HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Childhood Melodramas - Printable Version

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Childhood Melodramas - Tandavi - 08-05-2013

Half a year after her birth, she returns to the place of her conception. She has wandered through snow and ice and mist, under trees and over hill; all, she thinks, to find her way to this place. It blooms ahead of her in the darkened sky, a blaze of orange on a vast empty horizon, the promise of everything she is and more. The scene is perfect: a glow of fire lights the night, topped by the fragile crescent of the waning moon. Silver clashes with the passionate red, shadows dancing in a hazy atmosphere. The hole in the center of the world casts a halo upon the earth, itself a sun in the spring without day, gaping chasm filled with warmth and the promise of something dazzlingly deadly should she dare to step close. It is heaven, earth, the world she was made for and a land of glorious promise. In the crimson light of the endless flame, she laughed.

It had been worth the struggle, she knew without a thought. Natraj had had an easier time of it than she, his miniscule form darting easily through clingy shrubs and needy thorns. Her brother found the safest route, so nimble and quick; and even as she struggled after him she felt admiration and adoration, twinged with a speck of incandescent jealousy. The grass was taller than she could ever hope to be, taller than the sky and the sun and the moon, taller perhaps than even her mother. She followed the paths on gold-dipped legs, a copper ghost in the sea of brown; yet the gnarled plants were not ready to relinquish their new playmate so easily. Brambles caught in the white of her mane; thorns tore harshly into tender flesh; the earth held fast yet she pushed harder, child's muscles put to test and youthful determination pressed to limits. The war ended unexpectedly. With a stumble and a gasp came the abrupt gift of freedom, the filly sent sprawling by the force of her own actions, legs tangling and flying from beneath her as she hit the ground with a quiet oof. A sting of pain shot through her left foreleg, the echo of unfortunate impact with something sharp. She could hear Natraj laughing, and shot him a blazing look before pulling herself upright, shaking off the dust and turning away from her brother to survey the promised land.

Yes. Very worth it.

She is done watching, and now she wants to experience, to step closer and feel the heat sear her face. One step, two, three- ow. She looks down in surprise, blinking as blood trickles down her leg, falling drip drip drip onto something that sparkles in the ground. She has hurt herself before, but this is something new- never has blood left her body like this. It does not scare her; she has seen much blood, watching Natraj feed. She has even tasted it, nostrils curling in pungent dislike as the coppery taste spread across her tongue, at once repugnant and foreign and wrong. But this, this was different. That blood had always come from something else, someone else; this is hers, and it hurts, and she does not know what to make of it. She glares down at the wound in vile distaste, onyx eyes reflecting the distant flame, bright and furious at this betrayal of her body. It makes the silent filly want to yell, but yell what? There must be a word to sum up her feelings, the bright and cruel anger that prickles behind her eyes, the sting she does not know to be tears, the inability to stop the pain. Natraj whimpers helpfully, wrapping around her unwounded fore as she stands stock-still, black eyes staring at the crimson horizon. She searches her mind, and comes up at last with something she has heard Madyrn and Maskan say, a word she does not quite understand, but feels appropriate.

In a voice too deep and melodic and clean for her youthful frame, she screams into the distant fire.


[ ooc || sorry it's late xP @[Sia] and @[Amaris] first, please ]

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RE: Childhood Melodramas - Sia - 08-16-2013

The world would not stop moving. And from the boundaries of her flesh, Sia had found herself incredibly fascinated by the perception of its movement. Time; captured in memories seemed to crawl with a pregnant belly across dry and arid ground. Unbearable by the minute while preserving wonderful details that had once been captured in horror, snapshots seared by hot iron; but there were moments when it twisted away from one’s grip, fluttering, blurred with the hopeful flash of a clear pristine photo. What had been almost 2 years of life had all but slipped away underneath the night. Days and nights that was not at all balanced by the world thriving beyond Sia. It was alive, and sometimes these movements raced past her, and other times they drawled into a calm, easy pace.

An easy pace hardly ever guaranteed safety.

She didn’t want to think today, not too much. It was with restless anxiety that she broke through the Basin’s gates. An unknown child escaping through the backwaters of a kingdom; but so far there were few who knew she’d even existed. And few that truly cared. She would admit she craved attention, merely to have bodies near her thrumming with life, reminding her of the simple things that thrived despite death and cruelty. Even if that cruelty existed among those she tentatively called ‘brethren’, they would not have need to strike her. The requirements were simplistic in their call for true blood - naked and shameless - a crown, the ticket.

Her gut wrenched underneath the thought. Her mouth now, no longer free had been laced with hesitation. She only needed bodies; to acquire a family would be lucky, if not hopeful, perhaps even doubtful?

But then, she liked to think that she had one friend. And anyone could survive with at least one other being to reach out towards. It was a treasure she would keep; a token she would not part with. And somehow it had given her more confidence than what she had expected. In light of what the world truly was, and what was worth within it, the fear nestled inside her young heart had become nothing more but flies that picked at her broken ‘parts’. If she cracked under pressure, if her wounds opened any further, flies would becomes swarms, and swarms would return into their hideous, molting forms when Sia had first arrived.

That would not happen.

Perhaps that was why she pushed on running. Idling brought upon thoughts she had never considered, thoughts that drove to the tenderest questions raging beyond the surface. Maybe they would dim down, forget that they had been broken and beaten, heal regardless of why and how come? They too might disappear, follow the wind and dissolve like dust.

But that dust was once alive. Pieces to one whole having been cast off; the consequences, whatever they had been were at once ignored. She had survived, and she would keep on surviving. Move, she must move.

As she ran she could feel warmth in the air. Hints of life forcing its way through the darkness, puncturing and highlighting itself with the wary rustling of creatures. It made Sia laugh, the squirrels must have seemed clueless! With a grin she pushed forwards, catching the odd sight of light not too far away. It was with tentative curiosity that she eventually broke away from her codes once more. She would have never risked the high grasses before, but now, in that moment the idea that she might be chased thrilled her. She would win, wouldn’t she? Sia had come thus far, and nothing would cut her off from the life she possessed now.

Her muscles started to burn against the force of the long grasses, thick and heavy. It added fuel to her restless heart, she would not give up. And at last there came an opening, an end to it all. Luck had had its way with her, and having noticed the dusty earth ahead of her she made the last minute effort to bound against its surface and miss the sharp border.

Sia was no longer grinning, as she stood and caught a familiar verse in the thick air. While her eyes had been transfixed by the glow and ash, her head darted towards the voice. A few more steps away, perhaps several meters away she found Tandavi, and the creature about her fore. For a moment she had thought it may have bitten her, but the position of the creature – on second glance – did not reflect this.

Fleetingly, she wanted to leave. Her instincts warned her to head back to the Basin, and it had been terribly foolish of her to escape safe lands so eagerly. But they had vanished too, and their warning evaporated for something else. This filly, a horse of crème color did not appear much older. Perhaps Sia could be useful, perhaps this was a friend.

She moved closer, her voice breaking ahead of her. “Hey.” From where she stood she couldn’t quite see the injury, or whether there had been one in the first place. She’d just only arrived when fuck entered the world. Coarse, vehement words that seemed strange.

“What’s wrong with you?” Her brows had seized up into a frown, while her eyes swept by the kitsune once more. She had never seen a creature like it, except that it resembled a fox. And perhaps by all means it was just a fox, but why would a fox want to follow a horse of all things?

How strange.

[sorry, longer than what I thought it would be... I got carried away .___.']