HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] A touch of Homesickness... - Printable Version

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A touch of Homesickness... - Catillatio - 09-18-2013


Actions | "Speech" | Thought

This place held so many memories. Some of them sad, others funny. A dun stag passed along the moonlit sands, their white granules shimmering like silver in the pale dim light. The salty water swelled and receded along the shoreline. The noise was a comfort to some, and a nuisance for others. The dun let his limp drag to a stop. He had left the marsh without telling Seele where he was going. Perhaps he should not have done so, but he had needed to see this place once more. The draw of his island home had grown steadily stronger the closer he got to the western shore. The ocean spread out to his left, an endless expanse of churning water.

He closed his acidic green eyes, the light of a lamp tree gracing his back with silvery light, brighter than that of the moon which hung in the sky like a great white disk. He took in a few breaths of the salty air and the memory of his first morning on Helovia washed over him like a tidal wave.

Hungry, Tired, Must keep swimming.

In a single day and night, the island, his island, his homeland- the place of his birth, had sunk beneath the waves of a storm so powerful that it ripped the very tress from their roots. He had been swimming for who knows how long, it could have been a night, or it could have been three exhausting days. All he knew was that land was close. The current had changed- he felt the waves at his back now, washing over him and coating him in salt. He cared not for the burning in his legs or the hollow feeling in his stomach.

He cared only that he had seen the mist ahead part ways and allow him a glimpse of a great cliff wall. The sight forced him to continue swimming, his legs churning tiredly. He could not give up, but he was so tired, so hungry... his mouth and nose filled with the taste and scent of salt. it was then that his legs cramped up and he felt himself slipping into unconsciousness...

He thought for a moment that he could see the spot he had washed ashore, the log that had marked the spot was still there, even if the impression of his body on the sand had long been washed away. He limped towards it and looked out at the crashing waves. Stretching out, he imagined for a moment that he could see the haze of mist that had once surrounded his homeland, protecting it from outsiders but not from natural calamity.

The imagined haze made his heart lift and he let out a loud, piercing whinny, that echoed across the water, and came back at him thinly. If he was honest with himself, he missed them. His herd mates, the gods he followed, the laws and the customs. He watched the horizon for several minutes until he could stop pretending he could see them and forced himself back into reality. No matter what, he could not go back. He had been placed here, spared from drowning, for a reason. Whatever that reason had been, he did not know yet. He had thought it was to regain his throne, but now he was doubting that. What was this he felt?

Regret? Was this what that felt like? Remorse? He snorted at the unknown heaviness that had settled onto his heart. Shaking his head, he backed away from the shore, his eyes hardening as he tried to shake the feeling off. No. Tio did not regret- the son of Leana had been born a king, and had grown into a monster. To regret was to show weakness. To regret was to know indecision. Snorting again, he returned to the coldness that he was so well known for. Cold indifference felt welcoming, because it was familiar. He could lose himself, steel himself to the deeds he had committed, if only he remained distant from the sufferings of those less than him...

The first thing the stallion was aware of was the sensation of laying on his side atop something wet, and squishy. He blinked open his eyes and at once saw that he was laying on an expanse of soft, wet, sand. Small waves broke around his hooves and dragged at his tail. He lifted his head and looked around and at first imagined he was back on the Sawtooth Cove. But- the landscape was different- there were no palms or black rocks raised like fangs to the sky, jutting out of the waves that crashed around them. He did not recognize the expanse of tall pine trees that spread before him.

Shaking his head in confusion, the dun stag rose to his hooves shakily. He was weak with hunger, and immensely uncomfortable due to the salt causing his coat to itch. He looked back over the expanse of water and snorted, letting out a loud, piercing whinny as though his island home could hear him, but the horizon was flat and blue, seamless with the blue of the cloudless sky. There was no haze of mist, or jut of land to cut the coast. Confused, he paused, gathering his thoughts and turning inland to find a stream and some grass. He could smell horses, but socializing would come later- when he was not weak.

As he walked, he could feel it- the absence. There was an emptiness where his magic used to be. He stopped, suddenly letting this lack come to the forefront of his mind. He snorted, attempting to snort the sparks of fire that he had once commanded. Nothing. He then tried to decrease pressure on himself so that he could float. Still nothing. Now fighting back panic, the stallion twirled around and raced back to the beach, as though what he was missing had been dropped there. He crashed into the water up to his chest and whinnied louder, trotting with a high step because of the water around his legs. He moved first up the coast, and then back down.

When he stopped, he stood there, breathing fast, his acid green eyes wide- the whites showing. Flattening his ears, he looked mutinously at the land stretching out behind him. "It seems the gods wish me to continue without magic..." grumbling, he walked slowly back inland, leaving the beach behind him for good.

Tio stood still, his memories fading away to the back of his mind once more. This place was a place of sadness for him- A memorial to all that he had lost- Lust, Snap, Gabrielle... He had never been given the chance to repay Nether back for what the stallion had done to him. There were so many things he had wanted to do, and it was all gone. Only one fact still remained- for the first time in a lifetime, he had felt truly free from his dam. He did not know how he felt about that, but he could feel himself changing.

He wasn't sure if he liked it.

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