HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Our Time is Now [Mandatory Herd Meeting] - Printable Version

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Our Time is Now [Mandatory Herd Meeting] - Apollo - 09-17-2013


And how can you say that your truth is better than ours?
Shoulder to shoulder, now brother, we carry no arms
"Members of the Foothills, brothers in sisters as we are, hear my words!" Apollo's booming voice rang out across the land from his place by the glowing waterfall, the churning waters doing little to mask the urgency of his tone. Above him the moon and the stars shone brightly down upon the dark-stricken land. "Hear my words and grace me with your presence... There is much we need to discuss."

Ktulu was gone... And with her, other key-members of the Grey, and Apollo was left to lead them on his own. The thought was... Terrifying. That was, perhaps, the only word that he could think of at the moment. Terrifying, and so very daunting. The lives of those that called the Foothills home were cradled within the tiny spot of protection between his hooves, and the black and white overo was afraid that he would fail them all. That he wouldn't be strong enough, or smart enough, or capable enough to handle leadership all on his own... And yet, he would try. For everyone that had put their faith in him. For Ktulu.

Patiently the Merciful waited, honey-brown orbs lingering upon the Foothills fields as the members trickled in. One by one they would come, he knew, or hoped, at least. Did they respect him enough to show? He was not Ktulu, nor Archibald, nor even Ophelia... Yet he had been loyal to this herd from the very beginning. Hopefully the herd would listen, and understand. He did not hold any ill feelings towards Ktulu, nor Archibald, or anyone else who would follow them. Their lives, their paths were just that; theirs. Apollo would never ask either of them to stray from who they truly were.

Sucking in a deep, almost nervous breath, Apollo spoke. "Perhaps some of you are unaware... Most of you are probably not. We have lost key members of our family these last couple of days. Our good general, Archibald, has left our ranks and the Foothills entirely... And Ktulu has followed him. They wish to follow their hearts, and their hearts were not here. For that, they hold no malice from me, and I should hope that they do not hold any of yours, either." For a second he paused, allowing them time to soak in this new bit of information. "I will remain here, to tend to the herd and all of you... But changes will be happening in order for us to survive. No longer are we a band of mercenaries, but a family, a true herd of the Foothills. We take contracts no longer, and we will swear our allegiance to those who earn our trust."

"Still, despite our great losses, we must continue on. With Archibald gone, the spot of General has opened. Please, if any of you are willing to put your body and soul in such a precarious position, speak up. I would be honored to have you." Soulful eyes roamed the onlooking faces of the herd, his family. "And yet... Do not think I am forcing you all to stay. I know that I am not Ktulu, and I am not aquainted with some of you like I would like to be... But I will not hold you prisoner if you wish to leave and follow Archibald and Ktulu. If you wish to stay, then I thank you with an open heart, and if you wish to go, then I bid you speak now."

"I won't lie to any of you; we are vulnerable. Eyes and ears have their sights set on our home, and we must strengthen our numbers, and ourselves, in order to survive this oncoming storm. We need to act. For too long our hills have been silent and slacking. If any of you have suggestions as to what you believe we can do, or if you have anything to offer, don't hesitate to speak... Please."

And then, Apollo quieted and waited for the first to speak.

[ooc: This is a Mandatory Herd Meeting. In order to keep things going, posting order is a lie. Please post your character by 10/01. If you wish to request a rank change of any kind, or any position, say so in your post, please! Failure to do so will result in your character being Outcasted.]

RE: Our Time is Now [Mandatory Herd Meeting] - Mesec - 09-17-2013


I had been alone for some time, silently contemplating life and what it had left for me. There seemed to be little, no matter how hard I tried to make a difference in my own life and the lives of others. My Father thought me a disgrace, an ugly smear to his reputation. My Mother was often too busy to probably even think of me, and even when she did grace these lands with her presence, her visits were short and to the point. I cared not to think of all the foals I'd seen in times past, romping with their parents and siblings, lazing in the warmth of the sun before it had left us, simply spending time together as a family. For most, such simple things were taken for granted, but for me, it was all that I had ever wanted.

The words of the newest Chief to the Foothills, Apollo, rang out and beckoned for the presence of those that still resided in the Foothills. Our exact numbers weren't something I was completely aware of, but I knew our numbers were small. The thought was startling, for I knew we were terribly vulnerable to invasion. If it did come down to something like that, and we were booted from our home, what then? I had no other place to go, no humble parents nor siblings to welcome me back into their own homes when my own was ripped away from me... Perhaps I could find Roskuld again, but judging from our last meeting when the darkness had first fallen, I doubted I was somebody she wanted to see.

Since the attack on Helovia, I'd found a new fascination with my birthright magic and found myself using it as often as I could. So with the order of my Chief, I allowed the darkness to consume me fully from where I stood, wrapping about me until I was no more. When it let loose of its hold on me, I was then standing before the cascading waterfall, pupiless eyes cast to the overo stallion. At the sight of Apollo, I cast him a gentle, silent smile; he was, perhaps, the only true friend I had left. I would serve him well until I could no more, unless he, too, eventually slipped soundlessly out of my life.

It came as no surprise to me to hear that more had left. Archibald had deserted us, and with him, Ktulu. I knew neither of them well, had never spoken a word to them to be honest, and so I couldn't say I really felt anything at the news. What did bother me, however, was the fact that they knew they'd left their family weak and vulnerable. As Apollo had explained, I didn't blame them for following their hearts, but I thought it jaded the way it had all worked out. I pitied Apollo for the sudden weight he must now carry alone, but I respected him all the more for it.

"... As young as I am, I'm not sure how much I can help," I spoke up once the Chief had quieted for the rest of us to speak, "But I'll stand with you, Apollo, whatever you decide. If ever you need something of me, then I'll carry it out. I've grown tired of the comings and goings of our members, and I don't wish for it to happen any longer. You may not be Ktulu nor Ophelia, but you hold the title of Chief for a reason, and I'll not stand to watch all of your hard work crumble on our behalf."

"talk talk talk"
  in the corner of a dark room.
breathless-dk, EveLivesey, and Burtn @ deviantart.com

RE: Our Time is Now [Mandatory Herd Meeting] - Murdock - 09-17-2013

Everyone was leaving. Seasons had passed since Ophelia had left, but she was the first of many. Gradually, members of the Foothills that had become as close as family to him had branched off. They had left the group for their own reasons, be it the calling of freedom or the need to distance themselves from what the Grey had become. Murdock wasn't sure where he stood in it all; he wasn't sure if he was content in the beautiful mountains he had come to love, or if he preferred to leave the crumbling family behind to find a place where he would truly belong.

As he made his way toward their Chief, heeding his call, he couldn't help but cast his gaze sorrowfully over those who had massed before their leader. There were many new faces, but those old, familiar ones he had come to know were not present. His pace was slow and leisurely, though he did not walk with content or calm. The darkness, so eternal and constricting, had snuffed out the light of his spirit along with that of the sun. He had always enjoyed the night, but now he had grown to miss the reassuring rays of gold more than anything.

Murdock hardly heard Apollo's words as he joined the mass of his brethren, though his eyes remained fixed on the Chief. They had joined the Grey at almost the same time, and the Executioner was so impressed by what the overo had become, while he had remained little but a warrior. It must be daunting, to stand at the head of such a herd as the Foothills and know that each decision was yours to make, and the fates of many rested with you. It was a responsibility he knew Apollo could manage, despite the weight upon his shoulders.

At the mention of their departed General, Murdock raised his head. He was by no means as skilled as Archibald, but he had lived to fight and he had been raised a warrior. If the Executioners would have him as their leader, he would do whatever it took to live up to their expectations. "Apollo," he began quietly at first, almost hesitant to speak as many eyes turned toward him. He cleared his throat nervously, taking a step toward the radiant light of the waterfall. "I would like to apply for the position of General."

Whether he would be accepted or not, he would respect the decision of his leader. Part of him hardly cared what position he held, as his weary soul had lost much of its capacity to care. His heart had withered in the absence of Chernobyl, and not even the bright face of the moon could restore life his limbs. At least spring had brought with it some warmth to chase away the chill of the darkness, though still it could not compare to the heat of golden sunlight.

"talk talk talk"

If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?

Image Credit

RE: Our Time is Now [Mandatory Herd Meeting] - Phaedra - 09-17-2013

'Cause even the stars they burn
Some even fall to the earth</style>

Apollo's voice reached Phaedra's ears, like a wave crashing down upon her already drowning body. Leaving? Even Archibald - whose name caused her body to sting as if feeling the phantom wounds from the Invasion, a slight that she had not yet gotten over, pulled at her heart, but not so much as Ktulu. The darker twin, one who had always unnerved the golden spy, but who was revered and respected in her eyes, had left without a goodbye, just as Ophelia had. It was all Phaedra could do, to remain steady on her golden hooves, as she strained to catch more of Apollo's words. She heard Mesec's voice - and then Murdock, who had accompanied her on a mission long ago, asking to replace Archi. It was...

..she was...


Phaedra felt the world swim before her gaze, as philosophical questions too large for her mind, suddenly overcame her - as if filling her lungs with unanswered questions. She had pledged her allegiance to Ktulu and Phi..she had been with them through two Invasions now, since the very beginning. She had remained out of loyalty, out of honor to a family who had taken her in when she had needed them. Yet that loyalty had been questioned - by Circe. Why? Because I asked why it was me, instead of you? Her rattled brain conjured the image of Circe, and vaguely wondered if she too would follow Archibald out. Likely yes.

Would she stay? Should she?

Could she?

Steadying herself, Phaedra moved like a wraith of light - glimmering like a fallen star, and moving soundlessly towards the assembled trio. Her creamy mane, full of starlight danced upon her sooty shoulders as she moved lightly from the grove of trees where she had been. Her oddly patterned wings hugged her lithe sides with ease, now that all of her wounds had healed.

Apollo. Mesec. Murdock.

A sad smile brushed her pink muzzle, as she silently dipped her head in greeting to her winged brothers. Although Phaedra was surely now the most senior member - save for perhaps Rafe - she was the one who felt like an outcast. Who felt naked. Did any of them remember when Leander had come to them in the Woods? Did they remember Svetlana's death? Surely not - for this was truly the Foothills now - all parts of the Grey had been washed away. Turning now, her bright gaze fell upon Apollo, and for a moment she was transported to their brief moments of bliss, before their family had fallen apart.

She remember his bumbling and boyish naivety, when first she had encountered him in the Threshold. How his eyes had whispered his want for her, as she foolishly led him down a hallucinogenic tirade...And how joy had overcome her, as they played together in the waves. Even Walter and the Wolves couldn't taint her memories of that afternoon - how she had been at peace, and happy, standing at his side, waiting for death. Had he loved her then?

Had she loved him?

Looking at him now, she couldn't help but smile. You're one of the good ones, sugar - she had told him then. And he was. But was good what they needed? Could he lead them? Maybe a fresh start was what they truly needed...but was Phaedra included in the they ?

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RE: Our Time is Now [Mandatory Herd Meeting] - Andreas - 09-18-2013


It pained her too see her baby brother placed in this position. If she ever saw Ktulu again, Andreas would rib her from limb to limb. Old loyalties be damned. The Black raven thought that Ktulu was being nothing but being utterly selfish, like her sister. She had made a promise to lead this herd, not long after appointing Apollo head, she found it okay to just up and leave them?! Hell no. Nothing about this was okay, the other other dark mare was going to quickly learn this. Andreas didn't care if Ktulu wasn't happy. She had placed her family here, promised to lead and guide them and then left them all for the wolves. Well fortunately she did one decent thing before she left. She placed Apollo in charge. Andreas knew that her brother would be able to lead them. This was their chance to start again, this was no longer The Grey. This was now just the Foothills family, and together they would be able to move past this. Together with those who remained and those who joined fresh, they would rebuild their herd on these broken foundations. It was important to Andreas to have faith in everyone that remained behind to stand behind her brother. They were proving themselves to be loyal to Apollo. That meant so much to the dark raven.

She moved to stand beside her brother on his left hand side. Her face was blank, her eyes dark clouded over by deep thoughts. Not once did the thought of leaving cross her mind. Never again would she lose her true blood, until her dying breath, Andreas would remain by her brother's side. Looking over his herd now, the darker mare wondered who was thinking about leaving them now. She would not be disappointed in anyone that left after their female leader. That was where loyalty came into play. Her honey eyes rested on the winged mare that hovered in the back, she owed everything to the spy of the Foothills. Andreas wonderer if she would decide to remain or leave them. Next her eyes flicked to everyone that had already pronounced their loyalty to her brother. The dark mare would have to get to know each of them. "I already know where my place is." Her tones were quiet, strong though and she was quite sure of herself as she addressed them all.

"I belong right here, beside you Apollo. Whether I hold a position or not, my loyalties remain here." She wanted to make it clear, this mare knew she just belonged beside him. They were blood and bone, created within the same womb. Andreas' would always be found standing beside her brother, no matter where their lives ended up being carried out, Andreas would never let Apollo slip through her fingers again. "More than that, my loyalties will always be with you brother." Her voice was quiet now, only intended for Apollo's ears. The need for him to realise that he would always have her faith, love and friendship was terribly important to her. Now she stood beside him, strong and proud ready to work hard for him to make this family everything her deserved.

It would be good to get some fresh blood in, to recruit people who had nothing to do with The Grey. These members would help lead them away from the old ways and learn about becoming a true family, not a group of fighters that could be bought. Perhaps with their softer souls, Apollo and Andreas would be better suited to a less violent and unstable lifestyle. Especially now with so many of the leading Grey members gone, the Foothills would be able to build their ranks stronger and truer. Everyone that was going to be recruited to the herd should prove themselves to be true and worthy. Every problem, stumble or bad experience that her brother had, Andreas would be right there to pick him up and dust the dirt off him. As a team, this family would pick themselves back up.

As a pair, they would come out of this on top.

" "
688 words.

Everyday's another chance to ignite
Cause I'm addicted
To this universal feelin called life

RE: Our Time is Now [Mandatory Herd Meeting] - Artemis - 09-19-2013

i am not worthy

"Members of the Foothills, brothers in sisters as we are, hear my words!"

Her head rose, long strands of grass hanging from a slowly crunching jaw. The sticky dew was refreshing and cool to her grayed lips, yet she could not enjoy the sweet taste. No, someone was calling, and she knew the voice well enough to recognize that it belonged to Apollo. The painted stag was gathering the herd, but why, the mare could not say. Swallowing her mouthful, she began to trot toward the voice, her pace hastened yet not rushed, for she was but a short distance away. His shape quickly came into view, lit by lamplight which tinted his ebony pelt with a strange orange aura. She smiled faintly, but said nothing as she slipped from the shadows. She bowed simply, her head lowering respectively toward the shorter unicorn.

One by one, shadows emerged and silently awaited the words of their leader. The pale faced mare quietly wondered why familiar faces were missing; Ktulu and Archibald were nowhere to be seen, and the realization sent a strange pang of anxiety into her gut. The last she had seen of the white maned leader was actually of her bear. Ktulu herself had been quite illusive, though Artemis had put it down to herself. No one seemed eager to approach the crimson faced titan, be it due to her size, quiet demeanor or some other unknown factor. Alas, Apollo's words described a very different scenario; the Constrictor was not avoiding her family, but had left completely.

She wasn't sure how to feel about the situation. She did not know the members well, so their vanishing act did nothing to affect her personally, and she trusted Apollo enough to be a wise and kind leader. But what of their contracts? Just as the thought occurred to her, he said words she had longed to hear; no more contracts, allegiances formed with those we trust. Memories of Laila's face sprang to mind; her bloodied body wounded needlessly. Her heart soared in knowing never again woul her strength be used to hurt the innocent, but to fight for justice and to protect her family. She almost whinnied, but resisted, instead keeping her solemn gaze focused on the maw of Apollo.

With Archibald gone, the spot of General has opened. Please, if any of you are willing to put your body and soul in such a precarious position, speak up." She hesitated, but her head raised and ears pricked at the concept. As far as she knew, she was one of the only ones to have been successful in the recent invasion, and she knew she was strong. She glanced around, watching the faces of those around her. A pegasus offered himself for the position, and likely he would suit the position well. He was probably lived here much longer than she had, yet she felt compelled to speak.

She took a step forward, ears lowering slightly. She was nervous talking in front of crowds, being used to simply not speaking at all, but she took a deep breath and ignored the shadowed bodies of her comrades. Her eyes found Apollo's muzzle yet again. Eye contact was not something Artemis found easy, and so she couldn't quite meet his gaze. Beside, she felt afraid that they would judge her badly; look down upon her simply because she was the newest addition. No matter. She arched her neck, feigning pride and trying to force some semblance of confidence. "Apollo. It may not be my place to speak, but I am loyal to the Foothills; to you. I would be honored to apply for the position as general." She took a deep breathe and glanced to her side, toward the others. "I know I have not been here long, but I am an experienced warrior. I hope to prove my worth to you all, if I may." She gave a slight, nervous dip of the skull and retreated back into the shadows that kept her safe. Her eyes found the ground before her, uncertainty pulling at her heart strings.

"Speech goes here"

RE: Our Time is Now [Mandatory Herd Meeting] - Solace - 09-19-2013


I'm ashamed that I'm barely human
I'm ashamed that I don't have a heart you can break
I'm just action and other times reaction

Solace heard the familiar voice of Apollo. He joined the others amongst the group. There was still that sense of being a stranger invading an intimate family meeting, but he decided to ignore the feeling for the time being. He was still new to the herd, it would just take time for him to learn and get to know his herdmates.

His attention was pulled from his own thoughts as Apollo began to speak. They had lost even more members of the herd .When Solace had first arrived he remembered the first meeting that discussed one of the previous chieftains had left, now another one had followed. He was sure many felt a deep loss, but he himself wasn’t involved enough to have even spoken with the other members, with the exception of Apollo that cold night in the Threshold.

The opportunity for others to take upon the rank of general had opened up. Solace had no interest in any kind of power. It held far too much responsibility, and he himself wasn’t a strong enough warrior. Let those that loved this herd more than he, and those that craved power take the rank. He would always be but a follower, and he was content with that life.

Solace looked at the Pegasus that expressed his interest in the role first, and then at the unicorn. Vaguely, he remembered seeing both at the previous herd meeting. He studied them both for a long time, but then turned his gaze back to Apollo. He could only imagine what sort of pressure was upon the his leader’s shoulders. This would be a test for is leadership, Solace thought. If he could bring this broken family together and defend them from the threats that loomed outside of the Foothills.

A need to speak hit Solace. This wasn’t a need he was particularly used to having, but for once he felt it that body language wouldn’t be enough to express his thoughts.

“I know I am still very new to this family, and not acquainted with basically any of you… But I will stand by you Apollo, and all of my brothers and sisters.” He paused briefly as he tried to collect words in his mind and a look of determination crossed over his features. “One thing I do know about this herd is that we are strong, and if we stay true to each other I believe we can make it through this darkness.”

He almost couldn’t believe those words had come out of his mouth. Solace didn't believe himself the type for eloquence or speeches. But then again, everything about his life lately had been changing. Potential changes in himself really shouldn’t surprise him anymore.


RE: Our Time is Now [Mandatory Herd Meeting] - Raeden - 09-19-2013

 Have you ever noticed how every hurricane gets its name from a girl like this?
You're gonna wish you had a storm warning; you're gonna wish you had a sign.

I appeared as called, a shadow detaching from the clinging darkness, shimmering with the emerald light of the pool, my normally pale, golden coat gleaming with flecks of an unattractive yellow-green. Honestly, I wasn't entirely sure why we kept meeting here of all places- I suppose it was the heart of our home, but honestly? The lighting made even Mesec look not-so-handsome, not to mention the ghastly loud roar of the crashing water-fall drowning out all the words exchanged between members of the herd. And it seemed every time we gathered here there was only bad news to come, as if the oblique darkness was slowly rotting the heart of our family, weeding us out one by one.

What worries me most is that I see only Apollo, our newly-appointed Chief, and he stands alone.

I might be sick, and that was before he even began to speak.

Ktulu had abandoned us without a word of good-bye, fleeing into the shadows like a fox-hearted coward, a slimy vixen who slithered her way out of the first sign of trouble. How dare she leave us, when her sister had disappeared but a few weeks ago? Perhaps it ran in the bloodlines. My eyes slipped over to Phaedra, standing silently, and suddenly I was glad I had her as a mother. She made no efforts to teach me, not really, and let me be; though she had subtly taught me when I was younger, allowing me to see her primp and groom for the day. However, that was beside the point- she was loyal; the most long-standing member of our herd by far, and that had to count for something. Would she stay, despite us falling apart? Should I stay, follow by her choices?

Maybe it was time for me to leave and get out on my own, find my prince charming and live my own life, not one determined for me by the herd of my birth.

"I'm sorry Apollo," I sighed, looking up at him with wide, innocent eyes. "I'm not sure about this. My mother's herd, your herd, seems to be falling apart at the seams. Everyone has deserted us- from Archibald to Ktulu and Apo- Ophelia, I mean. Shame on me for saying it, but what's the point in me staying if I'm not being the most loyal I can possibly be?" I grimace, lips curling petulantly into a scowl. "It's time for me to get out on my own, time for me to find my twin." I don't say anything more. There's no point, and with that I slip away, becoming a shadow in the night, wondering with a heavy heart if I was making the right choice.

Then I shake it off. I'm too hot to be weighed down by heavy hearts. It's time for me to go hunting for princes!

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RE: Our Time is Now [Mandatory Herd Meeting] - Lakota - 09-25-2013

There was something in the wind, she reckoned. It beckoned those she loved from the shores of their island into the shuddering, consumptive waves in the distance. And who would be left but her, sitting on the bloodied sand, trying to keep their footprints from vanishing beneath the waves? Their memories were clasped in her fragile hands, but so many had deserted her and left their fragments behind that soon she was scrambling to hold them all. Why was she left with such a sombre job? Having to watch as those tiny ships sailed into the tsunami approaching? Did they miss her? Did they ever turn back once, even twice, to gaze upon her kneeling broken on the shoreline, and wonder if they should go back? Whether they had or not, they had yet to return.

So many silver threads broken, promises she'd meant when spoken but which resonated untrue when plucked by curious fingers. Did the saying not go that blood was thicker than water? Could she be blamed for wishing to stay at the side of her siblings, to at least question what they were intending to do before making her own decision? She would never abandon her beloved kin like that, would not have them worry needlessly without a word of goodbye or an explanation.

Ktulu had gone, like a whisper of cold wind on a late summer morning. Her memory was a ghost, sending chills down her spine and into her heart. Love had not been strong enough to keep her. Love had not been steady enough to draw the shadow away to her side either. It shouldn't hurt. There was a golden-hearted lover in a paradise of crimson and gold sand awaiting her with a smile. They had created a new life together, raised it similarly despite all attempts at distance and alliance to tear them apart.

Why would she ever turn away from that, and instead choose a bitter and broken porcelain doll?

A song touched her aurals, and she tore from her thoughts as if surfacing from the depths of the ocean, disoriented and somber.

Apollo calls, came a soft, hesitant whisper inside her mind, like the slow-motion descent of winter flakes during the first snowfall. Humming softly in reply, she dances on her tiny legs and swings her body round to answer the call.

There are many already grouped around him, swearing their allegiance in echoing calls to his symphonic voice. He is the orchestrator, and them the instruments singing sweet music to the beck and call of his talents. The shadow listens from the edges, lingering, and watches as a shimmering powder pink, golden body claims her leave verbally and physically. Like a beautiful plague she seeps forward and gazes upon the child understandingly. "Be safe, young one. I am always here should you need me." It is a whisper meant only for the little lass. She had helped raised the wanton princess, had been present at her birth and had blessed her in a fashion only she recalled.

It is her turn to speak. Somehow she knows this, despite no mouth calling out her name or bidding her to do so. Stepping forth she turns to face her peers, her brethren. Brothers and sisters in arms who had come with their shaken but loyal faith, wanting a light to lead them out from the darkness. Lakota could not be that light, she did not believe, but what was to keep a bird from attempting flight?

"Many of you do not know me. I am Lakota, Poisoner and Medic of the Grey. And I am going to tell you a story." Her eyes flicker to Apollo, sad and weary, but with a belief in him that perhaps is weighted heavier than those surrounding. "I have been a member of the Grey since it was formed. I was there to welcome Phaedra and Apollo, in fact. Saved them both from a rather disturbing monster in the deep as well. And I ask you believe me when I tell you that this...whatever we are...that is not what the Grey was meant to be." She walks slowly, pacing idly in front of them, uncaring of their eyes. Should they tune out, it was not her loss. She had nothing more to lose, after all. What more could they take from her that she had not already given?

"Apollo, you have grown much since I first met you. You are worthy of your title. And for those who still stand here faithfully, thank you." Violets move to survey the crowd that stands around. Small they may be, but they are still alive, still together. She can work with that. "Should any of you need me, I am here. To heal your wounds, to calm your fears and sedate you. To spar you and keep you strong, offer a shoulder or an ear. I cannot guarantee you will like what you hear, I am terse in my honesty. But there will be no other who will stand at your side as I will if you allow me a place there." Okay, so she was never nominated for her crowd motivation, but it was the best she could give, and she'd do anything to rally them beneath Apollo.

"For those who want to know more, seek me out. I can teach you the ways of natural medicine and poison. If I have any say, we will not fall, we will not falter or fail. We will thrive, so long as you support those who need it, and trust in one another." She quieted and moved towards Apollo after a brief moment, giving the others time to let the information sink in and also realize she was finished.

Apollo...he had truly grown. Lakota was the oldest member of the original Grey left, and it made her feel...old. Broken. Unwanted. How ironic was it that the two stupid kids she'd saved that day on the beach had become the leader of a herd, and the head of an Intelligence sector? And yet...she was nothing. A medic that had never wished for the title. A poisoner with no use. She was nothing. Absence, emptiness, that is what she was. Useless.

"You have become a fine stallion, Apollo the Merciful. I have little to offer...I am nothing. But I am always here for you. You were one of my first friends. Lead well and true, Merciful, and I shall do what little I can." Shamed, she turned her head, and walked slowly back to the empty space aside from her kin. A Medic, a Poisoner, a Mercenary. And yet she was still nothing but useless extra baggage.

In the zone where black and white clash

Resurgere | Wroth

RE: Our Time is Now [Mandatory Herd Meeting] - Ciceron - 09-26-2013

It had been only a few hours since Artemis had offered him a place to call home, a new beginning, a new adventure. Should he have accepted such an offer when he clearly did not know what it was he desired? He had a family back home, back with his herd what made him feel inclined to accept such a out of the blue offer? Maybe it was something that pulled him into the lands known as Helovia, into the foothill, into this herd...something unknown. It was rather confusing for the stallion to be contemplating his own decision's when he knew that his family no longer provided him with the opportunity to grow, to become who he was destined to be. Maybe it was here that could guide him on his journey, his quest whatever it was that kept him walking further into the foothills.

The sunlight beat down from the sky above warming his back and causing the silver markings he bore to glitter in the changing light as his muscles contracted and released powering his every stride. He was confident in himself and his skills now it was just a matter of finding his place within the herd. Would they take kindly to another stallion joining the ranks? Many questions flew around his mind openly as he tried to make sense of it all. Being one who drew from knowledge and facts to make decisions it was hard to not have answers to these questions buzzing around like flies. It was then that a voice could be heard across the landscape summoning all of those who claimed this their home. Maybe this was his opportunity to learn some more about this herd, his herd.

The clearing that seemed to be host of the meeting was vast yet at first glance very few seemed to answer the call. What was he walking into he thought silently gazing around at the few who were present before the black stallion who seemed to bear the title or leader. Listening quietly to all the lyrics that came next he soon was able to put a title to the stallion but still knew little of what had transpired here to drive others away by the sounds of it. Each remaining member took turns voicing their concerns and their allegiance, some all for remaining while others hesitate in light of the news. Was a herd not about staying loyal to those who lived together? No matter what everyone stuck together to protect what it was that made this place special. Whether related by blood or by association it was not right to turn their backs on each other when things got tough.

The new information was rather unsettling but he felt the need to help this struggling family anyway that he could. Applying for the general title would be the likely way to help had he been an acquainted member, but being the newbie made things more difficult. The general needed to be one who everyone knew and trusted to make decisions on their behalf, he was not in any position to offer or expect that sort of faith from others who did not know him. He knew that his only option was to remain as he was now and find other ways to help out.

Stepping forward out of the long grass he drew himself up before Apollo as the other herd members had, this was as much his responsibility now as anyones. "Many do not know who I am or where I came from but for all it is worth I will stand with the Foothills herd." His voice was clear and concise hold with it both confidence and stability for he was one of his word. If there was a battle to be won, he would be right there alongside the others never backing down. He was never raised to be a quitter and he knew he could hold his own in battle. His training made him lethal, accurate and ready to take on whatever was thrown at him. "My name is Ciceron and I will help out in whatever way I can as I hope many others who already call this place home will do as well." Finishing his statement he glanced around with his silver orbs wondering if anyone had even spared him an ear to hear what he had to say. As for what came next that would be up to Apollo to decide.

Table and Image by Moonstone Designs

RE: Our Time is Now [Mandatory Herd Meeting] - Irrydae - 09-27-2013

[ooc; I don't know if this was extended or not, but I swear I'm still here please don't make Irry an outcast! I've just been super swamped recently but I'll try to get a reply up asap D:]

RE: Our Time is Now [Mandatory Herd Meeting] - Apollo - 10-05-2013


And how can you say that your truth is better than ours?
Shoulder to shoulder, now brother, we carry no arms
They all came, one by one, at his beckoning call. Mesec was the first to arrive, then Murdock, Phaedra, his beloved sister Andreas, Artemis, Solace, Raeden... Some he knew quite well and others not so much. On and on they came, and each of them had a bit to say upon their arrival. Apollo listened with grateful ears, emotion welling as they arrived and proclaimed their loyalty to him. What had he done to deserve their kindness? To deserve their profound words of understanding and sentiment? Honey-brown orbs lingered upon each of their faces, the faces of his family, and fear rose anew in his breast. What if he couldn't protect them? He was no warrior, no knight in armor who could protect them from the very real, visceral threat of an invasion.. What if he let them down? Apollo had never considered himself as 'leader' material, and yet... Here he was.

Ophelia and Ktulu had left him with little resources, abandoned him with a contract he had never wanted and a kingdom that was crumbling upon its foundation... And yet the only thing Apollo wanted, yearned for, was to not let his family down. Those assembled... They were not his herd. They were his family, just as the Grey had been... And now they looked to him for guidance.

"T-thank you, all of you." Apollo whispered to each of them, swallowing thickly to speak past the thickness that collected in his throat. Their words, their praise... Each of them offered something different. Murdock, whome Apollo had yet to truly spend quality time with, spoke up in yearning to become their next General. He was an avid, faithful warrior, Apollo knew... And then Artemis did the same. Both were great candidates, offering him and the Foothills the protection that they needed. For a few moments Apollo silently mulled over who would be the better choice, and then came to a conclusion in itself.

Offering both Murdock and Artemis a smile, thankfulness shining in the depths of his soulful gaze, the Merciful spoke. "Good Artemis, loyal Murdock... I hereby appoint both of you to rank of General. As we are a family, I hope that both of you can discuss ways to improve our home, and work together to train those who shall look to you for guidance. Thank you so much for your dedication, to me, and to those who stand around us now."

Out of all of those that arrived, only one had decided to leave. Raeden, Phaedra's daughter... Her words were not surprising for the black and white overo to hear, but he gave her a respectful dip of his head regardless. They had not spent much time together as well, but Raeden had still been a part of the family. To see her go was painful no matter their relation. "Be safe, Raeden... I hope that your journey fulfills whatever is driving your heart. Travel safe, dear one."

Lakota spoke, and Apollo's eyes lingered on her, sadness apparent in his gaze. He didn't like the way that she spoke, the self-depreciating words that flowed from her lips with practiced ease. Did she not know that she was revered here? Once, Lakota had saved his life... Did she not know that she was so much more to him, than just a medic? Apollo dipped his head to the mare's direction, and promised himself that later, they would speak. Something was troubling the violet-eyed mare, and the overo swore that he would figure out just what it was.

Once more the Chief's gaze traveled over those of his companions, and they paused upon meeting those beautiful green orbs of Phaedra. A soft, almost nostalgic breath left him... Oh, Phaedra. Once she had stood so tall and proud, so stalwart and certain, and now... Now she looked as though she was uncertain as to what she wanted, or where she should go. Simply put, she looked lost. Would Phaedra stay in the grasses of the hills? Or would she follow the example of Ophelia and Ktulu, and so many others, and part ways? No matter her decision, the stag only wished for her happiness... And yet, Phaedra had been loyal to the Foothills. She had been loyal to the Grey, even before Apollo had entered Helovia. She had only wanted what was best for them, even if her ways of showing it had been different... "Phaedra," he called to her, lips forming the female's name with plain affection, "These times are uncertain. I have promised to do what I can for this herd... But I cannot do it alone."

A small, hopefully reassuring smile pulled the stallion's dark lips upwards. They had shared many events together, the two of them... Perhaps they could make this work. And hopefully, Apollo would not upset any by what he was going to say. "I wish to ask... If you would help me lead the Foothills to an age of prosperity. You do not have to accept right now, if you wish to think about it... Or we can talk after this, if you wish. Please, just... Think it over."

Turning his head, he once more regarded the rest of the herd. "In light to the General position, which has now been filled, the position of Mason is also open. If you would wish to obtain such a spot, please let me know, as well. You all speak such wisdom and kindness. Together, we can do this. Together, we can thrive."

[ooc: Murdock and Artemis have been named General of the Foothills! Don't forget that applications for Mason are open! @[Aud], if you have any problems with what I/Apollo did, please let me know and I will change the post. :3 Also, I have posted an Activity Check on our Secret Board, so please go see to it! I understand that everyone is busy, so no outcasting will be done in light of this thread.]

RE: Our Time is Now [Mandatory Herd Meeting] - Phaedra - 10-05-2013

'Cause even the stars they burn
Some even fall to the earth</style>

With each face that had turned up to Apollo's call - some old, some new, Phaedra felt the tension in her golden breast begin to subside. Could they still be a family? Perhaps it was simply that family was ever-changing. They were no longer the Grey, lead by Ktulu and Ophelia, they were now the Foothills, lead by Apollo. But was there not something continuous here, some persistent thing that they all shared, that allowed them to remain a family, even as members came and went, and their titles changed?

And with each mouthful of praise and reinforced loyalty to what they were - what they now stood for - Phaedra became even more sure. They were still a family, and Apollo had known it all along.

A quiet smile creased her pink muzzle as she looked with adoration, at the painted stallion who she had shared so much with. You're one of the good ones sugar.

Truer words, were never spoken.

As her name left Apollo's lips, her attention focused more sharply upon him, her flirtatious gaze sparked slightly. If you would help me lead the Foothills to an age of prosperity. Her dark lashes fluttered for a moment, as a feeling of water rushing through her bones suddenly overcame her. Lead? In her minds eye, she viewed Ophelia - the day they had met in the Threshold, to her so-called capture in the Grove. I would take her place? she thought mutely. She was not so bold as to think she could do any better than her pale mentor and yet...As her gaze re-focused upon Apollo, a different sort of thought melted away the apprehension. She was not taking Ophelia's place but instead...making her own place. In the new Foothills.

A slow smile once again breached her muzzle, as it dipped slowly in acceptance - her dazzling gaze never wavering from Apollo's. "You saved me from a nearly certain death in the Endless Blue - and for what you've done for Stella...For what you've done for all of us..." Pausing, she closed her eyes and smiled, taking a deep breath, as bits of star-shine bled and twinkled down her shoulders. "I will be at your side, and at the call of our herd."

Image Credits

RE: Our Time is Now [Mandatory Herd Meeting] - Alleo - 10-05-2013

i'm the wind in your hair that ruffles you up</style>

Since arriving at the herd meeting Alleo had stood in the back quietly observing everyone that arrived and listening to everything that was said. Alleo had heard mention of the Grey ever since arriving, but he had never really asked about him. He had simply lived peacefully within the borders of the place his sisters called home, patrolling the borders on occasion. With that being said he had no real ties to the Grey and no emotion of the fact that the group had dissolved. The stallion had stayed hidden in the back until Lakota, his heart, began to speak. That was the point that he moved through the growing crowd until he stood by her side. His pink nose reached out and he nudged her shoulder tenderly before raising his mismatched gaze to Apollo's face. He didn't know the stallion, but if Lakota had faith in him then he had to be worth something.

The stallion cleared his throat, his unwavering gaze staying locked on Apollo's face. "I am Alleo." He stated, his voice gentle yet stern. "I am the older brother of Lakota. She brought me here several months ago to serve as a warrior, but I would like to offer my services as your Mason. I've seen contraptions used for both defense and for war and the borders could use some strengthening. They are weak at best." His tail flicked and he let his words sink in, though he chose not to hang around to hear Apollo's decision on the matter of Mason.

Alleo turned and trailed after his sister, barely listening as Apollo appointed new generals and a new leader to rule beside him. There were more pressing matters for him to attend to, like why Lakota looked like her world was falling apart around her.

Image Credits

RE: Our Time is Now [Mandatory Herd Meeting] - Solace - 10-06-2013


So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was finding myself
And I didn't know I was lost

Solace glanced over at the stallion as he spoke his interest. The role intrigued him, perhaps he could be of more use to his herd with such a purpose. He turned his head and watched the other stallion walk away and then turn his gaze back to Apollo and cleared his throat before speaking.
“I to would like to express my interest in taking on the role of Mason,” he glanced about at the other equines. “I recognize the fact I do not have the same knowledge of battle as the other who has expressed interest, but I am one who is quick to learn.” He paused for a long moment, “I also believe my services would be well suited in the art of defense.”
His eyes drifted over the faces of those around him. Who knew what thoughts were going through their heads. Solace was reasonably new to the Foothills and still trying to prove himself. What was he thinking asking for such a role within his home? Especially in comparison to a stallion that was a capable warrior unlike himself. It may be foolish, but he couldn’t deny the intrigue in being able to use magic to create and defend. To him it far more suited his personality than being out on the frontlines battling enemies, even if he had e build of a warrior, at times he didn’t believe he had the heart of one.
“Thank you for your time. And congratulations Phaedra, I know you will make a most excellent leader alongside Apollo. I am confident that you two will help make the herd stronger than it ever was.” With that, Solace turned and took his leave, unsure of what else to do with himself.

RE: Our Time is Now [Mandatory Herd Meeting] - Arrane - 10-07-2013

The stallion had never been more glad when he had been granted acceptance by the Chief himself into the foothills. A powerful voice boomed across the land, catching the stallion's attention. The male's audits pricked up as his eyes widened with curiosity. "Members of the Foothills, brothers in sisters as we are, hear my words!" Arrane's heart pounded harder at hearing the world brothers and sisters. Was he really part of the family now.

Trotting towards the summoning of his leader, his cyan eyes caught sight of all the other herd members. Internally, he was beaming with absolute joy. These horses surrounding Apollo were his family. Family. The newbie was barely informed on anything on the land, and taking his place at the back of the group, he slightly shouldered himself forwards without pushing anyone. Curious cyan orbs scanned the clearing, meeting Apollo's honey orbs first, and then looking at everyone else.

There was a giant white mare, named Artemis that requested to be general. Then there was a little colt with a brave heart, piping up. The stallion smiled at him, excited as a puppy internally. Of course he seemed calmed and collected around everyone else. Another stallion, Solace stood tall and proud, taking his part in the conversation. There were so many others he wished to meet and converse with, but now was not the time.

A pause of silence gave Arrane the opportunity to speak to his new family, and gain acceptance from not just the Chief, but the rest of his new herd mates. "I know I'm new here...And could I say I am probably the happiest stallion right now. I wish to meet and speak to everyone here, but Apollo. I am willing to sacrifice myself for the Foothills as a Warrior. It is my honor to now be part of the family, and...", he choked up on emotion. So much was circling through his mind.

"I will do whatever it takes to be a great warrior, and anything to help make the Foothills prosper". Proudly speaking, he offered a smile at the horses here. Of course others took the position of general, but he didn't mind. Arrane was still new and didn't mind being bossed around as a loyal fighter. He would have to work up to be that rank, for nothing should get handed to him easily.