HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[ABSENT] Zuno :: Pneumonia :: 06/13 - ?? - Printable Version

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RE: Zuno :: here - Zuno - 07-14-2016

Absent til July 23rd-24th

Uncle is leaving so I'm going to stay with a family friend and sadly she doesn't have internet. Might not even have power at the moment because we just had an insane storm today.

The 23rd is when my family is supposed to be back but I don't know if i'll be home then. I can stop in and say hey and check posts on my phone but won't be able to make any posts up until then.
I do tho have to stop by the library one day! So whenever that day is I'll try to leave early and sit around there with my laptop and maybe pop out a post or two, but I can't make a promise because the whole reason I'm going there is to return some books.

RE: Zuno :: staying with family friend :: july 14th - july 23rd/24th - Zuno - 07-18-2016

Here! Might be gone from thursday to saturday tho.

Explanation: we had a crazy wind storm on thursday morning and it knocked out power at the person's house who i was supposed to stay with. my grandpa kept me because i thought it was going to be just a night there and it ended up being two nights and then he kicked me out on saturday over a cell phone. i had plans to visit my dad later the day and spend time with him and tried to call him and my grandpa tried to rip my phone from me and to end it shortly my grandpa and i will no longer ever be speaking with each other again.
spent a night in a garage where my dad lives and my best friend was really nice and her family let me crash in her guest room for a bit(and use their internet c':)
idk what's gonna be happening over the last few days but i know i will be here til thursday and then after that i might go back to stay with my dad for a few days. i can do posts and hang out and stuff while my friend is at work so i'm officially back here .

RE: Zuno :: Lake Weekend :: Sept. 2nd - Sept 6th - Zuno - 09-02-2016

Absent from September 2nd to September 6th.

Family is leaving for the lake this weekend and we're probably going to go right after I get off work tonight(7pm but hopefully earlier).
We do tho get on monday night, but my work schedule for that night says 5pm to 11pm so if I do work, I won't be back til late tuesday.

Will be on skype if anyone needs me.

RE: Zuno :: Lake Weekend :: Sept. 2nd - Sept 6th - Sikeax - 09-02-2016

i'll be here til sunday morning THEN i'm leaving for the lake

RE: Zuno :: Here - Zuno - 09-10-2016

taking a few days off because stress and stuff. overall not feeling good.
please don't bother me about helovian stuff ooc-wise. i just need a few days off from the site if possible.

RE: Zuno :: very slow :: September 27th - ??? - Zuno - 09-27-2016

updating to say that I'm gonna slow these next couple of weeks. I just ended up a nearly 2 and a half yr relationship in favour of someone I'm very attracted to who feels the same AND lives in the same city as me.
as a repercussion tho we're spending a lot of time together and it eats up my time off work so I barely ever come home and turn on my laptop yet alone pick it up.
I only ever feel like posting on days off but they tend to be in short supply and when I do have them I'm using them for friends or my new partner.
tbh I'm kinda trying to take some advice from a good friend who told me last week to live it up while I'm young and writing sorta got pushed to the side in that

love you guys <3

RE: Zuno :: very slow :: September 27th - ??? - Zuno - 10-27-2016

official absence from October 28th to November 7th.

might be cut short, but you never know.

long story short, i'm having a party tomorrow night, and then my bff who came down from college is going to spend the weekend at my house.
there's also samhain, which is heavily religious for me and needless to say i'm more paranoid than you could ever imagine and have been putting a lot of effort into religious things to aid with my paranoia.
to top it off i might be working a 15hr shift next week that if i don't show up for i will definitely lose my job. things are crazy.

sorry everyone. i'll try to get myself back on my helovian feet come the week after next but i can't make complete promises.

RE: Zuno :: severe stomach virus :: 21/2 - ???? - Zuno - 02-21-2017

Absent from 22/2 to ???

having the everloving shit beaten out of me by the worst stomach virus I've had since I was a kid and went to the ER over it. started last night but I can't definitely can't eat any food or even drink water with vomiting all of it back up and it's waking me up just to vomit so sleep is hard to get.

I've got no drive to be anything other than a bedridden vegetable right now and will return when the hell this floats back into the woods it came from.

RE: Zuno :: severe stomach virus :: 21/2 - ???? - Sikeax - 02-23-2017


the demon possessing my stomach and intestines has run back into the woods so it's all good.
or i hope so.

RE: Zuno :: internet problems :: 8/4 - ??? - Zuno - 04-08-2017

Internet is fucked to all high heaven and I've got no control over it since my landlord is the one paying the bill and we have no access to the router unless he's here so I've got to wait for him to come by to fix it.

Been going on for a few days now but by any chance should be fixed within the next week

RE: Zuno :: internet problems :: 8/4 - ??? - Blu - 04-19-2017

@Zuno has been posting, removed absence

Don't forget to include all the characters this affects in your OP!

RE: Zuno :: internet problems :: 8/4 - ??? - Sikeax - 05-12-2017

Absent for a few days. 12/05 - 14/05 or 15/05

Lost my motivation due to stuff. Need to focus on finding a job as well since money is getting super tight.
I'll be on discord and might check in for replies, but don't expect posts for a few days.

RE: Zuno :: stuff :: 12/05 - 14/05 or 15/05 - Blu - 05-14-2017

@Zuno removed absence, has been posting

RE: Zuno :: stuff :: 12/05 - 14/05 or 15/05 - Zuno - 06-13-2017


Boyfriend got pneumonia from our friend and it's hitting him pretty hard. I don't have much time to really sit on my laptop unless trenten is sleeping and even then i feel more comfortable not trying to get posts out.
I'll be back whenever he heads back to work or in the horrid chance that I get it from him, whenever I get over it.