HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] Let Me Go - Printable Version

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Let Me Go - Apodis - 07-11-2013

I've become much too good at being invincible, I'm an expert at play it safe, and keep it cool
But I swear this isn't who I'm meant to be, I refuse to let my life roll all over me...

The Golden stallion had, had enough with Rasta's constant nagging about his limp. She was blind for godsake! How could she tell how bad it was. Though he loved her like a Sister, she got under his skin, always trying to tell him what to do, why he should listen to her and he wasn't good with orders from others, unless it came from a higher post. Ranking was a big thing to him, having been brought up as a soldier, it was pretty much drilled into him. He had to get away from her for a while, clear his mind whislt she wasn't nagging at him. So whilst on the hunt for a place to hide; though he new it would be short lived, She always found him in the end.

His leg wasn't really bothering him at the time being. The pain come and went at random intervals. But that didn't mean he could gallop around like the young boy he once was. He moved at a steady pace through the desert, keeping to the shadows where he could, Just trying to keep out of sight;out of mind- of anyone lurking. If one attacked him, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to take it. He moved away from the lake, due North, up towards helovia's Heart, Almost from whence Sohalia had brought him and Rasta down from the forests. He sighed gently, a mist of his breath puffed out into the brisk air, almost invisible through the sheer darkness, though the limited lights reflected of, making it somehwat visible.

Apodis just needed some him time, to gather his thoughs and focus on his life now. But that didn't mean he'd stop helping others altogether, it just meant it'd be happening a lot less often.

He found a relativly shaded, or what seemed to be shaded spot, Shadows were pretty much covering these lands. Not even a Moon in sight, nor the twinkling stars he adorned. It was all wrong and thus not helping the state his mind was already in. Rasta new nothing about what had happened whislt he was away and that's the way he would keep it form her. She'd get it out of him perhaps one day, but right now, he was sticking a distance between the two, or just being more himself around her on the cahnce occurences.

Finding a decent spot for himself, the Golden boy laid down, his front end going down first and then his back followed shortly there after. His muzzel gently caressed the hard sandy, desert terrain. The cold weather freezing it and the lack of sun light. Right now, he just needed to rest, to get some shut eye, thats if no one disturbed him that is.

"Talk talk talk."


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RE: Let Me Go - Shadow - 07-12-2013

and who shall I say

is calling?

Was it possible to grow accustomed to hunger? Maybe it was. She still felt it, sensed the clawing emptiness that couldn't be staved off by the small amount of feed she managed to find, but it no longer weighed on the mind like it had. She could move again, could rove along the borders like a peace of darkness come alive and share quiet conversations with her fellow herd-mates without feeling as though she was about to keel over from weakness. The lack of nutrition didn't show as much on her as it did on the others who had lived longer in the desert. The woolly black coat with its double layers padded the spots where muscles were beginning to fade, covered the tell tale stretch of taught skin over ribs; she was starving, just like the rest of them. Hungry, cold, constantly tired and one small push away from collapsing into a sobbing madness from the constant darkness.

But so far she had persevered. The support and friendliness that faced her wherever she turned served to warm the heart, strengthened the mind and made her able to carry the head high even when tears threatened to start rolling. Shadow was grateful to them for accepting her, more than she had thought she would be. Her perception of what a herd should be like was slowly coming true, brought to life by the fierce devotion of the leaders, the gentle strength of the soldiers - by friendly smiles and open-minded curiosity that asked questions and listened to the answers without judging or demanding more than she was willing to give. It made her want to help, give something back; perhaps that was why she had begun strolling across the shadowed lands, searching the dimly lit dunes for those lost and injured, sad or frightened that might need a comforting word or a warm wing to huddle beneath.

The sound of the small black hooves was faint even as she walked across the hard surface of the ground. As she wound her way through the labyrinth of stone with the easy grace of a wild deer the sound bounced against smooth-polished rock, echoing softly before dying out without betraying her exact location. The raven had made a game of following an unfamiliar scent for the greater part of what she guessed could be a day, partly to keep herself occupied and partly because whoever had left the trail had yet to take on the scent of dust and sun as the rest of them. Was it a newcomer or a trespasser she had come across? It didn't matter much either way, but since Kri had told them to allow only escorted ones, allies or members over the borders she persisted, choosing to follow the unknown being to see what they were up to.

It had gotten much harder the further north they went, however. As sand gave way for the towering red rocks the scent grew fainter, stuck less easily to the barren cliffs. Time and again she lost it completely, having to retrace her steps in order to find it again and at the same time try and keep track on where she'd come from. It wouldn't do to loose her bearings in a place like this. Teeth gritted, eyes searching every crack and crevice for a sign of movement, the shadow mare was slowly growing impatient, to the point where she began muttering to herself;

"Come out, come out, wherever you might be. Shadow's a-coming to get you, whoever you are..."

RE: Let Me Go - Apodis - 07-12-2013


I've become much too good at being invincible, I'm an expert at play it safe, and keep it cool
But I swear this isn't who I'm meant to be, I refuse to let my life roll all over me...

His gold with darkened tipped audits, flickered as he could here the sounds of ground being shifted, so gentle though he assumed it to be some kind of sall wild animal. It was too soft to be an equine. So he though. What he didn't know was he had been followed, or rather, his scent had been tracked. Not that it matter or percieved an issue for him. He was a part f these lands now, welcomed. But still needed to meet the herd leaders, to fomaly get their acceptance.

His golden dipped frame shifted slightly as he moved to lay more comfortable, taking his legs out from under himself, leaning more of his wieght to the side, but still remained in a position that one could easily jump up from, incase of any danger. Dark eyelids drooped over gold flecked orbs consecutivly, as he slowly drifted in and out from some kind of resting state. Though each time his lids blocked his sight, those red glowing eye's reappeared, knocking him back into regonition.
Barely having had much sleep for the past few weeks, the gold Stallion was starting to feel it. His frame wasn't as able to keep up with everything, joints got stiff and his muscles ached. And the cold was much more harsh upon his exhuasted sketial structure. If he didn't find peace with himself soon, the weather could get the better of him.

Wedged inbetween a place of rock, he was well out of sight, plus his colouring; not that if matter with the light gone, helped him blend into the ground to some extent. To others far way, if some light did catch upon him, he'd look like just any old rock, if he didn't as so much, move. Slightly sat under shelter too, the wind barely touched the dappled pelt. He knew where to find rest when times were hard. The best place would be in a valley or that of a gap between two rocks, ifone could so much as fit between them. It sheltered you from the harsh winter winds, blowing in the ice cold and snow. Some would think a cave, but they were always colder, for the sun would not warm it even in the summer months. Yes the ground he lay upon was cold, though it was warmer than that of other places.

He curled, sticking he nose between his knee and stomach, just to try and get himself warmer, using his own body heat. if only he'd now stayed with Rasta, then they could have kept each other warmer. Too stuborn for his own good at times. His satalites flickered once more, the sound came closer and his head poped up. In the sahdow as another shadow, though this one looked different, more horse like, but still different. His eye's still had to adjust to the lack of light, blinking a little he could make out someone whom resembled that of a pegasi. A shudder ran down the Stags spine. Wings, just like a bird, the one thing he hated the most in the world. Though that was more the claws than anything.

He chuckled at the voice. "The Shadow's have already claimed us. Who goes there?" He replied in a gentle, heartfelt tone. "I am friend and if you be the Foe then I'm not afriad to attack" His voice was a little playfull and more cheerful than he actually felt. They would be able to follow his voice, find where he lay, so at that he silently got to his feet, his form just big enough for the cranium to be seen above the rock whch he'd slipped behind and found sanctury.

"Talk Talk Talk."
image credits
table by whit

RE: Let Me Go - Shadow - 07-23-2013

and who shall I say

is calling?

To her great surprise a voice responded to the murmur, and just as she broke into a halt a shape rose from behind a rock the shade had just passed. Noticing the figure in the corner of her eye the mare reeled around and spread the wings halfway, prepared to take to the sky and away from danger - but held herself back, because the voice that addressed her held neither threat nor worry.

"I'd say I'm the friend and you're the foe" she rapped back, tone sharp and more than a little suspicious. "Come out from there, so I can see you. What's your name, and why are you in the Throat?" He sounded as though he might be comfortable here, and maybe he was just a newcomer much like herself. But the amethyst eyed crow wasn't about to take any chances. She had things to prove, both to herself and to the leaders - and the Generals - and that meant she wouldn't let anything slip beneath her nose without scrutiny.

Highly on her guard the raven inched herself into a better position, feathered wings ruffled in an attempt at making her small frame look bigger and more intimidating. It annoyed her greatly that the cheerful stranger was taller than her, that there was laughter in his voice - and that she couldn't see him properly, thanks to the accursed darkness that made living into such a struggle.

If only she'd have been a bit taller... More like Hector. Yes, it'd have been nice to be able to look him in the eye, instead of peering up at the young giant like she did now.