the Rift


Osiris Posts: 88
Hidden Account
Stallion :: Hybrid :: 17.3hh :: 13.
Comadre :: Plain Black Dragon :: Fire Breath Boom Boom!

Aspire to be mountains
The fire of ambition

Quiet as the dead
Won't you let me in?

The night contrasts
A shift from the dark

Writing with your quill
Cannot rewrite the past

You cannot escape this time.

Ink Posts: 121
Hidden Account
Stallion :: Equine :: 16.2 hh :: 6 years
Ink is safe?


Aspire to be mountains
The fire of ambition

Quiet as the dead
Won't you let me in?

The night contrasts
A shift from the dark

Writing with your quill
Cannot rewrite the past

You cannot escape this time.
Tag me only if starting a new thread.
Magic or force permitted any time, aside from death.

Osiris Posts: 88
Hidden Account
Stallion :: Hybrid :: 17.3hh :: 13.
Comadre :: Plain Black Dragon :: Fire Breath Boom Boom!
Ink is not who I seek. He is safe.

Deimos the Reaper Posts: 527
Deceased atk: 7.0 | def: 12 | dam: 6.5
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.1 :: 7 HP: 72.5 | Buff: NUMB
Deimos blocks Mauja.

Aspire to be mountains
The fire of ambition - Could reference Mauja's ambition. Could also reference his new home, since Aurora Basin is in the mountains.

Quiet as the dead
Won't you let me in? - Has been relatively quiet in his shell-shocked arrival back into Helovia.

The night contrasts
A shift from the dark - Color reference - light colored leopard.

Writing with your quill - Reference to his owl companion, Irma.
Cannot rewrite the past - He's been trapped in time until recently. He can't go back to where he was before.

You cannot escape this time. - He's literally escaped "time". This could also allude to the many stealths made for him previously.

Osiris Posts: 88
Hidden Account
Stallion :: Hybrid :: 17.3hh :: 13.
Comadre :: Plain Black Dragon :: Fire Breath Boom Boom!
Mauja was sought.


Aspire to be mountains
Herd reference: Mountains of the Basin. Also mountains are tall. Height reference.
The fire of ambition
History ref to Mauja's many encounters with fire. He is also ambitious as the former leader of the Edge.

Quiet as the dead
Emotionless Mauja's mask. Also the dead are usually cold, and Mauja is described as such.
Won't you let me in?
This is supposed to hint that the above line is a personality ref.

The night contrasts
A shift from the dark
Night contrasts = light, shift in the dark is supposed to hint at stars. Color ref for leopard spots.

Writing with your quill
Description. Mauja's raven feathers in his mane. The ink is black, so black feathers.
Cannot rewrite the past
Multiple history refs. Losing the edge, being lost in time.

You cannot escape this time.
Reference to his time warping.

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