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[O] A cry to the moon. [Apodis] - Printable Version

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A cry to the moon. [Apodis] - Onni - 07-23-2013

 the open-hearted make such a mess of themselves.</style>

Sore, Onni felt sore.

The battle with a massive beast had taken a lot out of her body, seeing as she had become accustomed to futzing these past seasons. Her life as a warrior was remembered well in her heart, but the muscles that she only exercised through travels gathering herbs reminded her she had long since given up that life. A peaceful belle, now, painted in pristine white and deep chocolate. What business did she have fighting monsters?

Smiling to herself, the pale-faced girl could not help but feel proud of her accomplishments. Voltaic had trained her well from the very first day. The painted girl would give the world to watch her two idols spar today, Kri the Resolute against the Samurai of the Islands. Onni held equal faith in both of their bodies. That she was born of one and trained by the other made her feel as though, just maybe, she had gone astray by keeping the life of a healer. It was true that the Sun had chosen her, but could she not have just turned away the gifts? Refused to aid the sick? Yes, she could have been a soldier had she wanted.

The former warrior had a cursed gentle heart, however, that made her certain she had been right from steering away from the path. Still, Lyhty could sense the unease in his bonded's mind, vascilating silently between jobs. Onni can battle and heal, he offers, his voice growing more and more clear in their mind each day. The lady smiles, lighting up her face in the dim shadows of the night. "Is it so simple, Lyhty?" she asks, her voice small like a bell. "I do not wish to harm, but to protect those who lived here felt right."

No, Onni was not a violent soul. She did not wish bloodshed, never had. Even her mother's invasion of this land all those years ago did not settle well in her gut. Defensive fighting seemed to be ideal, for the painted girl would never allow her home to be taken from underneath her so easily. Not while she had strength and breath left to offer against invaders. Maybe you help train others? the bird asks, crimson little eyes peering over at her as he flutters about in the sky, floating easily in the reflection of the great flame's light.

Onni sighs, cocking a foot. "Perhaps you're right." Her eyes grow distant, with thoughts bubbling about in her skull, daydreaming about the life Voltaic had lived. He appeared happy to be her mentor, never complained about her unskilled flight. He merely helped.
The Illuminant could pass on his wisdom still.
Couldn't she?

image by Neal Fowler @ flickr.com</style>


RE: A cry to the moon. [Apodis] - Apodis - 08-17-2013


I've become much too good at being invincible, I'm an expert at play it safe, and keep it cool
But I swear this isn't who I'm meant to be, I refuse to let my life roll all over me...

He limped forward, not only did his front leg hurt him, but his hind legs were raw from the fight upon the beach. Acid filled pouches had seared away pelt and flesh leaving, garish open wounds along the back of his hocks. The pain burned like a fire in the back of his mind, But it told him to just carry on, to never stop. Unless you physically could go on no longer. At least the fight had been worth while. All he had been with, succeeded, if not for a few minor falls. However during a fight, those were bound to happen.

The little, exhausted Stallion pressed on, On towards home. Finally, he had found a place he could class as Home, A sanctuary which the Stallion could seek refuge. He was tired and sore. Just wishing to be home, To see Rasta perhaps, then curl up and sleep away the lethargic feeling. Sleep over three full moons and then some. But no, His brain would not let that happen, Too hype'd after the fight. He needed to find a way to calm the constant buzz. Like that, left over from a caffeine intake.

He fought his way back through the pain and suffering. Trying his best to not stop, to keep going until he was in a safe area, a place which he knew he'd receive the help he so desperately needed, but too proud to ask of. The golden Buckskin knew he needed to heal, That soon he'd catch an infect if left open and a wound so deep wasn't going to heal over night. The pain.. So much, excruciating pain. Never before had he felt such a strong ache. Not just his hind legs, but every inch of his musculature structure. Lucky, he thought, to walk away with minimal scathes, but to endure a high level of this nature, was almost willing him to die. Though a part of him, where ever that may be-And no doubt a part of him inherited from his Father- Just wouldn't let him give up. Not yet.

Finally, he was home.

The golden and coffee stained boy fell to the Earth with a thud, just too tired to stand up much longer. Puss had already began to seep from his leg, each movement just tearing the freshly healing wound, open more, tearing flesh which was not yet ripped. Making himself worse off. But sometimes you had to see the bad to get to the good. Stick through the pain and in the end everything will work out.. or so that's how it usually worked- In most cases.

"Talk Talk Talk."
image credits
table by whit

RE: A cry to the moon. [Apodis] - Onni - 09-06-2013

 the open-hearted make such a mess of themselves.</style>

Musing to herself, the shaman almost missed the appearance of another. The sluggish dragging of hooves was a familiar sound by now, however, and instantly her ears flickered in the direction. A hobbling figure, yet one she recognized, scoured into her vision. Squinting, Onni began to make out the features of Apodis, one of the new recruits she had welcomed soon after the birth of Sohalia's child.

By the stumbled pace of his feet, Onni could guess that he was injured. With her own recent battle, the mare wondered if she had missed the golden tinted boy fighting the fire monster. However, even dragging himself slowly, Apodis would have returned home much sooner. Willing burned legs into action, Onni races forward, her wings opening with the first steps, leaping into a low flight to quickly cover the distance between them, but not quite fast enough.

By the time her pale colored hooves slammed into the soft sands of the desert, the golden stallion had fallen into them, his breathing ragged. Fluttering behind, Lyhty manages to catch up, the pair of them rushing to his side with inquisitive eyes. The smell of infection loomed dangerously in the air, and Onni turned worried eyes toward her companion before settling herself around the stallion, pale face lowered to view him. The ivory mask contains an expression of confidence, calm and collected, hoping that he cannot see the sinking of her heart behind her sky eyes.

"Apodis," she says, her voice sweet and calling. "You are home. I will take care of you now." Glancing over his strewn body, the shaman knows that he cannot stay prostrate on the floor for long. They needed a quick fix to get him to the Oasis for more herbs, the cleansing water - they needed the aquis pipe plant.

"Lyhty, go and fetch the aquis pipe plant and hurry back here," her voice authoritative yet soft, looking back to the injured and oozing legs of her herdmate.

"This may hurt, but I need you to stay still, alright?" A sweet smile on her face as she encourages the stallion who may be delirious with infection at this point. Gently, Onni lowers her muzzle toward the foul smelling limb and tries to push above the tear in the flesh, pushing downward in an attempt to clear the wound of puss, as soon as possible. It would need a thorough washing, but it would be a start.

image by Neal Fowler @ flickr.com</style>


RE: A cry to the moon. [Apodis] - Apodis - 09-11-2013


I've become much too good at being invincible, I'm an expert at play it safe, and keep it cool
But I swear this isn't who I'm meant to be, I refuse to let my life roll all over me...

The golden Stallion rolled onto his side, just as something slammed into the earth next to him. His brain panicked and tried to make the limb body move, to scour the area for danger. But nothing would function in him, just the beat of his heart and ragged breath was all left of signs life within him. He could pick up on someone, or something, moving around. No fear, nor anger radiated from them, but confidence and a calm exposure. Only one came to mind at that. Rasta. She had always been so calm and collected, even with her blindness. Just the thought of her made his strength and will unfold. Darker snout lifted up into the air, raising from the desert ground, to glance over his shoulder. The pale face made him think yet again of Rasta. But the eyes.. They were wrong. Taking in a breath of the air, nostrils flooded with the scent of the other. It was not her, But he knew of this Horse. The scent was familiar to his brain.

The pale face spoke and his ears twitched in her direction. "Apodis, You are home. I will take care of you now." The voice was like that of an angels. Was he in heaven. Or had they come to his rescue. Home. A smile rested upon his lips as the word floated around in his mind. Finally he had a place which he'd forever call home. A place where others looked out for each member. Having only met a few of the herd, he already felt in the right place. That he belonged with them. And the Pale face at his side made it all the more set in stone.

The Stallion lay in a daze of pain and intoxication as the infection crept through his blood stream. if he had waited much longer to return home, there would have been no guessing he would not have made it to the boarder. Thankful, for the winged mare had been so close by. Who knew how long he could have been out here, or if another happened to walk by, or worse. Ribs rose and fell quickly as he attempted to regenerate his lose of oxygen, used up by the fight and the trip home. Cranium fell back to the Earth as he lay in a daze of glory and exhaustion. His once warrior frame was no longer fit for extensive fighting, Age was beginning to take over. Soon he'd just be a veteran of war with no family.

A cry escaped from his lips at the sudden sensation. A snort of derivation. His breathing quickened. What had just happened..? The pain slowly vanished, the feel of something wet trickling down his leg. His vision cleared somewhat. And he picked his head up from the dusty ground. "Onni?" He asked confused "What..whats going on..?" The poor guy had been so out of it, the whole scene before had just meant nothing to his cognitive memory.

"Talk Talk Talk"
image credits
table by whit

RE: A cry to the moon. [Apodis] - Onni - 09-14-2013

Onni the Illuminant</style>
what is to give light must endure burning.</style>

A delirious smile replies to the shaman, and despite her doubt that she would be able to do much immediately to help, the confidence of her exterior is unwavering. She is the healer of this land, and even with the sun absent, it is her duty to serve the Dragon's Throat herd, her people, until the breath in her own lungs runs ragged. There is no room for hesitation, nor fear, nor doubt within the doctor. There can only be one thing - the will to persevere. Her abilities at this point would just have to keep up.

With gentle pressure slowly increasing to avoid as much discomfort as possible, the puss is dislodged with an awful splattering and crunching, as though the substance had emulsified under the flesh. An awful stench rushes into the air, Onni's unfortunate nose bearing the brunt of that shock. A gag is withheld in her throat, pushing onward, even as the stallion begins to rustle and voice his displeasure at the maneuver. Until Lyhty arrived with the herb to move him to the Oasis, the shaman would just have to trudge onward, cleaning the wound the best she could without water on hoof. Yellow and green discharge is pushed until blood settles onto the crimson floor with the ill colored substance, the body rid of the majority of the infection for the moment, though the remaining bacteria would breed quickly if given the chance.

Snorting to clear her nostrils, the healer turns her head at the sound of her name, a wide-eyed gentle face meeting the confused expression of Apodis, shortly followed up with a bright smile. "Welcome back," she says, her voice soft like a spring breeze. "I happened upon you just as you collapsed into the sand, but I am trying to treat your infection." She nods, as if to reassure herself of the goal, before tilting an ear heavenward, listening for the soft trill of a dear friend, finding the song carrying from not far off.

Despite Lyhty's small wings, he soars quickly through the air. Practice from having to keep up with a full grown pegasus, she supposes.

Onni greets the small bird laden with a small dark colored herb, decorated with the telltale yellow flowers - the aquis pipe. "Very good, Lyhty!" she commends her friend, nudging her head in the direction of Apodis.

"Brother Apodis," the mare says rather shyly, her sky eyes peering up from light lashes. "This herb will regain some of your strength needed to make the journey to the Oasis. Please eat it, though the taste may not be pleasant." A smile urges the buckskin stallion to listen, hopefully dispelling any worry about eating an unusual plant. After much time spent in the Dragon's Throat, many of the warriors had noted the herb's strange ability to momentarily increase their strength and stamina, using them to train more vigorously. Onni, however, hoped they would boost this patient to his sick bed, where she could properly treat him.

"Once you can walk, we will set off for the lake."

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