HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
| kung av sand | OPEN - Printable Version

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RE: | kung av sand | OPEN - Madyrn Maskan - 10-03-2012

The little pegasus mare commented that she would like to know more of the herd before officially calling it her home. The brothers didn't really care - they were arrogant sods and she didn't steal their interest for more than a handful of moments. Simultaneously their attention lingered on her and though they were not openly rude, they weren't openly friendly. She was an unknown, a stranger to them, just as they were to her, and while she may be all pretty faces and kind, shy words for now, they also knew just how well some creatures could act and hide a darker secret. "Do as you please madam. The lands are yours to wander and discover." Maskan was the one to speak, for he held a smidge more patience than his brother, who stood by him, silent, stoic, his burning gaze not leaving the area where Breeze and Kiara canoodled.

Kanti spoke next, and it was by her question that a smile once again broke out on their features. They nodded as Kiara addressed it, though they would add to that explanation. Before either of the brothers could speak, however, Kiara distracted them with her playful actions, Madyrn found himself returning them, lipping gently at her mane while she was within range. Breeze then spoke up, however, and both brothers acutely watched Kiara's reaction. Though it was subtle, they could see the fragile foundations - the question was, did they support the union or didn't they? Despite Kiara's want for the brothers to accept the crème brute, they had minds of their own that weren't so easily persuaded - unless faced with the wrath of one of their true, blood-related sisters.

"Our blood-related family is made up of wanderers, for lifetimes we have travelled the lands, seen and experienced many a trial."
"Though years and many leagues separated us, it never changed the fact that we were family."
"The Qian is a family, it matters not where one resides, as long as they are always honest to those they hold dear."
"While the bulk of the Qian linger together, many call the Foothills their home, and many more will remain Outcasts by choice, but still be a part of us."
"We are comfortable in the Foothills, and happy to provide it with our service."
"The Qian is not a herd of the traditional sense, but more of a heartfelt sense."
"We are united not by what land we come from,-
"-nor what may decorate our hides-"
"-but by what resides within."

They finished each others sentences, speaking with passion and honesty. They did not hold the power to accept or deny creatures into the Qian - that final judgement was left to Mirage, but certainly that didn't stop them from explaining what the family was about. They were proud of it, after all, and very protective of it. The Qian needed a homeland, because while many of them resided in the Foothills, many more did not feel comfortable utilising their allies lands in such a way, despite the open invitation. The wilds were dangerous, unruly, a herdland would prove easier to protect.

The brothers shifted their weights, and wondered idly at how their explanation might be taken.

[ "Madyrn speak" "Maskan speak" ]

RE: | kung av sand | OPEN - Melody - 10-09-2012

Continue without me. I wish I could stay but I am just to busy :...(

RE: | kung av sand | OPEN - Kanti - 10-13-2012

Why were people racist? It was beyond the young fae's comprehension. Was it some misplaced sense of superiority? Did some think that a horn or wings or lack thereof made them better than the others? And what of hybrids, then? Would they be seen as better or worse? Or did it not even apply to them? Or was it that some viewed others as tainted, unpure? Not necessarily lower species, but just dirty? Were they seen as mutated? Were they feared? And why? What made it ok to think that one was better than everyone else?

She shook her head. She would never understand the thought process. And she couldn't see how a group dedicated to equality would help. Their goals were noble, of course - the painted filly fully agreed that all should be equal - but surely such groups forming would only cause more hatred? Although perhaps it was just the smart thing to do - after all, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right? Even still, though, Kanti couldn't imagine all this separation would do anyone any good. She would just as soon stay away from all of that madness.

Perhaps now would be a good time to leave. The twins had made a pretty speech, and it sounded lovely, the sense of family - but still, she couldn't shake the feeling that separating into groups would end in warfare and bloodshed. Kiara and Breeze seemed to have the beginnings of something stirring - a slight twinge of jealousy bit her - and the two brothers were familiar with Kiara. She was the only one who was truly out of place now. "It sounds like quite the interesting arrangement. I've never heard of such," she murmured softly. "But I believe I'll be going. It was lovely to meet you all." A smile as she exited the scene. She would likely see them all again.

[W/C | 318]
[OOC | I'm not sure what to do with her here, so she's going to wander off. Consider Kanti gone.]