HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Downfall of Decimation [Invasion Defense] - Printable Version

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Downfall of Decimation [Invasion Defense] - Destrier - 08-15-2013


It all happened so suddenly. In one moment, I had been rushing at Sage with the intent to put forth my next attack on the palomino, but then she rushed away screaming.


Landing back on all fours, I watched, baffled as she rushed away and her words sank in. It didn't take long for me to realize that yes, there was a sudden, strange feeling hanging in the air all around me, coaxing me into action. Go, the mists seemed to say, and so I listened, pushing myself into a gallop after my golden comrade. A moment ago, we had been locked in a brutal fight of our own, but now, duty called and rank was not of importance.

With every stride I took closer to the enemy, a new worry seemed to find its way into my mind. Where were my children? Were the rest of my herd mates already at the site of the brewing battle, and if so, were they alright? I owed it to them to keep them safe, for I was their Wingleader after all, an overseer to their protection. I feared what I might witness once I reached the heart of the fight, there was no denying it, but I had to keep my head up and prepare myself for what was to come. I couldn't afford to lose my head before the fight had even begun; I knew better.

Even from the cover of the trees, I could hear cries of fury and rage, the pounding of hooves against solid earth as the first blows of war were struck. From its perch high in the sky, the moon aided in shedding light down on its favored land, and for it I was thankful. A minuscule flash of white caught my eye, and upon closer inspection I could see that it was my very own Laila, locked in battle with a pale unicorn. I yearned to rush over and help her put an end to her foe, for she was only an acolyte with minimal training, but she was smart and would surely have my head if I stole her glory. Deep down, I was immensely proud of her for standing up for our home, and I prayed that she would walk from the fight with little to no injury.

Reluctantly pulling my gaze from my daughter, my eyes searched for an opponent of my own as I broke from the trees. It was utter chaos all around me, and though my left front leg continued to pound with pain at every step it was forced to take, I didn't allow myself to stop until these intruders had been ousted from my home. Overhead, Suli flew in a wide arc, keeping her eyes peeled for any who might come at me from an odd angle and warn me before they could surprise me.

Today, I would make Bran proud, and I would not allow these intruders to rip our home from us until I was dead and bloodied on the ground.


[Opening post. 0/2 magic/companion uses.]


RE: Downfall of Decimation [Invasion Defense] - Rafe - 08-16-2013

Because no one else here will save you and I will replace you


Rafe wanted to crack a smile, but his expression was as stony and unyielding as ever. The Grey was doing something worthwhile, something to keep him in their ranks a little longer. The blood bay stallion was not one to sit idly; he was a killer, and killers needed to be employed in order not to become murderers. Whether he was a contract killer, mercenary, assassin or secret agent, he did not much care. His loyalty was to death, and she took care of him very well.

The gray harbinger of death, Deimos, had alerted him to something nefarious when he had arrived to discuss their contract of exchanged warriors. So, he had stayed and marched along with them, hanging back only a little while so that he could alert Phaedra as they moved like a silent, unseen shadow in the darkness of the world.

Still, the only light was the moon, but that was enough. The four crowned worshiper of nothing but his own skills and death approached, solid black hooves depressing the ground beneath his tone and lithe weight. Rafe stood on the more slender side of bulky. He was a build that excelled in jumping and precision, and his topline and well developed muscle groups spoke of his abilities.

Cold, blue eyes gazed at his opponent, a bulkier being, but shorter. Rafe frowned. Getting his horns up under him would be more difficult, but no matter. He would have to see how fast this black enemy could actually move. His type, with the cold-blooded features could be surprisingly quick if they were not monstrously built, but even then, he was not quite as slender. A shadow blotted out the moon and he lifted his head sharply, seeing the outline of a little, dark colored dragon.

Such a bond with a wild creature was unnatural, as was magic. Rafe would never sully himself with such disturbing augmentations. He would stand with only his strength or weakness to give him victory or failure. Rafe moved between the trees, his gait picking up into a strong trot as he used the commotion around him to try and mask his movements.

Boldly, he lunged forward, swinging his four-horned head upward, bringing his nose from between his knees all the way up to brush the low hanging tree branches. Hopefully at least the longest horn would slide up the left side of Destrier's barrel. Rafe quickly moved to the side, sending his body behind a tree in an attempt to block any counter attack before coming around to face his enemy directly.

[Word count (431) (1/4) - Attacks from Destrier's left side and swings his head up to try and slice his middle in half. Rafe is perpendicular to Destrier at this point. He jumps behind a tree and then comes around to face Destrier]

RE: Downfall of Decimation [Invasion Defense] - Destrier - 08-19-2013


The sounds of battle came from every direction. Hooves scuffled against the ground as the Edge fought their assailants, and cries of both pain and anger filled the air around me. It was difficult to pinpoint just how many had broken through our borders, and I found myself unable to rely on my ears alone to find an approaching enemy. Darkness continued to cloak the land as it had for countless weeks, and I nearly cursed it. It had aided in our intruder's unforeseen entry - a feat I could hardly believe - and I would make certain to have a word with my fellow warriors once this was all over with.

Flying overhead, Suli continued to keep an ever watchful eye out, and it didn't take long for me to catch her call of warning on the air. Ahead of me I could see nobody, leaving the only possible location of an attacker to be behind me. As my ears slicked back, I could hear the sound of approaching hoof beats, though they were muffled against the rest of the commotion that always came with battle. From what I could tell, my attacker was coming from my left. Using my hindlegs as the powerhouse of my movement, I sent myself to into a lunge to the right which proved to be a good choice when I felt a sudden, foreign pain.

Horns had met my side, two of them judging from the two burning gashes I could feel at my side. One shorter cut ran just above my stifle, and the other, long one ran from my flank up to the point of my left hip. The tender skin burned furiously, causing a squeal of pain to leave my lips. While the horns had indeed broken skin, I was lucky that they hadn't entered deeper and landed a possibly fatal blow.

After a stride or two, my gaze shifted and watched as my adversary strode behind a tree, only to come out on the other side and face me as I slowed to a trot and faced him head-on. Knowing he had come with the intention to rip what was most precious from me, the sheer sight of him caused my blood to boil and my teeth grit behind my lips in anger. Despite the blotting of the moon, I could tell he was larger than I was, yet his build was much more slender and granted him more speed and agility than I could ever wish to possess. A collection of horns adorned his head, putting me at an even greater disadvantage against him. I'd not yet fought a horned opponent, thus I had no experience in how to successfully dodge such an attack. The closest I had to go off of were the spears and swords I had faced in Vallhea, which were capable of dealing death in a single blow. I needed to be careful.

Keeping my eyes locked on the blue of my foe's, I moved into a canter and ran straight for him. I made a move to the left yards out from him, but then went sharply to the right in an attempt to psych the bay out. I continued my pursuit, picking as much speed up as I was able in the short distance that was left between us, head ducking down so as to avoid any possible oncoming horns, and I threw my front half into a buck as I tried to send my left shoulder into his own. He might have a difficult time getting away with a tree to his immediate right.

When my front feet hit the ground again and were met with the force of my weight, a sharp pain shot up the length of my left front leg where Sage had previously gotten me just minutes ago. Despite this, my back legs kicked out at the other stallion, hoping to knock against his legs if he had yet to get out of range. The attack pulled and stretched the fresh gashes near my hip, nearly causing me to grunt in pain, but they would not stop me. I would not allow the Qian to fall today.


[WC ;; 702. 1/4 posts. 0/2 magic/companion uses.

Hit by Rafe's horns above the stifle/up the flank. Faces Rafe and charges him head-on, feigns to the left, then goes to the right. Bucks and tries to ram left shoulder into Rafe's left shoulder, then kicks out at him in passing.]


RE: Downfall of Decimation [Invasion Defense] - Rafe - 08-19-2013

Because no one else here will save you and I will replace you

The cries and screams around him became nothing but a pleasant background noise, a comforting lullaby to soothe his aching, hard heart. The ache was not a pain of heart break or emotion, but of one need to act, a desire for blood, and a yearning for death. He was a dealer, an instrument of the ferry-man, sending the souls to cross the black river into oblivion. Emotion used to be a luxury he could not afford, but now it was a weakness he could not endure.

He acted without passion, except the passion of battle itself. The stallion was unnaturally calm, giving no indication of his opinion on this war. He was not paid to have an opinion, only to yield results. Everything he did was calm and calculated. His mind, never cluttered or clouded by rage or anger. Ever cool, ever collected, his expression remained impassive, watching his opponent act and watching each little tense of the muscles that moved his bones like a puppet master.

His horns slid across the stallion's body, but the black shadow of a dragon had given enough of a warning that the spires did not inflict as much damage as expected. No matter, time was not a factor against a cold blooded opponent like this, not typically, anyway. Once the cold blooded ones were fatigued, they rarely gained enough of a second wind to act soundly, but Rafe would not put all of his hope in that basket of statistics.

After coming out from behind the tree to face his opponent, he watched, standing and doing... nothing. Rafe waited, muscles tensed and stance prepared as he backed up a few feet, just enough for his chest to clear the slender pine if he needed to move. The stallion was not unintelligent, though he was more of a tool of war than an independent instrument. Rafe turned his head just as Destrier's weight was falling into him, aiming to knock his shoulder. Rafe braced his neck and hoped that his horns would do the rest, hoping that Destrier would fall and impale himself right onto the weapons that anchored into his skull.

The outcome of that remained to be seen. Rafe quickly pulled away, sidling to the side with his tail swishing, catching on Destrier's hooves as the stallion kicked out. Unfortunately for Rafe, the black beast's reach was more than he had anticipated, and the massive circles grazed across his hind, left gaskin. The edge of the hoof was not enough to break the skin, but the fur was torn from flesh and a bruise began to form beneath the surface, making the muscle ache.

Rafe's expression did not relay the pain, but his next few steps were off, favoring until the muscular fibers decided to release (and mostly likely tear a little in the process). Destrier was too far away now, but Rafe was fast and agile, at least in comparison. The moon overhead cast shadows, almost managing to hide his opponents in the thick trees, so the bay picked up an active canter, spying the stallion quickly. Rafe cantered close and struck out with one of his front hooves in a show of force before making his way closer, sidling with his horns pointed defensively.

Only when he believed himself to be in reach did Rafe act. He lunged forward, jaws open and neck low. He aimed to bite the stallion on the throat or at least on the chest, leaving his four horns to scrape under the black one's jaw if he was lucky. The approach this time was from the left, reaching to the Stallion's right side, hopefully, in an attempt to weaken both sides.

[[(617 words) | (2/4)
- Counter attack to Destrier charging and throwing his weight into Rafe was to turn his head around with the hopes that Destrier would impale himself on his horns
- kick catches on Rafe's left gaskin muscle
- gets close and aims to bit Destrier's throat or chest while his horns, hopefully scrape Destrier's jaws or face]]

RE: Downfall of Decimation [Invasion Defense] - Destrier - 08-22-2013


In mere seconds, I had learned my lesson. In the exact moment that I witnessed my blood-coated foe turn his head towards me, I knew I was in trouble, and there was no chance for me to get away from the inevitable stab of those poised daggers.

The only thing I could do was tuck my head closer and try to protect not only it, but my chest as well. A pain unlike any I had ever known before exploded throughout every fiber of my being, causing an unwilling scream of agony to pass my lips. Into the base of my neck and right below the withers did the horns pierce, though their size felt considerably amplified as the pain increased tenfold. The cuts were made jagged due to my movement, the tips of the two horns piercing approximately one inch past the hide, and the only likeliness I might have been able to compare it to was that of a spear. It had been a popular weapon of choice to those in Vallhea, and now, I could understand why it was so effective.

I could feel my hooves hit their mark as I turned away, but I was unaware as to where they had hit the brute. My steps were even more off now, my left foreleg raising higher than the rest and the shoulder dropping down further than it should have. Coupled with my previous injury from Sage, it was a terrible combination to be faced with. Every step was white hot and riddled me with pain, my face twisting into a grimace as I moved away. I was a warrior, yes, but I was still mortal and greatly susceptible to feeling pain.

But I couldn't, I wouldn't fall today.

As I moved in a choppy canter, my eyes strained to keep tabs on the many trees surrounding us, knowing that they could very well aide both myself and my opponent. Hearing him approach from behind, I knew not what he would do, enabling me only to act out in attempt to dissuade those horns from coming my way again. When I could hear his breath and hoofbeats at where I guessed was my left hip, I made an abrupt turn to the right, anticipating the red one's horns to curl towards me and seek my exposed barrel.

Indeed, I did feel them, catching on my shoulder as well as teeth clamping down on the left side of my chest before I could turn completely away. They weren't quite as successful as before, merely breaking the skin and dragging down the length of my shoulder and to the girth. In my turn, I kicked out to the left in an attempt to land another blow on the crimson stallion, the pressure nearly too much for my left foreleg to handle. I stumbled when my hind legs came back down, but I didn't go completely down.

About the same time of my kick, Suli had dropped down silently from the trees and was trailing along behind us, violet eyes locking onto the blue of our foe's. Coming up from Rafe's left, she tilted her body to follow his motion, and only when she judged herself to be close enough did she launch an attack of her own. Reaching out with the clawed appendages of her wings, she tried her best to grab onto whatever was available; a forelock, the base of a horn if possible, or simply his skin. Parting her jaws, she aimed to bite at Rafe's left eye, clamping down as hard as she was able should her bite actually land. Her intentions were to take the eye out entirely, but she would be content with just harming the beast or causing a distraction.

At the next opportunity, I turned to the right around a fairly round tree, jerking my left front harshly upwards when it ached in protest. I couldn't stay at the side of the unicorn, nor in front of him. I needed to get behind him for the best chance of an attack without getting impaled on those daggers of death, and as I rounded the tree entirely, I planned to do just that and continue my trek after him, this time behind him.


[WC ;; 712. 2/4 posts. 1/2 magic/companion uses.

Left shoulder is impaled(one inch) by two of the horns in first attack, then the horns scrape down his left shoulder to his girth. Is bit on the left side of his chest.

Kicks out at Rafe, as Suli comes down and tries to take out Rafe's eye. Des circles to the right around a tree completely, intending to come out behind Rafe.]


RE: Downfall of Decimation [Invasion Defense] - Official - 08-25-2013

72 hours have passed. Rafe defaults to Destrier.
Destrier receives 0.5 VP and earns one point for the Edge Defenders.