd sound of my own voice and before I know it, I am lost to the intricacy that hides behind each syllable. Words that have found their way past my teeth many times seem to have taken a different meaning and I cannot understand them as I once did. It is blasphemy, pure and simple. However, there is not much time for debate because I am once again drawn to the soft drone of the DragonHeart. Though, I do concede that I am not thrilled to hear what she has to say, apart from her blessing behind the choice to make me King. However, as Akaith had a tendency to do, she lightened the mood with a friendly nudge upon my broad shoulder.

I couldn’t help the smile that warmed my heart at her hospitality. She really had grown on me- a beloved friend just like her bonded.

Hard times ahead mean that I will have to endure more now than ever and though I am uncertain as to what may come, I feel confident that we are more than prepared to face whatever dangers Mirage is concerned about. “Will we not pursue the evil that has taken life from us? I don’t intend to wage war by any means, but I don’t want our home to be mistaken for an easy target. You know that I will stand beside whatever you desire my friend, but I am always curious to know your motives.” I pause to take a breath and then decide that I have said more than enough. Although I do not acknowledge her praise, I know that she is more than aware of my gratitude because she has restored to me the confidence to move forward.

When I look to my Queen once more, I lower my face to her own in hopes that she might see all that she has done for me. Her golden eyes appear to be clouded with pain, with grief, but I am unwavering. Whatever chaos that exists in her heart seems all-consuming and certainly nothing that I can fix on my own, but I give her my loyalty and my heart if only in the name of family. Slowly, I close my eyes, still trying to understand the complexity of her words so that I might be able to offer her my guidance. But of course, I am all too aware of her power and her strength. When I reopen them, I turn to Akaith in hopes that she will know what I am giving to them both- my strength, my power, and most of all my love. They have taken me so far away from all that has ever plagued me and soothed the agony.

It is only fair for me to allow them the same.

We will make it through. Give me purpose and see it fulfilled.” I could remember the first time I’d encountered the dragon-mare and her companion and I had said much the same back then as I did now. If she needed me to be strong, then I would prevail- this was my chance to repay her for all that she had given me.

RE: THE FALLLEN; TO RISE AGAIN [MIRAGE] - Mirage - 06-23-2013

He gives me his heart, his soul; I cannot look into the depths of his gaze, for I might lose myself in the comfort I see there, the warm embrace, the trust, the love. I cannot see the reason for his devotion, the strength he sees in me I am so often blind to, just as he is blind to his own ability. Akaith, is there no way to right what is wrong in the world?
Without wrong, how would we know what was right?
Which is why we must restore the balance, we on our side, they on theirs.. The Grey think they lay in the middle, but there is no middle of the scale; eventually one must choose one way or another, and tip the scale, alter the balance, awaiting the other side to rise once more to eventually even it out. It is a tiring game Akaith, how will I know when t is over? How will we know when there is a winner? A true balance?
It is as you say. The balance is ever changing, just as TallSun shows more sunlight and FrostFall less, there will always be change to what keeps the balance in check, alterations to where it will tip to one side or another. To survive you must merely be aware of this.
How are we to survive this? They will lose hope in me Akaith, in our message, our understanding, once they learn that even if we do balance the scales once more, they will inevitably tip again, and again, and then what?
Then we continue on.
Without them?
They chose to follow you. You will not stop them if they choose not to.
I love them, Akaith. All of them. I could not bear to lose them.
So don't.

"My motives are simple, Thor." The little mare spoke with her deep, exotically curled voice, fixing her sharp, renewed stare upon the steed with the full force of her determination, however rimmed by pain it was. "We will keep the balance. We will endure. We will not be bullied." There was a hint of distaste pinching at her lips as she spoke the last words, the frustration of having her loved ones poached from right under her nose causing her voice to quaver slightly. "No war will be started by our forces; but we will not be beaten should they wish to face us with honour and integrity on our borders, instead of sniping at those who are not even warriors in the wildlands." A wince crossed her face as she spoke, as if the words physically hurt her - and they may as well have, with the ferocity of the memory flashing across her mind's eye. "Your purpose, Thor, is to protect our kin, teach them strength, teach them honour, teach them about the balance we must keep, about the love and devotion we all share as a family, together, as one. We can, and we will, endure anything as long as we hold together."

As she continued speaking, the little mare seemed to transform, the depression slipping away slightly, the deep, raging fires within her seeping out, setting her golden gaze ablaze with purpose, with passion, with an almost dangerous gleam. The curvaceous nape arced as the shadow leader looked to the horizon, her dragon sitting atop the crest of her nape with wings unfurled, letting loose a small stream of fire as if to openly agree to her bonded's words, which of course she did.
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Who was this infamous killer? It was a question that seemed impossible to evade and perhaps I didn’t want to evade it anyways. I was tempted to ask, tempted to delve into the details of what heartless creature would take the life of an innocent Philosopher. She was much like a lamb to a merciless wolf attack, only this time there was no rhyme or reason behind it. It did not feed on the carcass or show her head on a spike- it was causeless, ignorant. My blood seemed to boil heavily in my chest and my muscles seemed to tighten around my bones until I was suddenly motionless, lost to the anger and pain of not knowing. My lips parted to press air through my teeth and words were careful to follow shortly after. “Who did this? Whose name shall be whispered to the Gods in prayer that they pay for their mistake?

I did not look to the DragonHeart, knowing that she would disapprove of my sullen hatred for the animal in question simply because it was not my nature to feel such passion for the object of death. But I craved it, needed it despite the fact that there was virtually nothing I could do other than sit back and wait. Wait on what though? I’m not sure… just wait.

But how many more would suffer before action was required? We needed the wall, we needed recruits, we needed to unite. If war ever came knocking on our doors, would we be ready? Or would we be sitting ducks, drifting around lazily because we thought ourselves immune? The Edge was certainly a force to be reckoned with, but now that we had been reckoned with, could we overcome the aftermath? The pain and the grief and the sorrow were all things that I could not commit to. They were feelings that made me angry more than anything else. I did not want to see the hurt in her eyes, my beloved Mirage. But I would abide by her word until she sent me into action.

I did not fear anymore because fear meant only that life was changing- I needed to be ready, not afraid.

I will prepare us then. We must gather our protectors and teach them to fight accordingly, including those that are not specialized in the subject of warfare. We need to be prepared Mirage, especially in these kinds of situations. Perhaps we should hold a small tournament for everyone in the herd so that everyone will be informed of the basic procedures of battle.” The idea was not steadfast or guaranteed, but at least it would give everyone the opportunity to improve what skills they had (or didn’t have).

I wasn’t sure how things were going with our plan to spar those in the Throat, but maybe it needed to be reiterated that the dangers we faced were becoming closer and consequently larger. Mirage had said that we needed to hold together; then we needed to actually do just that. We needed to encourage each and every one of our members with incentive to excel.

But how?

As I listened to the waves crashing against the cliff, so loud and clear in the distance, it came to me. Many of the residents in the Edge needed a little push in order to convince them that this new learning process would be fun. Perhaps we could hold a tournament not based on fighting alone, but instead a series of games. “Perhaps we can encourage our followers with a small tournament filled with games from small training spars to races or something of the like. I know it’s not anything concrete, but it’s a start…

If only it would work (with Mirage’s approval of course).

RE: THE FALLLEN; TO RISE AGAIN [MIRAGE] - Mirage - 06-29-2013

The hatred he showed was expected; Mirage felt it herself, though she was well practised at not acting brashly on simple carnal desires such as lust and loathing. Even now, showing the hurt, the pain, the depression that Torasin's death had caused her to be plagued with demonstrated how close she was to losing that control. But her herdmates had helped her, little bits at a time, each of them picking up a different piece of her heart and re-affixing it to the fractured, fragile organ that still beat hopelessly in her chest. Thor had reignited her passion to lead, by highlighting the sheer need for it. He had shown her, even without meaning to, that she was capable of this, even if she could not be everywhere at all times for all of her herd members. Yes, she still hurt, but she would heal, along with the rest of the herd. They were fractured, bruised and battered, and it would take time to heal - but there was no point in rushing headlong into a war, despite one's strongest desires to, when one held such injuries to their very souls that would let them down against the very enemy they might try to extinguish.

"D'Artagnan, the Basin's Time Mender, was responsible for Solstice, seen through Aaron's own hellhound's eyes." She gave him the information with quiet, steady tones, trying to impart with her words the silent order upon him not to react brashly given this information. "Torasin's killer is yet unknown, and while many think the Basin is responsible, I must wonder if it was the Assassins, striking against us in misguided vengeance against the capture, and subsequent death, of Ignita." It was the first time she had voiced that theory, the first time she had highlighted just how impossible it was to know when one's enemies were multiple. Just how did they earn so many enemies? The Basin would hate them forevermore for taking their home from them, despite being given their own home in the North without seemingly doing anything more than lose a war for it. The Assassins? Who knew what pulled their desires to the Edge, but Mirage would have none of it - proven already by the capture of Ignita, and upon Ignita's death, the capture of another one. Did they not get the message?

The World's Edge would not fall, no matter how hard the ocean washed against them.

"Your idea is welcome, and I think it would be beneficial to incorporate such games into the Patrols Destrier and Kaj are co-ordinating." As she spoke, her expression softened ever so slightly, to show that she acknowledged his words, that she heard them despite the steely exterior she showed. "All should be aware of what is required to survive in this world." She agreed vocally, nodding a small bob of her tiara as she spoke. "The Edge shall not be bullied into submission. There are ways different to those of warfare that can demonstrate one's strength." Eyes dove deeper into his own deep, dark, chocolate gaze. "We must show a united front more than anything through these tough times to come."
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