RE: THE VALKYRIES, the free women of Helovia. - Sulwyn - 06-27-2013

I'm actually pretty interested in having Bellona join. She is in the threshold at the moment, but I had originally intended for her to join the Foothills. It wouldn't hurt to have Yeseulte pop into her threshold post to chat with her, though. Something else can also be arranged later, as well, to make it more private.

RE: THE VALKYRIES, the free women of Helovia. - Yseulte - 06-27-2013

I can totally have Yseulte barge in, no problem! It's what she does best. :D

RE: THE VALKYRIES, the free women of Helovia. - Lakota - 06-27-2013

I'm on my phone so I may be missing something but...I was a little curious. Do they support female relationships then? Clearly there is an offspring/youth section. It says no matrimony or relations with stallions? Was just curious. Would this be total celibacy with no romantic endeavours towards either gender? Or does it just pertain to stallions? Also what is their ultimate goal/a few minor goals? Again can't scroll so I may be missing things haha

RE: THE VALKYRIES, the free women of Helovia. - Yseulte - 06-27-2013

Great questions, Brit! I will be sure to edit and address these issues in more detail.

However, in brief, matrimony is the only real no-no among the Valkyries. Binding oneself to a partner for life is considered a form of slavery to the Valkyries, and ultimately, it is independence and freedom that the Valkyries cherish and value above all else—the freedom to be a free, roaming people comprised of like-minded sisters; governed by no law but their own and loyal to no king, no man, and no kingdom, but loyal only unto themselves and their sisters. Romances and taking lovers are perfectly acceptable, as relationships with stallions are obviously inevitable (Yseulte herself fancies a certain somebody), but the "goal" of the Valkyries, more or less, is simply independence. This isn't so much of an issue here in Helovia by any means, but the world where Yseulte is from, women were much more suppressed and it was a men-dominated society. This independence isn't just for the sake of being independent from men, per say, but independent as a free-roving nation who will do as they damned well please and how they see fit.

A few minor goals at this point are simply to seek isolation while recruiting and building their numbers. But this is only the beginning—they are building the foundation for their future as a great force to be reckoned with in Helovia. For something to compare with, I've based them heavily off of ancient Spartan culture (mixed with some Amazonian elements, of course! :D). Brutally militaristic, extremely disciplined (as well as relatively emotionless in regard to relationships with spouses), and loyal to the "whole picture" rather than individual wants and needs. Thanks to this incredible prowess as a single-minded mass of like-minded folk, this enabled Sparta a remarkable amount of independence from the rest of the world. The Valkyries seek to be such a formidable force—a force that cannot be commanded, but neither can it be ignored.

Well, this spew of random ramblings was probably not much help to you! It's 2:30 in the morning and I'm not really sure what I'm writing at this point. I hope it makes sense, and I hope it somehow managed to answer your questions haha. <3 Feel free to bomb me with more questions if you have more, I love questions!

RE: THE VALKYRIES, the free women of Helovia. - Bellona - 06-27-2013

Oh, I do have another question, actually.

Considering that the Valkyries are mainly fighting for their freedom, is it safe to assume that you must be an outcast in order to join the group?

And regarding stallions, if any were supportive of the group/a lover in the group, would they be treated differently than other stallions?

RE: THE VALKYRIES, the free women of Helovia. - Murder - 06-27-2013

Whenever I get to bring in Lenore she may be interested :D

RE: THE VALKYRIES, the free women of Helovia. - Yseulte - 06-27-2013

The Valkyries are quick to welcome women from all walks of life (not limited to outcasts alone) who seek for a home among them, as they are also meant to be a safe refuge for all mares who dream of a new way of life. As for stallions who support the Valkyries, they are largely treated with the same indifference displayed towards all men. The Valkyries do not seek support and nor do they care whether others support their cause or not--they care only for their own. But neither are the Valkyries foolish. Should an opportunity ever arise (whether it be an alliance or anything that might further or benefit them as a whole in some way) they are quick to manipulate the situation to their advantage, regardless of whoever may be involved. Lovers are especially treated with indifference; they are a distraction, if anything. Above all else, your duty is not to your heart, but to your sisters and your nation.

Hope that answered your question! :)

Omg yay Tarot!! This is excellent news :D

Edit: oh duh, I fully understand your question now. Yes, you are correct! in order to be a member of the Valkyrie, you may not be affiliated with any other group or herd land.

RE: THE VALKYRIES, the free women of Helovia. - d'Artagnan - 06-27-2013

:O Wish I had a mare for this xD
But I'll just pop my head in and say this is a really good idea Roni! ^^

RE: THE VALKYRIES, the free women of Helovia. - Hestia - 06-27-2013

-definitely have a great charrie in mind for this x.x-

RE: THE VALKYRIES, the free women of Helovia. - Panzram - 06-27-2013

I'm about to bring in a new charrie (Socio), and she would definitely fit in here :D

When ever I get her made and a thread up in the Threahold, I'll give yah a pm! If all goes good, I think she'd make a great Siren, lol.

<3 <3 <3 this

RE: THE VALKYRIES, the free women of Helovia. - Yseulte - 06-27-2013

Ah darn, Imi, we'd love to have you if you should ever change your mind and give in to temptation >:D

And yay Baylee!! Can't wait to see. :)

That sound great, Tantrum, just let me know when you'd like Yseulte to pop by. <3

RE: THE VALKYRIES, the free women of Helovia. - Andromeda - 06-27-2013

I think Hespera will join- I'll tag you in her Threshold thread?

RE: THE VALKYRIES, the free women of Helovia. - Yseulte - 06-27-2013

Oh, fantastic! That sounds perfect. :D

RE: THE VALKYRIES, the free women of Helovia. - Aavyn - 06-27-2013

What if there was a character that joined and they were less than a season old? They'd be counted as the daughters yes?

RE: THE VALKYRIES, the free women of Helovia. - Yseulte - 06-27-2013

Yes, she would be considered a daughter of the tribe and the child would be raised in Valkyrie fashion. Upon turning two seasons, she would begin the official Agoge (upbringing) training program. :)

RE: THE VALKYRIES, the free women of Helovia. - Dingo - 06-27-2013

I am... tempted to make somebody for this group >_>

But they would have to be a slave because I can't play females. <_<

RE: THE VALKYRIES, the free women of Helovia. - Zdravilo - 06-27-2013

I will have a character for this in a few months.

RE: THE VALKYRIES, the free women of Helovia. - Scarter - 06-28-2013

I want Scarter to join (if her and Yseulte can get along xD), the only thing is I can't thread out of order for this quest.
So I'll make a thread for us when I can post in the next region.

RE: THE VALKYRIES, the free women of Helovia. - Yseulte - 06-28-2013

Omg please do, Dingo! My life would be complete <3

Sounds great, Baylee, can't wait!

And yay Frostie!! Sounds good...just let me know when! :D

HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
THE VALKYRIES, the free women of Helovia. - Printable Version

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THE VALKYRIES, the free women of Helovia. - Yseulte - 06-27-2013

THE Vasílissa
"The Queen; maiden of divine beauty;
savage protector of Valkyrie."
“The Shieldsisters; the Valkyrie council;
the Vasílissa's most trusted advisors.”
none & none & none
“The Sirens; cunning, alluring, and sly--the silver-tongued politicians and overseer of the Charites and Lampades."
none & none & none
“The Furies; those who punish whosoever has sworn a false oath; seekers of vengeance and ministers of justice.”

none & none & none
“The Graces; learned in charm, adornment, festival, arts, history, dance, and healing.”
none & none & none
“The Underworld Nymphs; thieves in the night, keepers of secrets and silence, whisperers of witchcraft.”
none & none & none
“The Harpies; airborn elitists, scouts of the skies, and fleet-footed messengers.”
none & none & none
“The Shieldmaidens; those who go to war like men; elite champions and defenders.”
Catalina & none & none & none
& none & none & none & none & none

“The Nine Muses;
seekers of knowledge and wisdom; students of history, stealth, and healing”
Catalina & none & none & none
& none & none & none & none & none

“The Hyda Nine; students of war and battle; where one falls another takes her place.”
none, none, none
“The Daughters; cherished offspring, the future of Valkyrie.”
none, none, none
“The Assembly; welcomed citizens of Valkyrie yet to choose their path.”
none, none, none
“The Slaves; including male offspring, the disgraced, and prisoners of war.”

Joining the Valkyries:
i. read the information and regulations
ii. organize an IC recruiting thread by responding below
if you are interested
iii. link me to created thread
“The Law; come back with your shield, or upon it.”
“Once made equal to man, woman becomes his superior.”
- Socrates


i. The Valkyrie women are sisters—treat each other as such.

ii. All races—equine, pegasai, and unicorns—are welcomed sisters.

iii. All citizens are required to swear an oath of fealty to the Valkyrie sisterhood and to forever abandon matrimony.

iv. The price of treason and desertion is death. Deserters and traitors alike will be hunted like animals, and a bounty will be offered for their return, dead or alive.

v. Valkyries have the freedom to roam where they will.

vi. Citizens may worship whichever gods they so choose.

vii. Men are not permitted to become members of society.

viii. The only men permitted among the Valkyries are captives of war and helots (slaves) may be used for pleasure, reproduction, or held for ransom.

ix. The Valkyries are a nomadic people who prefer isolated landscapes.


i. At their leisure, citizens are allowed to choose their own temporary partners to conceive children in order to ensure the continuation of the Valkyrie race.

ii. Romances and relations with stallions are inevitable (but generally frowned upon), but in the long run, your sister and nation come above all else.

iii. Selection of breeding partners is often based on strength, swiftness, and intelligence so that future Valkyrie daughters may be blessed likewise.

iv. Male offspring are considered weak and will not be permitted to reside within the Valkyrie society. At their mother's digression, colts may be abandoned to the wilderness, returned to their fathers, or given to neighboring kingdoms.


i. All Valkyrie citizens are considered warriors, and are therefore required to undergo some form of battle training.

ii. Athletic competition and engagement is encouraged among sisters. Sparring games, races, and tournaments will be held frequently and the victors are held in high esteem.

iii. All ranks may be challenged, save the Gorgons, who are appointed at the Vasílissa's own choosing.

iv. Citizens are encouraged to express and pursue their interests.

v. Members of the Mousai and Hydra Lernaia will be assigned specific mentors from their respective branches. Only with the mentors' recommendations will apprentices be promoted.

vi. The three Seirenes and Erinyes are the commanders of their respective branches, and are charged with the responsibility of their caste, as well as answering to the Gorgon Sisters and the Vasilla for special missions. Seirenes and Erinyes will assign mentors to apprentices, oversee training, and organize regular physical or mental spars.

vii. The three Charites are comprised of elite members who are well-educated in a wide array of subjects, including but not limited to: crafting, history, politics, and perhaps most importantly, healing.


i. The Agoge, or 'upbringing', of fillies begins after inspection at birth.

ii. The Gorgon Sisters inspect newborn daughters shortly after birth. If the offspring are considered weak or defected in any way, they too will be given away like male offspring or left to die.

iii. Training of all Valkyrie daughters begins at two seasons old, wherein fillies will endure a rigorous, brutal training course that emphasizes physical, mental, and spiritual strength and toughness. Daughters are taught to endure hardship and adversity, and are to be frequently pitted against each other in fights by their instructors.

iv. At the age of one, fillies are required to prove their developing skill set by surviving in the wilderness alone for one season.

v. After survival training and proving themselves able shieldmaidens, a celebration organized by the Charites is held in their honor. At this solemn ceremony, daughters are encouraged to choose the path that best suits their skill set, either continuing their education as warriors or branching off to the arts of healing, history, and politics.

Spearwives, shieldmaidens, sisters in arms—they are the free women of Helovia, both ruthless and compassionate, barbaric and disciplined, cunning and cold, sly and seductive; they are the Valkyries, both a haven and a hell. Free and flowing as the river, unpredictable and changeable as the sea, wild as the mid afternoon storm, savage and feral as the wildcats of high, windswept places. First and foremost, the protector of their own, ruthlessly avenging the crimes committed against their sisters, but just as quick to condemn their own, rather than condone.

No man may lay waste to their wild hearts, no man may claim what was never his. Sirens in the night, fairest of all maidens, they are passionate lovers of their lesser counterparts in the soft sweet shadows, and just as cold as the steel pressed tenderly against your throat the morning after.

They are the Valkyries, the free women of Helovia; the roving city with only the boundary between earth and sky for walls.

VALKYRIES by roni on Grooveshark