HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Glow worm - Printable Version

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Glow worm - Midas - 07-12-2013

Blighted golden-heart don’t cry bitter tears of mercy for those fools, you are of a purer mind—birthed from the loins of an afflicted nag.
Hear their screams for justice and turn your ears aside—you aren’t without fault and they know it; yet you have never been blamed for it.

RE: Glow worm - Mauja - 07-12-2013

Athena remains in the Basin.

Blighted golden-heart -- palomino, and kind of heart
don’t cry bitter tears of mercy for those fools, you are of a purer mind—birthed from the loins of an afflicted nag. -- stuck in the Basin, her mother was sickly
Hear their screams for justice and turn your ears aside—you aren’t without fault and they know it; yet you have never been blamed for it.

RE: Glow worm - Midas - 07-12-2013

Mauja is correct, I was sent to retrieve Athena