HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
SWP :: A light shining through - Printable Version

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RE: SWP :: A light shining through - Zailah - 10-14-2015

Sweet as sugar, hard as ice, hurt me once, and I'll kill you twice.

Change. Something she was unused too, and was unfound of. Today was a day that she would remember even when she became feeble and old, disgusting and weak, this day wasn't going to be forgotten. Her day had started off well, the queen was discussing matters of policy within her kingdom, when one of her subject interrupted her daily routine with the news. Her jaw had fallen open, her God, who she served loyally, had cast his people aside, to let this new Earth Boy cleanse their lands? She felt utterly helpless as raw anger arose inside her, she didn't want to leave. All that she had built up was going to be worthless, her name was going to mean nothing, her legacy wasn't going to exist. Zailah wasn't going to matter to anyone. How could you do this? She cried out with fury, pink eyes scouring the land as if she wouldn't ever see it again. Would she? 

Time passed quickly, despite her efforts to slow it down. Before she realized it, the black widow was taking her last look around her before she passed through the ovally thing. The sound of her steps echoed in her drums as her glitter dipped hooves pressed on the wooden bridge. She wanted to set fire to this entrance, to erase the memories that would be associated with this new world, and to stay contained and safe within in the walls of her real home. This place, beautiful it may be, wasn't ever going to be her home. Sure, her lands may be diseased, but disease was apart of the world and it didn't seem to bother her. Words assaulted her thoughts, as this new god greeted her and the others who had entered this place, Helovia, she gave him a small smile against her will but her Queenly training had taken over for her. The withdrawals hit her already, she wanted to cause chaos, but her manners bade her otherwise and the queen kept her head high as she walked off the bridge of that broke more then it fixed. 

Rose lanterns danced across the colors, creatures, and the canvases of this world. She couldn't be bothered to talk to any of the natives, all she wanted was to evade to the shadows; the closet thing she had to home. Trying to be inconspicuous, she managed to reach a treeline that could hide her vibrant hide beneath the dull colors of the canopy. As she looked around, she caught sight of a dead horse walking, quite literally. No flesh clung to his bones, no tassels spilled out from his crest. Her brow arched, her ears perking forward as she approached the man? woman? "Hiding from the eyes of the vile creatures?" She asked, drapes pooling around her as she stood near the creature. 


enters the portal and looks around briefly, then she evade to the shadows where she talks to Gashad 
Image Credit

RE: SWP :: A light shining through - Aaron - 10-15-2015


Another day, and another new appearance. Alanna and I stand on the edges of the Halcyon Flats looking out at the waters and the new island. I had missed the fight here, and hadn't been much help in the one I had made it to. This one, surely had to be the Falls patron God. Father Earth had to be at work here. I suppose you could say, even though my magic is given by the God of the Sun... I have become a follower of the Earth. My elders from Isilme may smite me down where I stand, but it was true. The Gods of Isilme fell. They caused war after war that the shades, I was told they were the dead of Isilme, attacked the living. That was not the case here. Yes there had been troubles. But we always prevailed. We would this time too.

Let's go She speaks smoothly into my mind. We move as one into the waiting waters. The swim is hard. Much harder than it looked. But as we pull our two toned bodies from the waters we see that we are not the only ones pulled here. Many familiar faces from the Falls decorate the crowd already gathered. I nod to each, and even to Phi as I pass her by. I settle among the crowd near Resplendence, nudging her shoulder gently to let her know I was there. Alanna moves to my other side, both of us looking to the Earth God waiting expectantly. Bring it of rift gods. I can only smile at my bond's eagerness.


Image- foxyfirewings @ DA
Brush- http://www.obsidiandawn.com

RE: SWP :: A light shining through - Ahvelyn - 10-15-2015

Those Days are Gone

To my littlest one,

What little of these events I can recall, I entrust to you. Make them wild with your imagination. I write the bare bones, but I hope you will retell this day, this moment in the past, to others with a fervor I lacked then and lack, still, now. Your creativity knows no bounds, live without letting yourself be stifled.

Though I have no distaste for water, and though my build might lend me well to it, I am cursed with such long locks that the journey across became unbearable. Every stroke was a battle with the tugging of my mane and tail across the water's surface.

And of course, to make matters worse, I was plagued with all manner of disease. I smelled every foul odor in the water even as the stinking black sludge, now ceased, washed from my face and contributed to it, and the headache, oh!

I hope that you will never have to feel such pain as that damned headache, boy. Even know, I remember its sharp pain and the fatigue it struck in me more than any other detail of the Earth God's return. It was torture and agony I cannot do justice in words.

But eventually, snorting and snuffling, dripping swampy seawater, I dragged myself on shore. As always and before, I kept my distance and was content to watch. I was still too new to these lands, still too uncertain. I let the unfamiliar mosses and sands cling to me as I wandered forth in a disoriented state, circling the scene, watching, watching...

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@Random Event for HFH (No interactions took place)

If you are able, you have permission to hit Lyn with magic to heal her.

@Naerys thank you for healing her of GLL <33

RE: SWP :: A light shining through - Gaucho - 10-15-2015


Sssssshould be the lasssssst Mara hissed into his mind, as the trio glided easily over the tumultuous seas. Gaucho mentally agreed. When the sound of formation rang out across the waters, buffeting lazily towards the Dragon's Throat, Gaucho had immediately taken notice. He wasn't surprised of course- there were four Gods, three of which were accounted for, with three accompanying battles. Surely the Earth God - even if he was perhaps the kindest of them all - would not be able to escape the wrath of the Rift Gods who wanted their lands - and their slaves - returned to them.

And so the Wildfire arrived, preparing for a battle.

However there seemed to merely be a congregation of those newly arrived, and those merely curious. With a grunt, Gaucho landed near Zenobia, nodding to her silently. If there was going to be a battle, the fiery dun wanted to ensure that he could keep a close eye on his eldest daughter. 

Quickly Gaucho's steely gaze surveyed those who had arrived - already picking out members of his flock who had easily made their way across the channel. His gaze landed on Ophelia, lingering only for a moment, before moving on from her water-soaked frame. In his antlers, Vorsa trilled softly and gently. Already she was bored of this - bored of fighting, bored of just flying around. She wanted to play, however none of her 'friends' were seemingly about. Hooting softly, she shuffled her burning wings, pretending to sulk. 

Gaucho folded his brightly burning wings against his flank, and waited.

Lands near Zeno and wants.

Image by Yewrezz/Nikki!

RE: SWP :: A light shining through - Maren - 10-15-2015

It shimmered before her eyes, the light of the sky: Reflecting on the water, except at that one place where new silhouettes had risen from the sea. Big ones and smaller ones. Ones she had never seen before. Not at any of her wandering around peddling-adventures. Obviously this meant she had to go figure out what was happening, for she was the official self-assigned water patrol of the Throat, after all. Noticing stuff like this was one of her important, also self-assigned, water patrol tasks.

...—And so it happened that Maren the coastguard-priestess steered her boat towards the east, boat splitting the water with gentlemanly ease as they moved towards new land.

Just as she was about to decide on a name for this new land she had discovered, new silhouettes popped up from the water. Covered in the typical sea-mist haze, she could not immediately decipher what they were. Rocks in the water —Volcanoes? They grew bigger and she could now see that they were moving. Turtles? But as she slowly drew closer she saw the heads sticking out of the water, breaking surface as they swam and swam and swam. Helovians! Maren watched them on mute as the current took her along with them as she sat back in her boat. She tried not to listen to their sputtering for air, to their self-awareness as they (probably) would be feeling how their souls were slipping away from their pressured lungs and into their mouths, hanging on the end of their sputtering tongues as they took their breaths. She watched the scenery of the landscape, instead, thought it was better not to make any eye contact in case one decided it would be nice to carpool. Sadly, she had not enough faith in them to believe they could get into her boat without flipping it. So her silent, golden eyes wandered upwards, past the dancing of thin sea-mist surrounding her, where pegasi flew over in flocks. For a minute she tried to uncover their identities, but as she could only see their shadowed bellies and (if they had worn any) undergarments, she failed. Alas, she would need to follow them to the other side if she would want to know who else, too, had been intrigued by the sudden appearance of this mystical island-range.

And so it happened that Maren the coastguard priestess started to slowly peddle along with the crowd of the not-turtles, just in case one of the silly things would decide to go drowning in her presence. She did not like the idea of having a ghost follow her boat with lasting grudge and despair.

And thus, after having sailed in the same slow speed to match the swimmers —having watched poor souls doggy-paddle for so long that she had almost gotten sea-sick— she arrived; saw the Earth God and immediately her heart sank as her eyes grew wide of realisation. Because she knew the ending of the story. Can I even handle another fight can my body handle another disease? So as she felt her life being sucked away once again, she muttered: “Okay let’s go find this monster quick so that we can all go home.. — and don’t dare to cough on me!” she warned in a slightly high-pitched voice with ears shooting back as she shot her suspicious widened eyes to the nearest person and swept her ivory tail in frustration. Bacilli... bacilli everywhere.


image credits

Sum: Maren watches the swimmers in her boat and then arrives and see earthy and know everything Also sorry for the potential mistakes I was in a hurry

RE: SWP :: A light shining through - Shida - 10-15-2015

How dare you say that my behavior is unacceptable
So condescending unnecessarily critical


Hey Earth Dick. How about some equal opportunity fucking transportation up in here?

Like the others, I heard the rumbles and tumbles indicating that some shit was going down. Fun physics fact for ya'll, sound carries like a motherfucker across the water. Seriously. It has clearly been ruining my beauty sleep, as well as my don't-be-a-bitch sleep. I couldn't discern anything specific, but when fireballs and blue-ass hightailed it out of the Throat, I assumed something was going on. If it was going to be another epic battle, I figured why the fuck not. I sort of had fun last time.

So I set off, running my fat-ass down the coat. However nothing prepared me for what I was about to see.

Motha. Fucking. Islands.

Like, are you shitting me? What year is this? This isn't fucking 1952 Earthy. Ya'll gotta provide fucking lands that are accessible to everyone.

"This is some discriminatory bullshit" I sneered to Princess, halting at the edge of the water. Licking my teeth, I glared around, looking to see if I had missed a bridge or something else. Hello, magic bridge anyone??? "Who would have thought Gaucho would be more inclusive than Earthy." I doubt anyone heard that, but I sort of hoped that they did. Because once again, this was some bullshit right here.

I wade a little bit into the water. It's fucking cold, and all my fur (thanks Da) is immediately waterlogged. "UGH." I sneer again, glancing over at Princess who appears to be enjoying himself just fine, doggy paddling along. "Fuuuuuck" I whine, forcing myself to swim.

I curse the whole way across. By the time I actually reach the bank, I'm almost on my knees having a heart attack. "Real fucking nice." I spit towards the Earth God, ears flat against my skull.

Let it be clear that I do not support this commy-inspired, Oh, this is good exercise and good for your health.

Shida being Shida.

Image Credits || original coding by Tamme; modified by Shady

RE: SWP :: A light shining through - Naerys - 10-15-2015


Either the symptoms had eased enough to allow her to finally open her eyes and pick herself up or she'd somehow, miraculously gotten used to the pain. Regardless, the girl had wandered the length of the Flats in a show of epic procrastination. The blood still stains her knees and the shallow scrapes from the crocodile's tail have scabbed over on her side but the spot just in front of her left hip is still tender. It still smarts a bit when she walks but the pain from that injury is nothing compared to the pain in her head.

She'd paced the shore for an unknown amount of time before islands suddenly appeared off the coat. Puzzled, she stares at them in wonder; half believing that they would disappear just as rapidly as they had appeared. But when she closes her eyes and opens them again to find the islands standing there - proud and steadfast in the ocean currents. Unfurling her chocolate wings, the girl thrusts her wings and ripples the mirrored surface of the Flats. After several thrusts, the girl is lifted into the sky. Out she soars, flying over the ocean and relishing in the mixture of breezes tickling her skin.

The islands grow larger as she approaches but it's not the islands that draw her attention anymore. Her teal eyes fall on the familiar form of the Earth God, massive in all his glory and calm. It was difficult to not feel safe in his presence and Naerys could only imagine how comforting his embrace just might be. Just as she's about to swoop in for a landing, though, her teal gaze widens at the sight of her mother. Oh no. And she's about to land right near her. A lump forms in her throat, her childish fear seeming to close her throat causing her to breath to catch. Heat floods her young face, redness hidden beneath the dark auburn fur. Somehow she manages to land without completely crashing but her landing is definitely less than graceful. The girl fumbles, somehow managing to avoid running anyone over or bumping into anyone. Once she stops and regains her balance, however, she actively avoids looking at her mother. Maybe she hadn't noticed. Maybe she wouldn't notice the line of tender, lightly swollen flesh just in front of her left hip or the blood staining her white knees.

Then again, maybe pigs would fly. Naerys holds her gaze on the Earth God, trying her best to keep a straight face despite the grimace threatening to reveal itself in her mother's presence.

Image Credits

@Random Event for HFH

RE: SWP :: A light shining through - Rude - 10-15-2015

’Should be far enough from them by now...’ Rude thought, somewhat sarcastically, looking back through the murky water. As if those land bound pursuers could follow him beneath the waves in the first place... The other equines that lived around the bay he had considered his home until extremely recently, had finally had enough of the abnormal half-shark, half-horse hybrid living near them and had chased him out.

One of them had spotted him devouring the carcass of an equine that had drowned in the dark waters of the Rift and washed up on the beach near his cave, face covered in gore, sharp teeth tearing through flesh like a knife. Needless to say, the enraged herd had rapidly gathered on the shore upon being told of this horrific act and would have quite willingly killed him had be not retreated to the sea.

‘I might be a carnivore, but even I can’t take all of them...’

It had be a few hours since then and Rude was languidly propelling himself through the water, aquatic tail allowing this to happen with an ease that was all but impossible for others. Suddenly, he felt a current pulling from the left, drawing him towards what looked like a strange distortion in the water. It started gently at first, getting stronger as he swam closer, curiosity getting the better of him, until it was impossible to escape its grip.

He made contact with the portal. A blinding flash erupted...

...and Rude stumbled out with a gush of seawater as the ground appeared beneath his feet. ’Huh...? What happened!?’ he exclaimed inwardly, shocked at the immediate change in surroundings. He looked around warily and found himself surrounded by a large group of unique looking equines, even by his standards. There was one member of the group that caught his attention more than the rest however, a sandy coloured unicorn with fin-like appendages and ridges and skin like a fish. He made a mental note to introduce himself to her after... whatever this gathering was.

They all seemed to have turned there attention to the large individual at the head of the group, the one numerous others had referred to as the “Lord of the Earth” or the “Earth God” that gave off an aura of vast power. Was he really a God? Did he make this portal?

Rude figured he would stay silent, large groups made him uneasy afterall.


Mentions noticing @Aquila

RE: SWP :: A light shining through - Thantos - 10-15-2015

What a glorious day for flight! The warm thermals that lifted me high into the air with ease, the spray of the ocean breeze beneath me, the glow of the Sun beaming down on the leather of my wings. It was near intoxicating, riveting, renewing my hopes and aspirations for this land that I had been trying to better accompany myself with. Movement below caught my attention, then another shadow passed by...Scouring the water below, I was surprised to see several other pegasi and swimming creatures all heading towards the same general direction. How odd...

It didn't take long for a batch of islands to start appearing against the bright reflection of the sun on the water's waves, drawing in everyone like a beacon. A sinking feeling swallowed up my chest as I dropped in altitude to explore, knowing that there wouldn't be such a large gathering to these isles if they were familiar to the Helovians. Gliding down with ease to land on among the crowd, my golden gaze inspected those that had arrived. Even Evaneska (foolish girl) had tried to swim to the island, though she was accompanied by others already to make sure she was alright. Weaving through the crowd to join another familiar face, Ranjiri, I dipped my muzzle towards her with a friendly nod before returning to studying the others.

My muscles tensed with preparation for what was to come, but it was not the tension that caused a flare in the glow of my scales. Nearly missing him from the shadows, my eyes fell over the unforgettable figure of a skeletal being that toward over most, even myself. My lips curled back to reveal dragon fangs, a deep growl of disdain interrupting my silence as I narrowed my eyes at the beast. Gashad. It had been a while since I had seen his bones, though I would have been perfectly happy to have never seen him again. "Keep an eye on that one..." I warned in a hushed whisper to Ranjiri, hoping she would follow my gaze and understand my message. The stallion of bones, curses and witchcraft was not somebody that I would trust any time soon. I would be sure to keep myself from turning my back to him during this battle, as well as prevent him from going after any of those that I respected.

Flies over to the island, sees Evaneksa is already joined by others checking on her. Joins Ranjiri's side opposite to Drago, then sees @Gashad hiding in the shadows and his attitude changes. Warns @Ranjiri to keep an eye on Gashad.

RE: SWP :: A light shining through - Nephele - 10-15-2015

The flight south had been a straight forward one, her great wings carried her swiftly and safely across the never ending expanse of sky with fervor, feathers rippling against the gentle winds. The threshold had been enjoyable, but that was in great part to the new would-be friends she had made in there, Tembovu, Erthe and Megaera, and of course for dear Miykael who had stopped her contracting black lung before it became much of an issue. She hadn't been so fond of being grounded like a bird, whose wings had been clipped for a cruel and slightly frustrating game beyond her powers of avoidance.

 The green expanse beneath her shifted from the dark green dappling of trees to a fair colours of the plains grasses before rolling into the dancing mirage of sands that made up the flats, part of her wanted to land and see if the lands beneath were as she remembered — another part far greater kept the large pegasus firmly soaring. The mare was eager to see her new herdland, her new home and her new family and even more eager to lend herself where able to the tasks ahead, though she kept it wrapped safely behind a collected and determined look on her chiseled features.

She had been planning on staying the course to Dragons Throat, if not for the archipalago of islands that caught her oddly coloured eyes — there seemed to be a great gathering of equine, pegasus and unicorn alike, they streaked the surf, dotted the air and stood out in all their vibrant colours in the clearings between thick misted canopies. Her interest thoroughly snared, like an invisible chord pulling her towards the islands nearby. Nephele changed her course with one fluid swoop, wings momentarily wrapping against her muscled body before throwing themselves out to catch her in her descent. Perhaps the Dragons Throat could wait for just a moment, she had to see what all the fuss was about.

Reaching the fuss was better said than done, the heated currents made it difficult, battering her sides and wings in sharp updrafts and coarse winds. Landing with a couple great strokes from her black and tarnished golden, her hind hooves touched the lush floor before the front ones joined them, wings stretching once then retreating to her darkened sides. Humidity already beginning to mist her coat and cause the waves of black and orange to curl and flatten against her broad neck. There were many here, she noted, glancing around at the throngs of strangers, finally coming to rest on the familiar alabaster filly and elephant stallion she knew — making sure to give a smile and a nod in their direction. Her eyes  didn't stay on them for long, as her gaze was inevitably pulled towards the God before them, her breath catching in her throat, having never seen one of the four herself, to be stood in ones presence.

 Murmurings among the rest finally reached her ears, a battle? Against what? Her ears were perked forward, eyes surveying the landscape for anything that didn't add up.

"What battle would this be?" She inquired lightly, straying her gaze to the gathering around her then back to the outcrops of rock and rain forest. If there was a battle to be had here, she would not flee.  

Flying to dragons throats and notices the masses gathering on the islands and decides to investigate, asks a question as to the nature of the upcoming fight.
Acknowledges @Tembovu & @Erthë with a nod and smile.

RE: SWP :: A light shining through - Deimos - 10-15-2015

Deimos the Reaper
You can't take back the cards you've dealt on this 
long and lonely road to hell
the throne must be such a sad and lonely place

Another storm, another tempest, brooding and brewing within the muck and mire; he conspired brutality, lavished and lacquered fatality, sought the convictions of all the other contorted, fiendish things lurking and bubbling within the distorted atmosphere. The Reaper, the demon, the monster, followed suit like most of the other behemoths, slithering and slinking, drawn to the stories of gods and the delusions of grandeur: suited to opulence, to decadence, to ruthless, licentious whims – he recalled the other instances of disaster and ruin, sought it with every indignant, bestial bone in his body. Through the striking, humid imbalance of summer and heedlessness, he torched and scorched and mauled; setting his feet upon the sand below, beneath the vicious waves and the toxic, rolling indifference, a slave to nonchalance and entropy, a weapon combined with the flowing venom of a seething, impending rapture: eager to run the world like a blade. A twisted rapier, a viper cutlass, a manifested, sculpted Colossus, he settled nearly between the void of beasts and vermin, planted and rooted in disastrous outlooks. He paid a bit of reverence to the celestial being nearby, because at some point he’d granted powers to the rain, lowering his skull and staring at the earth, before maneuvering his molten stare over the reigning forces and the particular din (paying heed to his boy dancing across the waves), and wondering what cretin lurked within their grasp. What would pay credence to their wiles now? What mercurial essence would boil and erupt from the soused fumes? What sovereign did they inhabit and dream to conquer? How far would they sin – deeper and deeper into the ravenous plumes, clawing and clawing and clawing until there was nothing left, until what they sought was satisfactory? His Machiavellian, swift, calculating skull drummed with the vehement possibilities, an escape into the rapture of war and decay – a yearning, a longing, hollowed within each segment of bone; all devil, all might.

Photo and Table by Time
Photo taken at Hero's Square in Budapest, Hungary

RE: SWP :: A light shining through - Abraham - 10-15-2015

A soft humming noise caught his attention, and with their dragon eyes his twin queens saw the island like a mirage in the distance, flickering and wavering. Intrigued, the stallion and his companions made way for the place that caught their attention. Abraham, suddenly, shot his head down and bit at a wild horse fly gnawing on his flesh. The venom that lay across his own skin seeped into his mouth, coating his tongue. Lifting his head once more, Abraham felt the pull of his dark magic, but his dragons pressed him on.

So much swimming, so much flying, so much time.

By the time Abraham made it to the shores of the island he was breathing heavily, and his dragons landed on his back. Standing for a moment to catch his breath, the leviathan stallion finally strode forward with his head lifted confidently. Mismatched eyes darted around, face stoic and relaxed, taking in all the scenery. This place was new. The stallion had never been here before, and he remembered the floating island of the gods. Lifting a brow, he wandered deeply into the forest of the island. Finally, a brilliance caught his attention. The Earth God stood before them, raised in all of his pious glory. Abraham's eyes widened some in the wonder. Aside from meeting the Goddess of the Moon, this was the only god Abraham had encountered. His heart fluttered in his chest and his dragons crooned together. Their songs lifted praise into the skies, surrounding the Earth God.

Even with the black ooze dripping from his eyes and nose, Abraham was comfortable in the presence of the god. Abra, look Gwyneverre stirred in his mind. Oddly hued eyes turned to look upon his father, standing beside a red-horned unicorn. The presence of his father made Abraham beem with even more confidence. If the Dauntless could stand in the glory of the Earth God, then so could he. Abraham's deep chest puffed, his tail flickering behind him to ward off wandering flies. "A gift for Helovia, given to us by the Earth God!" Abraham proclaimed, his dragons sending two spirals of frost and fire into the air to celebrate.


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Stands and says his praise to the Earth God!

@Random Event -- he has dark magic and he bit/licked himself.

RE: SWP :: A light shining through - Random Event - 10-15-2015

Abraham is cured of GLL!

RE: SWP :: A light shining through - Miykael - 10-15-2015


Miykael had lingered on the Flats for a time, keeping a careful watch over his daughter from the sidelines. She had summarily refused his help but he couldn't bring himself to leave her behind. He watched as she gazed out to sea, staring into the emptiness to the south - until there was no longer emptiness. Suddenly islands appear, filling the healer with a hint of dread. Another new land means the pending arrival of another corrupted god that would attack. Another mess of chaos. And likely another disease. He snorts softly, blue gaze narrowing against the brightness until a flash of brown and white streaks across the sky. Looking up, he finds Naerys... flying straight for the new land.

The healer suppresses a frustrated groan before unfurling his wings and taking off after her - with Eliana close behind. His strokes are powerful, carrying him rather quickly over the ocean below and as he nears the islands he changes his course slightly to land further from the gathering crowd. As usual, Miykael lands gracefully then walks closer to the group. Eliana swoops down to land upon his withers in her customary position. He stops near the back, his sky blue orbs quickly scanning the crowd already gathered only to find Alysanne there as well. Part of him is surprised, of course, to see the black and white pegasus. But seeing her sweet face again makes it difficult for the healer to remain morose. The left corner of his lips quirks upwards slightly and briefly before he shifts his attention to the Earth God. His Patron, now that he's a member of the Hidden Falls.

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RE: SWP :: A light shining through - Einarr - 10-15-2015

Tonight I'll sign my blood on the leather and bleed together to find our own separate ways

The sight of a mass exodus towards where Einarr thought Helovia ended definitely caught his attention. Quickly, his massive wings swallowed up air and he raced towards the island chain that suddenly appeared in the distance. Knitting his brows together, Einarr realized that this must be another God-gifted land to Helovia. If it were anything like the flats the Sun God had brought in, Einarr was going to stick around and fight for the safety of this place he called his own home now--especially in the wake of his child growing within the womb of his Sultana. His heart beat quickly at the thought of the unborn and also his precious Mordecai, the memory of her throwing herself at the crocodile too much for him to handle.

Tucking in his wings, Einarr landed rather gracefully on the warm earth. Tucking his inky wings into his sides completely, the warden made way to stand near GAUCHO. "Jif kisha vilajero?" Einarr whispered to his sultan. Should we take arms? The question Einarr might already know the answer to, but the idea of the Earth God fighting was above his head. All Einarr knew of the Earth God was the grace he had given the bloodrider in the wake of Mordecai's birth. He had granted Megaera the ability to feed Mordecai, and had sent Einarr on a quest. The black stallion believed he honored the god in his quest, and he remembered the warmth of the large tribrid's smile.

Others around him sang their praises to the father Earth, but Einarr merely turned his reddened eyes on the massive god and bowed his head low. There were very few other more respectful gestures coming from the stallion--offering the back of his head to the God, giving him the ability to strike him dead, was the most humbling position for the inky guardian. Even now, Einarr was still plagued with the inky goo that dribbled from his face. Would the Earth cure him?

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Stands near Gaucho and speaks to him.

@Random Event -- GLL

RE: SWP :: A light shining through - Iona - 10-15-2015

"It can turn the whole world upside down, shake it 'til the sky falls to the ground. 
We don't have to reap the fear they sow, friends, as long as we hide our love away, 
In the good they'll never know."

Iona hadn’t awoken with the impulse to explore the whole of Helovia, but it seemed like that was exactly what was happening.  When the painted mare had seen her twin setting off for somewhere outside the Edge’s, she knew that today would be a day spent exploring Helovia.  It wasn’t that she was following her sister, it’s more that she was just ensuring that Alysanne kept out of trouble.  So, functionally, she was following her sister.  She kept a respectful distance, of course.  Though part of her wondered if Alysanne was unknowingly delivering her to Naerys’ father.  God, wouldn’t that be the day. Iona smirked just at the thought. 
But it seemed it wasn’t to be when the two ended up at the seashore.  Iona could see the islands in the distance, and it seemed like they were attracting quite a bit of attention.  When she looked back to the shore she saw that her sister was swimming towards the islands. Iona was almost afraid to roll her eyes at this point.  The painted mare was afraid her eyes would roll so far back into he head that they would stay there. What did her sister have against flying? Honestly?
With a huff, Iona flew ahead, taking stock of the islands that the Earth God had just brought into the realm.  They were beautiful, that’s for sure, and unlike anything she’d seen.  By the time she finished her pass around the Islands, Aly had reached the shore and made her way towards a large gathering, of sorts. The painted pegasus flew a low pass over the gathering, skimming the treetops while looking for familiar faces.  She didn’t know too many (aside from her family) but there were some faces from the Edge that were familiar even if she had no name to accompany the face.   Queen Mauja was there.  And on her next pass she saw something that caused her to be equal parts proud and equal parts concerned – Naerys.  This hardly seemed like an event appropriate for a child, but there was no shaking the adventure from the girl.  This Iona knew from personal experience.
Iona considered landing and joining her family, but the pegasus felt safer in the air than almost anywhere else.  Plus, from this vantage point, she could better keep an eye on her loved ones.  So she the mare flew sweeping circles around the group, remaining in earshot, eagle eyes never straying from the scene. 


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creeper iona follows alysanne to the isles. spots naerys and mauja from the air. doesnt see miykael...yet.  hovers over group.

RE: SWP :: A light shining through - Najya - 10-15-2015

-- N A J Y A --

The little mare had not gone far following the battle in the Flats.  Her vision, it seemed, had reached the point where no longer progressively grew worse.  However she found it was almost impossible to differenciate between individuals unless she already knew them by scent.  She let out a small cough and again wiped the sticky tar off her face, wiping it against a foreleg.  Najya was thankful that the effects from the battle with the crocodile from the Rift had been temporary.  Within hours the feeling had trickled back into her forelegs and chest for which the little mare was extrordinarialy thankful.
Since becoming infected with whatever had taken her normal vision, Najya had found herself drawn to the sea.  The colors of the sea were still tranquil, even with vision that saw only heat signatures.  Every shade of blue and green spread out before her, warming as they crashed against orange-warm sands.  But there was something strange in the sea today.  Bursts of red and orange and yellow that had not been there only hours before.  New lands.  Najya knew very well what new lands meant.  She had seen the Moon goddess’ land.  She still stood on the shores of the Sun. Who had brought the islands into Helovia? 
There was no evidence of a bridge connecting the islands to the Flats, so Najya surmised that swimming would be her only means of access.  This, in itself, was daunting to the flaxen mare.  She was a creature of the desert, not the sea.  She waded into the water and when the waves began to lap at her chest, she again used her compromised vision to assist her in a way that her normal vision could not.  The water was warmer – and a more vivid blue –  where it was shallow.  She kept to the shallows as much as she could, keeping her footing for as long as she could and conserving as much energy as possible.  It didn’t keep her from arriving at the islands nearly exhausted. She had never been more jealous of those with wings.  Najya shook the water from her coat and made her way to where the others had gathered.
She arrived in time to see individuals stepping through the portal that the Earth God held open.  Najya couldn’t recognize particular shapes just because there were so many that had already gathered, so she stood well back from the group.  Her over sensitive sense of smell failed her as well as it was too overwhelmed to be of any use with so many present.  So, for the time being, the flaxen mare was content to wait – and to hope that any she knew would make themselves known to her so she didn’t somehow make a fool of herself in the company of so many.              

Swims across from the flats. Cant recognize anyone due to GLL symptoms so hangs out in the back.

RE: SWP :: A light shining through - Dovahkiin - 10-16-2015

Ahrk fin Kel lost prodah, do ved viing ko fin krah,
Tol fod zeymah win kein meyz fundein!

Following her conversation with Ghost on the beach, the small mare wanders off again. This time she moves east, back towards the familiar scenery of trees and shadows to firmly plant herself back in her comfort zone. There she drifted with relatively light steps, shifting from one shadow to the next despite her messed up sense and strange vision - seeing everything as variations of hue based on temperature. In other words, thermal radiation - not that she would even understand what that is. The black stuff staining her face is mostly hidden against her black fur, only showing where the stripes upon her face appear to be broken. Whatever this is, she doesn't like it. She doesn't like the incessant coughing or the wet, heavy feeling of her lungs or being able to see thermal radiation. Perhaps, if she ever found him again, she'd kick his ass for getting her infected with this damned disease.

Turning to face south, the mare quickly sees many bright yellow-orange shapes standing on what she could only imagine is an island out on the sea. She didn't remember seeing it there before all this mess but then again, she'd never felt the urge to travel this far south before so the dragonborn is willing to admit that she may have overlooked them before. She stands still for several moments, simply watching as the number of warm bodies increases on the land mass. She also notices several starting from the shore and either swimming across in the ocean or flying across on their large wings. The islands, it seems, are drawing a rather massive crowd and Dovahkiin isn't one to ignore that kind of attention.

The dragonborn moves forward, sliding her well-muscled form into the ocean waves, kicking her strong legs and riding the crests with relative ease. The further out she gets, the more her illness laden lungs take a toll on her endurance so by the time she reaches the shore of the islands, the small mare is breathing embarrassingly hard. Her well muscled legs burn from the vigorous activity, though she knows that pain will dissipate while she waits for something to happen. The striped mare pulls herself from the water and slides into the back of the crowd, trying her best to steady her breathing enough that none would notice or scoff at her weakness. Her green eyes focus on the largest blotch of warm color somewhere near the center of the commotion. The sheer size of it, male or female, is impressive as hell and for a moment a sultry smirk curves her dark lips. 'Hm.. bet that one would be fun.'

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@Random Event for GLL
has thermal radiation vision
swims across but due to illness ends up heavily winded by the time she makes it across. hides in the back of the group and ogles the earth god like a derp. xD

RE: SWP :: A light shining through - Parelia - 10-16-2015

Honest hearts are undercover. We are shadows on our own
She felt like exploring and where better than south? Maybe if she was lucky enough she might catch sight of her son. It had been far to long since the mare had spoken with her boy. She hadn't seen him since the fight with that terrible bear. Her mind wondered what he was doing with his life now; she prayed he was happy and safe. Shoving the thoughts away, the duo flew through the hot sky searching for an adventurer. It didn't take long for her to find the party though. Honey eyes found the new and strange islands that seemed to have appeared over night. Penna screeched sharp eyes already spying the large group gathered around the Earth God. 'Good, we did find something interesting!' She smiled as she circled over the group eyes sweeping over familiar and strange faces before she chose and empty spot to land in front of her patron God.

She bowed low tot the massive handsome bay god. A bright smile covered her lips as she rose to gaze into his massive face. There was no need to speak, she was sure he knew her name, as the God's surely know everything their servants do. There was two words she longed to say and allowed them to spill forth, "Thank you." She assumed he would understand; know that she was thanking him for all of her blessing. Her crafting magic, and healthy growing babies included. After a few moments more the dove stepped away heading towards the back before she noticed a very familiar bay and white stallion. Gentle lyrics were barely more than a whisper, "Dragomir?" Bright orbs grew wide as she gazed at the stallion. Unable to help herself the mare trotted forwards brushing past people as she fought to his side. "Dragomir! Do you remember me?" She beamed at the stallion as Penna swirled around their heads before landing on his soul-mate's back peering at the stallion.
Speaking  Penna

Words; 326
Tags;  @Dragomir

RE: SWP :: A light shining through - Ilios - 10-16-2015

"If I go crazy then will you still,"

Ilios's heart was a light with wonder as he raced the clouds above. He was going to have a baby! Excitement pounded through his young heart as she thought of a newborn foal calling him Daddy. He felt like he needed to tell both of his families; herd and blood that he was expecting a new member. Sure he didn't know for sure how the raising would go, but he longed to have the babe with him in the Dragon's Throat. Smiling brightly he tucked the splendid thoughts away for later as he flew above Helovia searching for something to do.

Bright silver eyes caught sight of the new islands and his heart did a flip. There was excitement and fear in his heart as he thought of the battle he was sure would come with these new lands. It was a beautiful place, not as stunning as the land his own God had given the people of Helovia. He grinned as he spied Mesec in the crowed, as well as Parelia and Ciceron. A pang sent a shiver through his body as the stallion watched his silver father. 'I need to make up with him...' The idea of giving into Ciceron tore at his young heart, but it needed to be done. How could he expect to be a good dad, if he didn't even have the balls to make up with his own.

He circled for a moment before picking where to land. For now he would start with Ciceron; carefully he fluttered down beside his dappled father. "Hello Father, I would like to speak with you after this is all over..." He let his deep drawl fade away a nervous smile crawling up his face. He waited for an answer before nodding and striding over to join Mesce. He smiled and tried to gently bump the stallion's neck before speaking. "Hey Mesec, how is life for you?" He grinned excitedly for a moment the idea of his foal flashing through his mind before a soft movement caught is eye in the tree above. Silver gaze turned up towards the black and blue mare above him, "Greetings Ampere, I would like a word with you sometime." He smiled and dipped his head respectfully before turning back to the silver and black stallion beside him.

"Call me Superman?"
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Tags; @Ciceron, @Ampere, @Mesec
Words; 386