HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] exhaust - Printable Version

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exhaust - Eribor - 08-12-2013

I fought off the knowledge that I had failed in my escape for as long as I possibly could. They say denial is the first stage of grief, and I don't think it would be unreasonable to say that I was in grief over the fate cast upon me, to be trapped in this world of morbid darkness and crazed Amazons. In my haste to escape the gaggle of mares I must have taken a wrong turn at the third or fortieth glowing tree; somehow, instead of gliding over sunlit mountains I found myself standing in a moonlit field, utterly lost and too exhausted to care.

I could not walk for long, not here. It wasn't just my muscles. The moist spring of malnourished grass under my broad hooves felt too much like home, when the land lay burnt and wasted in the wake of invasion, reeking of death and latent decay. I recalled what the grullo mare had said about the gods having left this land, that the darkness came from their abandonment. How long had it been since the sun shone here? Days? Weeks? By the smell and the chill, closer to weeks. The moon cast a shallow pallor over the dying world, lending to the feel of desolation that haunted this hell I found myself cast into. I found myself wondering what gods these were, who were so cruel as to abandon their followers so utterly. Whoever they were, I had decided long ago that they could not have been mine, my benevolent spirits of Earth and Sky, and that I did not care for them. A snap judgment, perhaps, but given the circumstances I didn't care.

The moon had traveled halfway through the sky, and still I had not found the meadow's end. My muscles ached from hock to hip, and I could feel every sinew of my wings weighing heavily on my back - each feather weighed a thousand pounds, each ounce of flesh multiplied by ten. The emeralds burned into my cheek stung against the cold, damp air; really, there was no end to the pain I felt. It can't get worse, I decided stupidly. Stupidly, because of course the moment I decided it could not get worse my hoof caught on a root and I went down, down, legs collapsing under me, knees covered in moist dirt.

A string of silent curses left me then, muted only by years of discipline and the warnings of a deceased father. Looking back on the moment, it certainly wasn't the low point of my life- oh, god, not even close. Lying in the dirt in some damned place far from home, surrounded in darkness that would never die? Yeah, no - overall, it had been a good day. Still, in the moment it felt pretty damned miserable, and I was ready to indulge in some self-pity. Groaning audibly I closed my eyes, settling down to a fully fledged pity party, ready to review all my past pains in one lovely and vibrant slideshow of misery.

It took three seconds for me to fall asleep.

RE: exhaust - Ampere - 08-18-2013

It's difficult to decide which emotion is more crippling than the other.

Love abolishes all sensibility and intelligence, a psychological warfare of the most extreme, reverting us back to a state of childhood logic and function.

Rage does not attack from within, but from outside. It cuts off everything around you except its source, channeling so immensely that the world ceases to be. You forget yourself and sometimes you never remember again.

Depression is a slow, but persistent thing that slowly consumes internally. It brings forth a constant ache to the body and a dull monotonous voice of can't to the brain. It attacks from all ends until it reaches the center and lastly, consumes that too.

Fear moves swiftly and surely, bringing strength to the body with adrenaline but chaos to the mind. All reason-ability implodes into action, or even worse, inaction. You cease to know or feel anything but a rising need that you cannot fulfill and you are tortured by its craving and the inability to do anything about it.

Whatever the motion, they destroy you.

Ampere is currently feeling: FEAR!

It spirals through her wings with each beat of her heart like a terrible venom. There was no snake to serve as culprit though, just the image of the marching soldiers upon the wastes of the desert land.
It is foolish, as most emotions are, because they do not pursue her, it is not her home, and she is uninjured - aside from the healing burns on her front hooves and fetlocks. Yet she flies hard and fast, a set of words she would have savored in the company of a particular bay that she so quickly left behind in that realm of sand and soldiers, but now she derived no pleasure from the panic feeding her working bones.

Eventually it or she would run dry and then she'd crash, like a foal coming down off an apple-sugar high.

The moment comes.

Black and blue wings fold in suddenly, weary from the exertion to flee. The wind drops beneath them just as fast, and on those heels Ampere's head follows, and then, her heels.
She tumbles unsteadily in the air, fighting to get her wings back out. They flap and flop like suffocating fish, at times wrestling the wind back into submission while at others caving in under the pressure of the air. It causes Ampere to swerve wildly in the skies, her altitude dropping rapidly. She cries out, already wincing at the impact to come. Her front feet are tentative as they uncurl, like malfunctioning landing gear, to take her unto the ground once more - the burns will hurt.

The sparse and pitiful grass rises around her like a wave of foliage as she impacts the soil, managing to stay upright with some awkward hopping motions aided by her flapping wings, but soon enough crashes onto her left shoulder, the grass blades eager to rip up the charcoal hide she bears.

A smear of ruined earth sets in Ampere's wake as she shakes herself off and hobbles back to her feet slowly, but surely. Her sides are heaving and her thoughts are jumbled, but at the very least, the fear has been beaten down.

"It's gone. They're gone. The armies and the war, all gone now." She speaks to herself reassuringly - someone has to give the pep talks.

[I left it up to you to decide if she crashes into Eribor or is just near him :B]


RE: exhaust - Harmony - 08-18-2013

H a r m o n y
peace begins with a smile..

It was finally time for me to escape the screeches, the sounds of pain, the thumps of the large bodies hitting the ground. I couldn't handle it. Knowing that I couldn't help. But, really... Did I want to help? Who knows. My emotions where so mixed, I didn't know left from right. This was a confusing and hard time for me, decisions to be made. My heart was pulled in every which way. I needed to relax. Maybe meet someone? I don't care. I felt like at every moment he was going to take me over. That she would leave me in the dust and forget about me. That she would possibly die. Again, why me? Dammit, why am I here? All it has brought me is pain. That's all. Now she is going to leave me. Now she doesn't care. What is there for me to live for? That's right. Nothing. This was non-sense, my life. Really, it was. I have no point, no driving force now knowing that she could leave me.

As I jogged into the thistles, a few snagged at my ever so thinning winter coat. Ignoring them, I stared straight ahead, my velvet harks perked for any noise. What was I looking for? Hmm. I really don't know. Maybe something to talk to? Who knows. After I cam over a small rise, two silhouettes came into my view. I sighed and took a few cautious strides toward them, pondering if I should approach. Why not? Gods, here I go again.

Slowly, I cantered up to them. I stopped a safe distance away. I flipped my cranium, forcing my locks away from my pools and behind my left ear. I mumbled softly;
" Hello? "

RE: exhaust - Rosario - 08-29-2013

The cinnamon brown colt stumbled across the meadow, his eyes enlarged, engulfing his new and dark surroundings. An adult is what he coveted, the search for his father seemed relentless, where could he be? All hope was lost for the lanky beast. Tall beige blades reaching out to slice he outstretched, balancing wings. His tiny, delicate hooves were spread as he walked, favouring his crippled shoulder. The boy's tiny golden hooves stepped close to the group of horses, he peered up at them with his pupiless blue eyes.

There lay a great, slate pegasus stallion, swaddled in the sea of grass and thistle. His green dipped mane, and tail spread away from his resting body, there vibrant colour seemed more alive than he was. Speaking of vibrant colour, The Black pegasus mare stood near him. Bright blue streaks dripped down the side of her face and neck, like bolts of lightning, feathers hang aloof from her mane and tail. the two pegasi were so elaborate, and beautiful. and then I looked to my left, and saw a simple chestnut paint equine mare, standing among the small group. "Hello?" she said, as I realized she had just stumbled along the others also.

"Hello!" I said in my scratchy childish voice, looking around at the three much larger adults. "My name is Rosario, or Roo, what's yours?"