HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] If you love me don't let go - Printable Version

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If you love me don't let go - Naerys - 11-10-2015

Hold on to me because I'm a little unsteady

After the battle, she'd bolted from her mother and her aunt. Left them for Mauja. Left them before Alysanne could even get a good look at her wounds. It had been impulsive, and a little bit stupid, but the spotted stallion had touched her heart with his icy fingers. He'd been mourning and surrounded, the despair in his voice pulling her soul to him with a force that she couldn't ignore. It simply shoved her own injuries aside, blocking out any and all desire to get them looked at and tended to. A shattered heart, after all, is a far more grievous wound than burns, bruises, and stiffness. The girl had offered him what quiet comfort she had to offer and a soft bed of passionflowers that she hoped would help ease his pain. Whether her feeble attempts had been helpful or not, she'd likely never know but she took comfort in knowing she'd at least tried.

Mother would be proud of that, right? The moon doctor couldn't rightly scold her for putting someone else before her own wellbeing, could she?

When she finally left Mauja's side, the girl looked even more atrocious with bloody sand coating her legs and belly. She felt dirty, a strong desire to throw herself into the ocean and let the waves wash her fur clean but instead the girl scans the lingering crowd for the familiar face of her mother. But the black and white pegasus is nowhere to be seen. For a moment her heart sinks. For a moment she feels alone. Yet the sensation is fleeting. Alysanne is more than just her mother and as soon as she'd been weaned, the mare had loosened her hold on the girl. She had to grow up, had to experience life - no matter how difficult it was for the emerald eyed doctor. No matter how hard it is for the chocolate painted filly.

A soft sigh flutters from her soft lips, barely audible above the rolling and crashing of the waves. The sky had darkened considerably with the stars blinking into existence. Normally the small, sparkling dots would make her smile. Normally the darkness would allow her to disappear and soothe her but here on this island, so near to where the tiger goddess fell, it only leaves her uneasy; feeling as though her hair is standing on end. Nervously, she shifts and after a brief moment of hesitation the girl unfurls her wings. With a few strong thrusts, paired with several pained steps forward, the girl launches her slender form into the night sky.


Her journey is a long one. With her legs taking the brunt of the damage in the battles she'd carelessly thrown herself into, the girl is left with little choice but to fly home. The pain in her shoulder, however, made it even more difficult to fly that distance without a break. The girl flew to the ground often to rest her bruised shoulder, watching the night pass before her teal eyes. By the time she landed just outside the broken remnants of the wall, the sun had completed most of its' curve across the sky. Soon, she knew, night would be settling in again but the girl would welcome the darkness here within the Edge. Here it is familiar. Here, it is her friend.

The girl ruffles her wings before tucking them against her sides once more. She hesitates, her heart fluttering in her chest as her eyes stare unseeing into the misty forest of her home. Naerys inhales deeply, breathing the moist air into her lungs and finding her courage. She steps forward, tiptoeing across the threshold with extra care to avoid the glass shards as well as, hopefully, prevent further damage to her wounded legs. Tar still clings to her back legs, clinging to the burns alongside the dried blood and sand coating the rest of her legs and her belly. Her side and shoulder are still bruised, though the pain in her shoulder is the stronger of the two - leaving her with a bit of a gimp. She moves forward, slow and steady, slipping into the familiar misty woods. "Mama?" comes her whisper, meek and soft.

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RE: If you love me don't let go - Alysanne - 11-16-2015

After the chaos had died down, looking for her daughter had been the first thing Alysanne had did. The burns on her own wings could wait, it was secondary. Her daughter certainly inherited the tendency to care for others before taking care of herself but from where Alysanne stood, the little girl always came first. Taking care of others came as natural to her as breathing - it was always her first instinct. She hadn’t realized how stressful it would be for those that were keeping an eye on her when she forsook her own health for the sake of others. Now, though, she did. Did Naerys know what running off did to her? She wondered if the little filly didn’t care or just didn’t realize that Alysanne was truly trying to be better now. She was interacting more with the herd, taking a renewed interest in her daughter and her whereabouts (which, it seemed, were almost always not with her).

Alysanne returned to the Edge without her daughter, hoping that this would be common ground and perhaps the girl would come home. And if not… well, Alysanne wouldn’t rest until she had her daughter back. She’d recruit everyone that she could to scour Helovia - her first stop would be finding Mauja. The spotted stallion seemed to have won over the young filly, making it reasonable that he would have a better knowledge of her whereabouts than her own mother.

Not that she felt particularly happy about that fact, of course - it bothered her but she supposed there were worse figures for Naerys to be following around than their Queen. Alysanne just wished she knew more about him.

She paced restlessly in the Edge, patrolling the border practically all day - sending Hemlock on circles into the forest to check to see if the filly had snuck in somehow. Finally, finally a call was heard. But there wasn’t even any relief - Alysanne had no idea what state her daughter was in, just that she was alive and home. “Naerys.” No time was wasted and she hurried over, nuzzling her daughter and checking her over even as she was calling on the mists - thankful a thousand times over to the Moon Goddess on this day for giving her this magic to heal her daughter. The gentle tendrils of shadow swirled around the filly, touching her injuries and healing them.

Not until she was sure that every scrape, every bruise, was taken care of did Alysanne finally speak again, moving to stand before the girl - only concern showing in her face at the moment. “Where did you go I was so worried about you.”

happy is the heart that still feels pain
darkness drains and light will come again
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RE: If you love me don't let go - Naerys - 12-16-2015


Hurting her mother was the last thing Naerys ever wanted to do but regardless of what she wanted, pain seemed to follow in her wake. She doesn't want the pain, doesn't wish for it but everything she does or doesn't do seems to be another slice into her mother's heart. To be fair, it hurt her more than her mother could ever understand. More, it seemed, than her mother would ever try to understand. She'd been quick to accuse, to yell, to chain her down like some sort of criminal. But did she ever think to ask about her day? To ask why the girl does what she does? Naerys always finds her way home and all her mother can manage is to seethe with usually contained rage (and fear, though she never allows the girl to see that). Yet, nothing had hurt her quite so much as the moment mother pulled away from her. Such a simple act, but it felt like she'd sliced through whatever fragile bond they had.

Is it any wonder that she tries so hard to focus on being a herd member, to be someone useful?

Mauja had been her comfort, perhaps because he was more tormented and broken inside than she possibly could be at her age. Most of the time they barely talked, they didn't need to. They simply needed to be, to coexist in a quiet tenderness that allowed them to be themselves. Together they explored. Together they saw the small delights that life can bring. Together, life is simple; there's never any need for them to be better than they are. A luxury she never felt in the presence of her mother.

Naerys had been expecting to find Alysanne when she came home this time; part of her hoped she would but there was always a lingering anxiety. Every time she saw green eyes, her gut twists and every time her teal eyes catch a glimpse of her mother's painted hide her thoughts turn instantly to the worst case scenario: her mother freeing her rage, her words stinging her youthful flesh with the same biting force of whips. She doesn't want to respond to her mother with that level of anxiety. Doesn't want to worry that each and every interaction with her mother is going to result in explosion after explosion but she can't help it. The wounds are far too fresh, the image of Alysanne pulling away from her far too vivid.

So when Alysanne slipped through the misty trees and into her view, she couldn't hold back the wince; flinching backward and away from the mare as though she'd been slapped. But the explosion didn't come - yet. She could feel the prickling heat of tears burning and filling her eyes, threatening to spill over. Naerys turned her focus to holding the tears at bay and hardly noticed her mother's gentle touch, hardly noticed the mists forming, healing her wounds and taking away her pain. Though the wounds were closed, it would be some time before the hair would grow on the backs of her legs and the flesh itself would never look the same. Yet that didn't matter. Her wounds hadn't ever mattered to her. They were mere consequences of her own actions, things she could so easily live with because they hadn't killed her. "Mama, I'm sorry.." and no sooner did she open her mouth did she lose her feeble hold on the moisture building in her eyes. The tears fall freely, trickling down her cheeks and carving wet trails in her dark fur. "I didn't mean to...I just...I saw you get hurt and and that made me so angry! I couldn't just do nothing. And then, when it was all over... Mauja... he... his daughter..." her voice is frantic yet somehow still thickened by the tears but her words are cut off by a sob. She struggles, fighting to keep it together because this wasn't how this was supposed to be. Everything was wrong. When she finally manages to inhale a deep breath, she pulls from whatever strength she has left. "She...died." the girl somehow manages to conclude, her voice barely above a strangled whisper. Somehow she remains standing, even as she longs to simply collapse and give up. With her tear soaked cheeks, the girl can't bring herself to meet the emerald gaze of her mother.

There was that familiar, nagging anxiety again - just waiting for the mare to snap.

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RE: If you love me don't let go - Alysanne - 12-17-2015

Every wince and step away that Naerys took was a blow that Alysanne wasn’t sure she could survive but it was her punishment for doing the same not so long ago. Her knees almost gave way right then and there, only holding out because her daughter needed to be healed and any weakness on her part would always come second to Naerys. It should always come second. The rage that had protected her from her fear and sadness the last time they stood together on the border of the Edge was gone, leaving her to be battered by these emotions. So much of what she had said then she still stood by but it seemed distant to her, hazy, without the shelter of her anger. She wanted to explain to Naerys why they had reacted that way but she had no idea if her daughter would listen, or care.

It was Naerys who was the first to apologize, her words breaking free with the tears that stung for Alysanne to see. ‘I did this.’ Alysanne lamented and Hemlock cannot argue with her, he had no words that can smooth away those thoughts.

The explanation she was given almost caused a smile - seeing so many of those that she loved in the yearling that stood before her. Iona, Miykael, herself - she knew they all would have done the same. Alysanne was guilty of acting to protect those she loved but she had rarely considered the effect her actions would have on those she was trying to protect. “I’m sorry too.” There is no fire in her voice today, it is quiet in the stillness of the Edge. She is aware that there are others in the herdland around them but for these precious moments she exists solely in a world populated by only her daughter and herself. Even Hemlock feels distant - the bond that she was trying to repair now was so different than the one she shared with him.

“I love you so much, you know that right?” Alysanne’s eyes swam with tears that mirrored those of her daughters. Tears of hatred for herself, of pain and guilt. She cannot make herself look away - it’s her price to pay for how she acted, to see Naerys like this. “But it scares me when you go off on your own. I’ve never known fear like this before. What if you don’t come back? And it scared her no less now that she had heard about Mauja’s daughter dying. She couldn’t imagine that pain. Her dislike of the unicorn stallion fading with this knowledge. She may be jealous of her daughter’s bond with him but if Naerys could bring him any comfort after such a loss, she would not begrudge him that. “It scares me how grown up you’re becoming. It’s my job to protect you and I… I haven’t been doing a very good job. You’re still so young, Nae.” How old had Mauja's daughter been? How strong? Alysanne didn't know, but whatever the answers it had not been enough to save her. And yes, Naerys was brave but that wouldn't save her either, not every time. Just because she always came home did not mean there wouldn't be a day when she didn't and that possibility - even though there was nothing at all she could do about it - was the root of all of Alysanne's fears.

“And now you’re hurt and it’s my fault.” Although she reached out to brush the pink marks where the wounds had once been, she wasn’t just talking about the physical wounds. The battle may have left behind these marks on her daughter’s skin but Alysanne had caused the welts and bruises on the girl’s mind and heart. She had be given the chance to be a mother again - taken the chance - and she had ruined it again. Arty had shied away from her touch too. How long would she continue pretending that she could help them? Perhaps it would have been better if she had left Arty with Iona for good, perhaps Naerys should have been given to Miykael. He would have done a better job.

Every part of her ached with the desire to embrace Naerys but she waited to judge the girl’s reaction to her touch. If she was poison, she would not force such a harmful touch upon one she loved as much as this. “I’m so sorry.” She repeated again and it will never be enough, no matter how often she says it.

happy is the heart that still feels pain
darkness drains and light will come again
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just casually thinking up what Aly should say and then it turns into a post so <3
