HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Trick or Treat: Character #2, Daphnee - Printable Version

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RE: Trick or Treat: Character #2, Daphnee - Delinne - 10-18-2013

it takes courage to grow up and
become who you really are

Of course, this Tallsun would be quite interesting - more than it already is. I was walking in the Deep Forest and was just about to turn and go home, when I heard voices far in front of me. I decided to see wat was up and walked, and walked, and walked, and walked. The forests suddenly stops and out comes a corn field, where I've never been before. I turned my head and observed the area with open eyes. Soon I heard voices and I walked in their direction, halfly ignoring the strange bird squawking "HARALD THE HARPY".
I looked around and found strange lanterns. They were floating pumpkins, all with a carved scary face and following me with their eyes with every step I took on the little path they created. Spooky, I know, but it gets worse.
It didn't take very long before I had walked out of the corn field and found myself at the crest of a hill. Horses came in rolling like flies and I followed them. It was hard to walk up a hill in a tight skirt though.
For some unknown reason, I was wearing an extremely tight, rather sexy, red dress with a bow on my rump and net sleeves. I even had net stockings on my hind legs! They itched, but every time I turned my head to itch, it felt like I shouldn't really do it. I had a small red hat on my head as well, decorated with lacing and a red bow. My horn was covered in red paint and it looked disturbingly much like blood.
Dezba was following me around, and she wasn't very impressed with her clothing either. My bonded was wearing plushie wings on her back, strapped on with a band around her little belly, and she had big bat ears on her head - too strapped. We looked marvelous, but we felt ridiculous.
The hill was horrifying by the way. It had blackened grass all over it, and the lanterns made us go up all the way. It smelled like death had a baby with manure, and it made both me and Dezba cringe our noses. On the hill were big stones with strange carvings in them, and I stopped right where I had come up.
Cautiously, I look down and almost fell down the hill again. Bones. Sticking up. Uugh. I gazed over the hill's top and found a dog. Not a regular dog, but... A half-dead one so to seem. It had pale sick eyes and it's body was disturbingly thin. She didn't have any skin either on one side of her body, revealing thin and weak muscles underneath. If horses could throw up, I would've by now. I perked my ears as it started to speak.
"Greetings, my name is Daphnee... I see you have already met Harald. Well, do not expect me to be so nice! Come up if you dare to see what I might give you..." I walked closer with careful steps and looked at Daphnee with a half-calm look in my blue eyes.
"Trick or treat?" I whispered, looking around. There were so many horses here, and I even recognized my daughter among them. I smiled and turned my head to the dog again, letting the smile slowly fade as I try to breathe in the smell of death himself. Dezba meowed quietly and carefully, terrified of the dog. Would they come out of this alive?


ooc: so bad ._. Delinne is a Sexy Vampire and Dezba is a bat xD
word count: 580
image credits || made by Sei

RE: Trick or Treat: Character #2, Daphnee - Brisa - 10-18-2013

That which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.
Once again the words echoed into the young fae's mind stirring up the thoughts and the terrible memories of not only the past but also the present. Witnessing so much death had quite literally torn apart what had been left of her heart, but only recently did the single line probe her consciousness. What did it all mean? Where had she heard this before? It had to have meaning, didn't it?

Wanting to get away from everything and everyone meant leaving the edge's protection, at least for the time being. Something about watching her friend plummet to her death had ripped something inside her making her once again sink back into the darkness that had once consumed her. While she was here nothing was safe, no one could be trusted and most of all she felt the need to run. Run far away, away from the pain causing such distress. This urge had been what had driven her away only to get her lost in the maze of land surrounding Helovia. Having noticed others bearing costumes of many different, shapes, sizes and colours gave her the idea to wear one as well to blend in among the rest. Maybe dressing up as someone else for awhile may take her mind off the rest of the problems for the time being.

Since most of the good ideas had been taken from what she had observed her choice became rather difficult and took much thought until she finally came to her choice. By the time her hooves touched upon the blackened grass her thin frame had been clothed in a silky white gown that clung to her form before opening up as it flowed elegantly over her hindquarters. Around her withers she bore a white fur shawl that hung down around her forelegs nearly tripping her should she move in various directions. It felt strange to be dressed like this but it helped to hide her skittish, anxiety stricken self from the world. Her mentality was no different but the costume somehow help to contain her panic letting her hide behind a false persona. As the group came into sight she froze hesitant to move any closer to see what creature produced the howling, surely if the others were there she would be alright? Picking her way carefully around the grave sites she tried to keep her blue orbs forward to ignore the bony remains that littered the dirt below.

Daphnee soon came into view sending a cold shiver through her bones and her heart skip a couple beats. It took much of her power not to turn and flee the scene, the only fact hindering her was the knowledge of the silken gown that limited her movement. Ducking her head down she kept towards the back of the group behind some of the other more confident souls, raking up the courage to say the words each had mentioned before her. "Tri..ck ..or.. Treat.." Her soft vocals finally managed to say her voice merely more than a whisper. Tilting her head forward she aimed to keep her only means of probable protection between herself and the dog. Upon her head rested a beautiful crown made of many icicles sporting long jagged tips drawing a picture that looked more menacing than they really were. Mind over matter, at least thats how it was supposed to go right?

NOTES: Brisa is dressed as the white witch from Narnia

Table and Image by Moonstone Designs

RE: Trick or Treat: Character #2, Daphnee - Artemis - 10-18-2013

Artemis moved through the lantern path, her white canvas illuminated by a deep orange glow that shifted and rippled over her sizable musculature. Her eyes glanced over the faces of the pumpkins, a scowl burrowed upon her brow as she passed by. She could have sworn the face's eyes were following her. Snorting, she shook her head as the faces shifted and changed, their mocking eyes and grins laughing at the parade of horses wandering through the lane. Her long feathers snaked through the ebony grass, its inky hue spread out in vast waves around them, colored only by the illumination of the flickering fires within the carved, orange gazers.

Her body was draped in faux fur; leopard spots painted over a soft golden hue. Upon her nose and in her hair, were bones, supported by ties that were pulled haphazardly about her muzzle and mane so that with each step they bounced and danced about her face. Upon her face was paint in reds and blues, smeared into her ivory pelt in tribal warm marks, masking her crimson V beneath.

The marching grew faster, more feverish, the further up she walked in no small part to a mixture of excitement and anticipation that was slowly growing in her belly; mixed with a dash of apprehension for good measure. As she moved, a step was taken badly and her hoof pushed through one of the many, strangely engraved rocks that marked the path. She snorted in surprise, throwing back her head and taking a step back, heart beating faster as she peered into the dark chasm. Bones, lots of bones. She felt a shudder run up her spine as she hopped over the hole, continuing her travels up the hill.

As her head emerged over the top, her body following shortly after, she came upon the form of a dog. The dog was a strangely worded creature, howling her words and speaking of 'Harold'. Scowling, she raised her head, glancing upon the other faces around her. "I have no fear for thee, dog. Trick or treat." She replied, a smirk toying in the corners of her lips, yet her banner twitching with nerves for what she might receive.

RE: Trick or Treat: Character #2, Daphnee - Eribor - 10-18-2013

The soldier's understanding of this land had increased no further; rather, time has only caused his confidence in the sanity of it to disintegrate. Eribor could not tell you what it was that caused him to put on the stupid thing - to this day he did not know. Maybe it was because others had, and he wanted to fit in. Maybe he was possessed.

Whatever the reason, the pegasus had found himself decked in a stone-grey sackcloth, wearing long, grey extensions on his ears, with a bright pink bow affixed to the end of his tail, following a crowd of strangers down some lantern-lit path is some awful, dusty cornfield.

The entire experience was remarkably surreal. Eribor had followed – not stalked, we won't say stalked – a stallion dressed in some strange outfit with wings and a cloak, accompanied by a bird of flame. He did not know Midas, but the other male had smelled of the Desert where Onni lived, and so seemed like a good enough sort to pursue. Through a field and past a tree, the stallion had nearly lost his (albeit unaware) guide, when a corner was turned and the world opened up for them, showing an image of unexpected... strange.

The bones which stood among the masses marked a bizarre apparition of normalcy. Strange, when bones are comforting factor in a crowd. Strange, when a phantom canine is more recognizable than a swarm of equines decked out in the oddest of odd regalia. Eribor glowered with marked disease, keeping his muscles tense and his senses alert. This place was weird. Better to see what was going on and escape than to linger and mingle.

RE: Trick or Treat: Character #2, Daphnee - Lena - 10-19-2013

The Halloween spirit was in full bloom between the pair of traversing figures, twirling and dancing in the light of spirited whimsy and fanciful movements. Finally belonging to a signature, elemental group, one she frequently embodied amongst ethereal kin, the nymph courted the woven fabric of a fey. Enlightening across her tiara was a floral, crown arrangement affixed with laurels, lily of the valley, marigolds and other sundry petals, blossoms Imogen had managed to discover amongst deep pockets of wildflower plains. Her horn was even adorned with a curling vine, spiraling and coiling in a wreath of verdant attributes and sunny sentiments. Along her back rested a pair of wings, the only ones she’d ever be able to snare, rosy hued, filmy, like a spider web’s light, airy concoction, billowing and fluttering in the breeze. To complete the look, a tiny, pixie Imogen, sporting her own set of wings, held an elongated wand, tasseled and flowered all over again. Their excitement was palpable, corporeal, discernible and detectable as they swung amongst the grandeur, an elegant, fine, graceful art of motion in the midnight veil of artifice, charcoal loam and Stygian corridors. Invoking the beat of her harmonious hymns, a vibrant hum followed her stride, pacing the air with a pervading essence of soothing, assuaging glows and croons, she courted the lofty portions of gathering souls and siren lanterns, kitsune and sylph advancing toward the throng and din in order to capture their own opportunity of bestowed treats (or tricks!).

Her warm, honeyed eyes peeked over the tops of garments and costumes, seeking out familiar individuals amongst the mass of masquerading creatures, some recognizable despite their outfits. She nearly bellowed to Korra, Carnesir, and several others belonging to the Basin, but the pull of the creature before them was mightier, and she inclined her cranium neatly, Imogen following in the same pattern, towards the beast. It had the potential to offer all of them many things, perhaps detrimental (she was daring enough to play this game, but not enough to query with a sense of audacity the measure of things that could impact their livelihoods – she understood the risk of her undertaking), perhaps wonderful, and she held that brewing, brimming hope aloft inside her chest, along the woven, laced contentment of her smile as she pronounced their valorous intentions. “We’re ready.”

[Lena is dressed as a fairy, and Imogen a small pixie. :D]

where there is love, there is life.</style>

image by safetylast @ flickr.com

RE: Trick or Treat: Character #2, Daphnee - Tamme - 10-19-2013

((Since the server went down and I had to do some repairs, you now have until 5:00pm CST to reply ))

RE: Trick or Treat: Character #2, Daphnee - Huyana - 10-19-2013

Cloven hooves wound through strange black grass with caution, heeding the malevolent darkness with suspicion gleaming through blue eyes. As the hill's crest began to flatten, pale bones dotted the field, skulls leering at her as she made her way across this grotesque place. Many hushed voices droned before her, their nervous tone settling over the orange haze of the pumpkin-light like a hundred jittery ghosts, fretting about the afterlife. It put her on edge, the hairs along her spine bristling beneath the buckskin mantle she wore. Others clambered through the path she followed; every step brought her closer to a writhing mass of bodies, disguised beneath outlandish costumes as she was, illuminated vaguely by the monstrous faces of the gourds. She felt curiosity nibble at her stomach, wondering why everyone was drawn to this place, why it compelled her to follow them.

As she slipped into the mass, little dark form erring through all the bodies, sometimes dissolving into water to gain access through the gaps, Huyana noticed several familiar faces: Lena, a garland of flowers which reminded the scholar of her own daughter, Carnesir and the warrior Korra, who she had not seen in many seasons. The rain mare materialized beside them, water twirling and oscillating into four slender pillars, orange light threading through them as they connected and knitted together into an easily recognizable form. At last she was there, peeking over heads to find the source of awe.

From what she could see, it was a grotesque thing, a dead bitch, milky eyes staring at them with equal deadness and dare. Skin is slough off one side, revealing decaying muscle and ligament beneath. Huyana wonders what animates it, what keeps it from falling apart at the seams entirely. She watched it with scholarly interest, blinking impassively as the undead growled at them. Head tilted, forelock falling across her eyes and winding over the base of her horn. Unhesitatingly, the rain girl stepped forward, studying the dog inquisitively. "I dare."

[Huy is Pocahontas]

RE: Trick or Treat: Character #2, Daphnee - Leovan - 10-19-2013

This was by far one of the most figmental experiences he could boast of ever having had, yet he had expected no less in a land where the sky had lost its stars and mountains came to life. The longer he resided less he understood and more he cane to loath the ground he walked upon.

Neither was he shocked (mabye a little) by the sight of the carved, shifting faces scrutinizing his every step down the winding trail as it sent spontaneous shivers down his spine, causing the mane on his withers to rise in alertness. Okay, mabye a lot. The white of bones gleamed in the pale light and he half expected them to grasp his legs as he danced through the musky cornfield. Nevertheless, under his heightened awareness he had failed to detect the changes of his appearance before a pair of worn leather boots croaked in dismay underneath the weight of his hooves. As if that wasn't enough, a scarlet quilt now adorned his regal cranium while a leather cord hung around his neck by the base of his chest, attached to a salt stained bottle, the golden fluids of the bottle rippling in rate with his pace.

A displeased snort echoed his discontentment of this bizarre gathering as he climbed the morose hill while paying little heed to his sorroundings. At the sight of known faces however, the feel of familiarity choked his aggrevation, if not fully a part of it at least. He planted a firm hoof by Lena's side and cast her a welcome glance before beholding the canine spirit before them.

OOC: Leovan is a grumpy pirate, AARRR. Excuse the post and all the grammar mistakes, had to write it up on my IPad .. *Kicks sucky post for being sucky*

RE: Trick or Treat: Character #2, Daphnee - Random Event - 10-19-2013

Korra :: Daphnee seems to like the first visitor to come by. She awards you an amulet for your efforts with her half-torn maw before sending you on your way!

Kelec :: The sneezes are not the only trick you leave with today! Unfortunate soul, now couple your achoos with a case of the pumpkin tail. Suddenly, your tail is replaced with a green, spiraled vine like that on a pumpkin in the patch! This lasts for 2 posts.

Ophelia :: Daphnee stares and decides rather suddenly that the nurse deserves a prize! The dead dog gives you a prize! (You won a join with a colorful character prize!)

Torleik :: Oh no! Staring at the nurse was unwise as Daphnee is a jealous creature. She sends you away with all four legs striped in orange and black like a witch! This lasts for 2 posts.

Elita :: Daphnee is much, much harder to please, it seems. The half-dead dog growls and a green goo comes oozing from your pores! This green goo will leak from your body for the next 2 posts!

Apodis :: Very, very hard to please! Daphnee howls and your ears feel furry! You now sport a werewolf's tail and wolf's ears along with a terrible anxiety in the light of the moon. This lasts for the next 3 posts.

Oxy :: Finally, Daphnee's irritation seems to break, and she hands you a small trinket as a treat! (You win one, small item)!

Speirling: Daphnee grunts in irritation and glares at your costume. For a reason unknown, she loathes the wild west and the sun, much preferring night. You are now plagued with a dust cloud that follows you around like pig pen from Charlie Brown! This lasts for 2 posts.

Destry :: Daphnee likes the little foal dressed like the gods, and she smiles just a little with her crooked, baring teeth. You leave with a prize in your basket! (You won a large marking!)

Vulture :: Daphnee it seems has a slight mood problem, for when Vulture arrives, she growls and sends him away quickly! In spite, she curses him, covering his body with raven feathers like his costume! This lasts for the next 2 posts!

Carnesîr :: Daphnee declares you are not in costume! You are neither cursed nor awarded a prize!

Nao :: Another lucky little foal! Daphnee awards you a prize for your future, a little gift for when you are older. (You won a non magical foal stats!)

Sikeax :: Lucky ducky in a row! Daphnee gives you a slightly larger trinket before waving you on! (you won a medium item!)

Tharos :: Another lucky duck! Daphnee gives you a a special prize. (You have won the ability to join with a colorful character!)

Abishia :: What is this! The luck continues. You are given an amulet around your neck! (You won an amulet!)

Sohalia :: Daphnee would not be content to give prizes for long! Your white pelt is now glowing a shade of neon green in the night as your curse.

Irrydae :: Daphnee hands you an amulet dismissively and then turns to the next individual, snorted at the starry mare. She shook her charred and half-bloody head. (You won an amulet!)

Midas :: The dog howls, shaking her head. Midas has been tricked! All of the white spots have turned orange on his body! This orange and black trick will last for the next two posts!

Ciceron :: Daphnee continues to howl, affecting Ciceron as well! You are now covered in spider webs, barely able to move without getting stuck on threads! This will last for the next two posts!

Delinne :: The half-dead dog stopped howling and looked upon the vampire mare. She snorted in amusement and gave the mare a prize for her companion! (You won a 1 month companion age jump!)

Brisa :: Brisa is not so lucky! Daphnee curses you, covering your body in a layer of tasty turkish delight! Perhaps that will teach you to dress as such a nutty witch. This affect lasts for the next two posts!

Artemis :: Daphnee awards you with a marking, any marking where you choose! She places the little orb in your basket as a treat! (You won one small marking!)

Eribor :: Another lucky soul! Daphnee awards your bony self with a very interesting prize to use to invest in your future. (You have won nonmagical foal stats!)

Lena :: The happy pixie and her fairy friend amuse Daphnee, and she gives the mare a little prize with her grotesque maw. (You have won an amulet!)

Huyana and Leovan have shown up late! Better luck next time!