the Rift

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» the Rift «
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The beginning of the end ...
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07-13-2017, 12:45 AM
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The beginning of the end ...
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07-13-2017, 12:25 AM
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  » the Rift «
Posted by: smitty - 07-13-2017, 07:32 AM - Forum: Updates - No Replies

the Rift

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  :: Helovian Sequel - the Rift ::
Posted by: smitty - 06-22-2017, 08:31 AM - Forum: Updates - Replies (13)

Hey everyone!
We know that saying goodbye to Helovia is a sad time for everyone and that many of us wanting to continue writing the characters whose lives are based in Helovia.

Thus, Neo and I have partnered to create a sequel site for Helovia that will be based in the Rift! At Helovia’s final SWP, Kaos will open a Portal to the Rift, and those who wish may transfer over at that point.

Brief Premise: Originally, the Rift was a beautiful and light place created by magic’s powerful force to inhabit and exist within living creatures and land. However, eventually the gods that were created out of this land grew greedy and corrupt, causing light to fade and shadows to take over. In this dark and wild land, only an eerie neon light was left that leaches light and magic from everything around it.
So corrupt were the gods that the mortal inhabitants of the Rift looked and prayed for help, finding and bringing Helovia’s god to save them. However, the Helovians gods stole away the hearts of the Rift, leaving it broken and riddled with ominous forces; Helovians and gods alike killed the Riftian gods that had the ability to control such forces.
Now, in the wake of total deicide, only Kaos reigns.
(Here is some Rift inspiration and here are some creature ideas to look forward to!)

If you have any questions about this new site (or any ideas that you'd love to see), don’t hesitate to post below or contact myself/Neo!

Note: We are wary of forcing changes on your characters! However, we want to lend a creative realism to this new site—the Rift is filled with a magical sickness, dangers, and darkness, so all magic is bound to be affected! BUT questing/seeking fixes will be very available in the Rift!
The light—it was dying.

It faded from the very skies that once shimmered with energy. Once tall, lush grasses were now shriveled and blackened with greed. Water, once so sweet, now darkened with depravity. A sun that once bathed all in warmth, now scalded what it touched and left the world frigid when bereft of its presence.

It was corruption. Corruption of gods. Their greed sundered the land. Their greed leeched the light from the sun, leaving only an ominous and gluttonous florescence in the earth to light this world. A shadowed place - where nothing was safe.

The Gods are gone now, though, killed on foreign shores; as if deicide could somehow heal how they had wronged the Rift.

But the death of Gods did not prove who was right; only who is left. And this land is far from healed.
the Rift

Transfer Information:
[updated 6/26]
- Characters : There will be a 5 character cap in the new site.

- Magic : This will be affected by passing through the Portal! All Helovian characters will receive 1 ‘Magic Pass’ that allows you to choose a magic to remain ‘safe’ in the passage. All other magics will either be kept, lost, or mutated (decided by the roll of a die). You may opt for a neon marking to appear on your character if their magics are mutated/lost!

- Enchanted items : The enchantments of items will be affected like magic will be! All Helovian characters will receive 1 ‘Item Pass’ that allows you to choose an item to remain ‘safe’ in the passage. All other enchantments will kept, lost, or mutated (decided by the roll of a die). You may opt for a neon marking to appear on the item if they are mutated/lost.

- Prizelists : These will not be transferring onto the new site. So use them as you see fit!

- Amulets : Will not transfer over, but will affect your character in transfer >;D

- Regular Items : Will transfer over; there will be no 'item cap,' in the Rift but having a lot of items will affect gameplay! ;)

- Companions : They will be be made ill with a “Portal Sickness” that can affect them however you’d like (i.e. silencing bonds, physically ill, etc). However, this will resolve shortly in the Rift!
You may only have 1 companion in the Rift. Those already with 2nd companions will have a way to 'earn back' a second companion over an allotted time period, BUT must choose one companion to become 'wild' and un-bonded until earned back. "2nd companion slot mutations" must be filled with a companion to be grandfathered in.
Companion magic will be stripped- but don't despair! It will be re-vamped and you will be able to re-earn it in the Rift!

- Character alterations : Your characters are allowed to have appearance alterations during the passage through the Portal to the Rift!

- LTs : These will not be transferring into the Rift.

- Species :
(1) Horns may only be retained by unicorns, so 'horn items' will be lost; we understand if horn(s) are integral to designs, and there will be an option to become 'hybrid' during transfer if this is the case (hybrids will be mostly infertile).
(2) Wings may only be retained by pegasus
(3) There will be no 'gliding rule' pertaining to transformations

- Tables/images : We will host Helovia as a database, so posts/profiles will be viewable! But we cannot host images uploaded to Helovia's server, so please save your images!

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  :: Final SWP & Helovia Closure ::
Posted by: Official - 06-22-2017, 08:16 AM - Forum: Updates - Replies (2)

Hello Helovia,

This past week has been very illuminating to the admin team on many levels, and thus we have made the decision to close Helovia.

Helovia has been an incredible experience all around and (despite being a magical pony site) it has impacted many lives. So this decision was not made lightheartedly. However, given the dedication this team, previous teams, and you as players have put into the site, we want it to have an ending that reflects all 5 years of writing, friendships, and work.

Because we understand that the site break was sudden, we are planning to close Helovia July 12th in order to give everyone a chance to ‘wrap up’ before the final Kaos plot. (An IC post will come shortly to re-open the boards.)

That said, there will be a sequel site opening upon Helovia’s closure set directly after the final SWP. (More information here.)

Thank you all so much for letting us be your admin team <3

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  :: Achievements Profile Section Updates ::
Posted by: Tamme - 09-29-2015, 12:06 AM - Forum: Updates - No Replies

This is extraneous information and is COMPLETELY VOLUNTARY but it looks pretty damn badass to have it all up there, I must say! 
Check it out here on Phi's profile:

Please post below following these guidelines:
1. Achievements are in reverse chronological order (top newest, bottom oldest)
3. Use this form
<br>- Month Year || Achievement 
<br>- Month Year || Achievement

Things that count as achievements: 
1. Earning a rank 
**(please give the herd and rank type from guidebook, not your herd's special lingo - ie, World's Edge Fortify NOT World's Edge General)**
Verbiage: Month Year || World's Edge Glazier 
Verbiage: Month Year || World's Edge Sneak 

2. Winning COTM
Verbiage: Month Year || Character of the Month

3. Winning TOTM
Verbiage: Month Year || Thread of the Month

4. Winning QOTM
Verbiage: Month Year || Quote of the Month

5. Earning an LT
Verbiage: Month Year || Legend Title, the Blank

6. Becoming a lead
Verbiage: Month Year || Leader of The Aurora Basin

7. Birthing/donated sperm to demi-god birth
Verbiage: Month Year || Birthed Sun Demi-God, Aithniel 
8. Ascended status
Verbiage: Month Year || Ascended Helovian

9. Participated in an SWP
Verbiage: Copy and paste from the universal dates (see below)

10. Earned a new buff (if you can, go back and count the battle where you think you got that buff for the date - it doesn't have to be perfect)
Verbiage: Month Year || Buff Earned: Mage 

Universal Dates
March 2012 || Order of the Sun Plot Participant 
October 2012 || Wrath of the Sun God Plot Participant
September 2012 || Helovian Olympics Plot Participant 
December 2012 || A New God Plot Participant 
December 2012 || Silence of the Bond Plot Participant 
January 2013 || Silence of the Veins Plot Participant
June 2013 || Doppleganger Plot Participant 
June 2013 || Dead Magic Plot Participant 
July 2013 || Four Monsters of Helovia Plot Participant 
August 2013 || Broken Magic Plot Participant 
September 2013 || Restoration Dawn Plot Participant 
February 2014 || Wraith Sickness Plot Participant 
July 2014 || Sky Island Peace Plot Participant 
October 2014 || Murder Mystery Plot Participant 
February 2015 || The Literal Ship Plot Participant
August 2015 || Rift Gods Plot Participant 
*** and/or August 2015 || Rift Character Plot Participant (if you are from the Rift)
October 2016 || Kisamoa/Kaos Plot Participant

Plot threads to check participation:
Murder Mystery: (crossed out names did not post)
Literal Ship:

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  :: Thread of the Month :: --
Posted by: Linds - 07-01-2015, 02:20 PM - Forum: Updates - Replies (6)



Like ashes, like ashes
Fathers, be good to your Daughters
From the Deep Sea of Clouds
What you're destined to become
Pandora's Nest
springtime surprises
Tallsun Kisses & Orangemoon Wishes

Click here to see previous winners!

- ToTM recognizes an IC Thread that is particularly profound, amusing, spectacular or inspiring
- Any user can nominate several threads, including ones that they made by posting them here with a LINK to the thread
- Though it is not required, nominations should have a brief reasoning as to why the thread should be considered
- Nominations close and voting begins on this thread in the last 5 days of the month. Any user can vote, but only one vote per person, and only choose one of the month's nominees.
- The thread nominations must have posts made during the month from the first until the the first of the 5 day voting period. It does not have to have been created in this month, simply be active.
- Any thread made within the 5 day voting period can be nominated for the following month.
- Votes cannot be changed.
- You must be on your OOC account to vote.

If you participated in a thread that won ToTM you may:
--- Put the TOTM badge in your profile
-- Choose one of the following:
--- amulet
--- small marking
--- small item

Those with rewards from the current ToTM:

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  :: Character of The Month :: Weaver
Posted by: Official - 12-01-2014, 12:19 AM - Forum: Updates - Replies (10)




Click here to see previous winners!

- CoTM recognizes a character (not a player) that has shown to be outstanding for the particular month.
- Any user can nominate several characters. Just post on this thread who you're nominating.
- Though it is not required, nominations should have a brief reasoning as to why the character should be CoTM.
- Nominations close and voting begins on this thread in the last 5 days of the month. Any user can vote, but only one vote per person, and only choose one of the month's nominees.
- A character can only win COTM once.
- You cannot nominate yourself.
- You cannot vote for yourself, and votes cannot be changed.
- You must be on your OOC account to vote.

If you win CoTM you may:
- put the CoTM icon in your character board
- visit the Veins of the Gods without a dice roll
- design your own foal stats (with admin approval)
- place a small uniquely shaped and colored marking on your character

@Danjah has generously offered to do your COTM art!

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Posted by: Blu - 07-29-2014, 09:13 AM - Forum: Updates - No Replies

We've had the member-based NPC account for a while, but it's information has been a bit buried so I'm trying to dig it out ;D

Keep in mind that there are rules for using this account:


  • Can take any form from horse to wild-fire
  • Can be killed, maimed or utterly destroyed
  • Can be more than one animal (like a herd of mountain goats)
  • Can be played by anyone!

  • You cannot kill or maim another character without their consent
  • You cannot destroy major parts of environments
  • You cannot help in VoTG quests or other admin quests
  • Can't be a wild companion or mythical companion
  • Can't give magic or amulets

Log-in: NPC
Password: NPCpassword1

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  :: Character Stats Requests and Updates ::
Posted by: Tamme - 09-02-2013, 01:56 PM - Forum: Updates - Replies (4)

Creating Your Character's Stats For Admin Review
When requesting stats for your character, you should now be providing the values for their base and asset stats based on this guide and your understanding of the character/breed. You'll post your values to this thread where an admin will review it and either discuss the values with you or approve them and make them official. You cannot use your stats until an admin has made them official and put them on your profile.

If you have received a new/upgraded item/magic/companion/buff/rank magic etc. you must post in the Character Updates thread to have it applied to your character. Once updated, Update admin will post here to alert us of stat changes :)

You are required to post the following to get stats approved:
* Only include rank if a herd lead/warrior/sneak with rank magic.
** You can only include items, magic, and companions that are in the official records.
*** Please denote if an item is enchanted/upgraded as that increases its stat worth (only if it increases strength/ability of the item)

<b>Character name || Breed(s) || # VP || # EXP || *Rank</b>

<b>Individual physical description:</b> <short detailed blurb>
<b>Health/Confirmation defects:</b> <if applicable>

<u>Base Stat Values</u>
<i>Total Sum:</i> <must be between 20:22>

<u>Asset Stat Values</u>
<b>Offensive item:</b> <max 2, 1 increment per item>
<b>Defensive item:</b> <max 2, 1 increment per item>
<b>Magic:</b> <max 2 - active only, not passive, 0.5 increments for every basic/upgraded ability>
<b>Companion:</b> <max 2, 0.5 increments every 4 months from 0:12+ months>

<b>References:</b> <character(s) and their stat values which you looked at to build your values, any outside research to prove your values.>
-- Your character must be 2+ years and ranked (not Unclaimed or AA) to request stats.
-- Post with the character you are requesting stats/updates for.


Base Stats
[Strength, Speed, Agility, Endurance]

■ Do a little bit of looking into what the breed is commonly known/used for to begin figuring out how to apply the base stat values.
■ We have most breeds already covered with prior stat creation, you just need to find them on the site (see general breed stat examples below too).
  • It's a good idea too look at several created stats of similar breeds to get an idea of 'averages' for the different base stat types.
  • To help with admin confirmation, you should list which character's stats you referenced and what their values were to help provide proof for your values.
■ There's a lot of variety even among breeds, which is where your individual character can influence and personalize those stats!
  • Tweak some of the values slightly (1 number or so up or down from the average value) to suit your specific character once you get the basic breed values down. You must stay within the base stat range of the breed.
  • Keep in mind these individual traits should be genetic, not habits like "he's a warrior so he has 10 strength", that's what the rank stats are for and habits of characters can change, so we want the permanence of genetics here.
  • Be realistic. A draft can never have a bunch of speed, etc.
■ Foals (once they turn old enough to earn stats) should have mostly averaged stat values from parents.
  • The stat build begins with averaging the parents' stats, but they should be mildly modified to fit the individual description of the child.

■ Each base stat has a range of 0:10.
  • The 10 maximum tends to be applied only to a purebred, and only to one base stat type.
  • ex. Drafts 10 strength, Thoroughbreds 10 speed, Andalusian 10 agility, Arabian 10 endurance...
■ The total base stats need to have a sum ranging between 20:22.
  • 20 base stat sum reserved for show breeds (Tennessee Walking Horse, Saddlebred, Hackney, Dutch harness horse...).
  • 22 base stat sum reserved for battle breeds (Warmblood, Draft, Andalusian...).

■ Certain health defects will cause a reduction of your base stats and need to be included.
  • Psychological Impairment (ex. chronic drug abuse, split personality...) :: -1 agility, -1 speed
  • Blind :: -1 agility, -1 speed
  • Deaf :: -2 agility
  • Club Hoof :: -1 speed, -1 endurance
  • Upper Respiratory Issue (ex. cough) :: -1 speed, -1 endurance
  • Muskuloskeletal Defect (ex. bowed tendon) :: -1 endurance, -1 strength
  • Higher than 18 hands :: -1 endurance, -1 agility
  • Lower than 14 hands :: -1 strength, -1 speed
  • Bad Stifles/Joints/Arthritis :: -2 agility, -2 speed
  • Colic/gut Problems (ex. chronic colic) :: -2 strength, -1 endurance
  • Infectious/Protozoic Disease (ex. EPM, strangles, viruses...) :: -1 strength, -1 speed, -1 agility, -1 endurance

Asset Stats
[Offensive item, Defensive item, Magic, Companion]

■ There is a max of 2 stat values for each item type (offensive or defensive) with one item counting as +1 to the stat.
  • A single item cannot count for both.
  • The item needs to be inherently offensive or defensive (i.e. beads in your mane which are pretty cannot be offensive because one day they might possibly whip someone).
  • Amulets are not counted as items for asset stats. They are a temporary stat boost used for a one time roll when you are fighting.
■ There is a max of 2 stat values for both companions and magic.
  • Even if you have the mutation for extra magic or extra companions, the max values do not raise for fairness.
  • Demi gods have a max value of 3 magic due to their god blood.
■ Magic counts as +0.5 to the stats per upgrade
  • ex. 1 basic magic is +0.5. When that magic is upgraded it adds another +0.5, totaling +1 for the magic stat.
  • Passive magic does not count towards stats!
■ Companions count as +2 for mythicals or regulars with magic, and +1 for regular without magic.
■ Rank Bonuses – Characters with rank magic in their herds are awarded bonuses.
  • Govern - Characters with 'Govern' rank magic can choose to add +2 to attack, +2 to defense or +1 to both.
  • Fortify - Characters with 'Fortify' rank magic are given +2 to attack.
  • Sneak - Characters with 'Sneak' rank magic are given +1 to defense.

Battle Stats
[Hit Points (HP), Attack, defense, Damage]

■ Battle stats are automatically calculated through created formulas using the values from the base stats and asset stats. You do not need to include these when designing a character's stats.
■ Buffs unlocked from earning VP and certain herd ranks that have rank magic (lead, warrior, sneak) do play a part in your battle stats, but again these are automatically calculated by formulas. All you need to do is list your VP values/pertinent rank when posting your stats and the approving admin will see to it that they're added in.

Use these to help you determine the foundation of basic stat values for your character!

■ Akhal-Teke (2,7,3,8)
■ Anglo Arabian (2,7,4,7)
[Arabian x Thoroughbred]
■ American Saddlebred (4,6,5,5)
■ Appendix Quarter Horse (3,7,5,5)
[Quarter Horse x Thoroughbred]
■ Arabian (2,5,3,10)
■ Barb (2,6,3,9)
■ Campolina (4,5,6,6)
■ Connemara (5,5,4,6)
■ Icelandic Horse (4,4,5,7)
■ Morgan (6,4,5,5)
■ National Show Horse (2,6,5,7)
[Arabian x Saddlebred]
■ Paso Fino (3,4,3,10)
■ Rocky Mountain Horse (4,5,6,5)
■ Standardbred (2,6,5,7)
■ Tennessee Walking Horse (4,6,5,5)
■ Tersk (3,7,4,6)
■ Thoroughbred (2,10,3,5)
■ Light/Small Warmblood (5,5,6,4)
[Budyonny, Oldenburg, Orlov Trotter, Trakehner, Foxtrotter]
■ Appaloosa (5,4,7,5)
■ Australian Stock Horse (3,5,6,7)
■ Azteca (4,4,7,6)
■ Criollo (3,4,4,10)
■ Friesian (9,4,4,4)
■ Bashkir Curly (5,4,5,7)
■ Baroque friesian (9,4,5,3)
■ Sport friesian (8,5,5,3)
■ Irish Sport Horse (8,3,6,4)
[Irish Draught x Thoroughbred]
■ Marwari (3,5,4,9)
■ Mustang (4,3,5,9)
■ Namib Desert Horse (4,3,5,9)
■ Paint (6,4,5,6)
■ Quarter Horse (4,5,9,3)
■ Spanish Arabian (3,4,7,7)
■ Medium Warmblood (6,5,5,5) (6,5,6,4)
[Belgian Warmblood, Danish Warmblood, Dutch Warmblood, Holsteiner, Selle Francais, Westphalian]
■ Andalusian/Lusitano (5,3,10,4)
■ Heavy/Large Draft (10,4,5,3) (9,4,5,4)
[Ardennes, Belgian, Boulonnais, Clydesdale, Dutch Heavy Draft, Italian Heavy Draft, Nonius, Percheron, Russian Heavy Draft, Shire, Sokolsky, Soviet Heavy Draft, Suffolk, Trait Du Nord]
■ Medium Draft (9,4,4,5)
[Black Forest Horse, Gypsy Vanner, Halflinger, Irish Cob, Irish Draught, Mérens, Murakoz]
■ Light/Small Draft (8,5,6,3) (8,3,6,5)
[Auvergne, Cob, Comtois, Dole, Haflinger, Irish Draught, Lokai, Maremmano, Norman Cob, North Swedish Horse, Norwegian Fjord, Uzunyayla]
■ Lipizzaner (6,4,8,4)
■ Warlander (7,3,8,4) [Friesian x Iberian horses/Andalusian/Lusitano]
■ Heavy/Large Warmblood (7,5,6,4)
[Cleveland Bay, Kladruber, Hanoverian]

Common Mixes
■ Anglo Arabian x Friesian (6,5,4,5)
■ Arabian x Friesian (5,3,5,7) (5,5,3,7)
■ Arabian x Light Warmblood (4,5,5,6)
■ Friesian x Thoroughbred (7,6,3,4)
■ Thoroughbred x Light Warmblood (3,8,4,5)
■ Andalusian x Arabian (4,4,6,7) (5,4,6,6)
■ Andalusian x Arabian x Medium Draft (6,3,6,6)
■ Andalusian x Friesian x Light/Medium Warmblood (6,5,6,4)
■ Andalusian x Light Draft (7,4,7,3)
■ Arabian x Heavy Draft (7,4,3,7)
■ Arabian x Heavy Warmblood (6,5,4,6)
■ Arabian x Medium Warmblood (5,5,5,6)
■ Heavy Draft x Mustang (8,5,5,3)
■ Heavy Draft x Thoroughbred (7,6,3,5)
■ Light Draft x Paint (7,4,5,5)
■ Friesian x Mustang (7,4,4,6)
■ Paint x Quarter Horse (5,5,7,4)
■ Medium Warmblood x Light Draft (6,4,6,5)
■ Medium Warmblood x Friesian (7,5,6,3)
■ Medium Warmblood x Friesian x Heavy Draft (9,4,5,3)
■ Medium Warmblood x Medium Draft (8,4,5,4)
■ Medium Warmblood x Light Draft (7,5,5,4)
■ Light Warmblood x Light Draft (7,4,6,4)
■ Andalusian x Heavy Draft x Friesian (9,4,6,3)
■ Andalusian x Medium Draft (8,4,6,4)
■ Andalusian x Heavy Warmblood (6,5,7,4)
■ Andalusian x Medium Warmblood  (6,5,6,5)
■ Heavy Draft x Medium Draft x Friesian (9,4,4,5)
■ Heavy Draft x Heavy Warmblood (9,4,4,5)
■ Heavy Draft x Medium Warmblood (9,4,5,4)
■ Medium Draft x Heavy Warmblood (8,4,5,5)

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  :: Herd Champions :: WORLD'S EDGE
Posted by: Official - 03-31-2013, 10:40 PM - Forum: Updates - No Replies


The Herd Champion is the herd who has the highest post count for that month. Counts are taken as posts are made by the counter which is located here:
- Only IC posts count.

Congratulations to the: WORLD'S EDGE!
HC will now earn 'points' to spend in a herd-prize store at the end of the Helovian year!

Current Posts: 159
Record Posts: 385

Current Posts: 129
Record Posts:  451

Current Posts: 184
Record Posts: 491

»»» June, 2017 :: World's Edge
»»» May, 2017 :: World's Edge
»»» April, 2017 :: World's Edge
»»» March, 2017 :: Aurora Basin
»»» February, 2017 :: World's Edge
»»» January, 2017 :: World's Edge
»»» December, 2016 :: World's Edge
»»» November, 2016 :: World's Edge
»»» October, 2016 :: World's Edge
»»» September, 2016 :: Dragon's Throat
»»» August, 2016 :: Dragon's Throat
»»» July, 2016 :: World's Edge
»»» June, 2016 :: World's Edge
»»» May, 2016 :: World's Edge
»»» April, 2016 :: World's Edge
»»» March, 2016 :: World's Edge
»»» February, 2016 :: Aurora Basin
»»» January, 2016 :: Aurora Basin
»»» December, 2015 :: World's Edge
»»» November, 2015 :: World's Edge
»»» October, 2015 :: Hidden Falls
»»» September, 2015 :: Aurora Basin
»»» August, 2015 :: Aurora Basin
»»» July, 2015 :: Aurora Basin
»»» June, 2015 :: Aurora Basin
»»» May, 2015 :: Dragon's Throat
»»» April, 2015 :: Dragon's Throat
»»» March, 2015 :: Dragon's Throat
»»» February, 2015 :: Dragon's Throat
»»» January, 2015 :: Dragon's Throat
»»» December, 2014 :: Dragon's Throat
»»» November, 2014 :: World's Edge
»»» October, 2014 :: Aurora Basin
»»» September, 2014 :: Hidden Falls
»»» August, 2014 :: Hidden Falls
»»» July, 2014 :: World's Edge
»»» June, 2014 :: Hidden Falls
»»» May, 2014 :: Hidden Falls
»»» April, 2014 :: None, SWP herd dispersal
»»» March, 2014 :: None, SWP herd dispersal
»»» February, 2014 :: Dragon's Throat
»»» January, 2014 :: Dragon's Throat
»»» December, 2013 :: Dragon's Throat
»»» November, 2013 :: Dragon's Throat
»»» October, 2013 :: Aurora Basin
»»» September, 2013 :: World's Edge
»»» August, 2013 :: World's Edge
»»» July, 2013 :: Aurora Basin
»»» June, 2013 :: Aurora Basin
»»» May, 2013 :: Aurora Basin
»»» April, 2013 :: Aurora Basin
»»» March, 2013 :: Aurora Basin

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  :: Post Here for Character Record's Updates ::
Posted by: Official - 02-15-2013, 11:52 PM - Forum: Updates - Replies (3)

All updates to your character records including cashing in prizes should be listed here! Once an admin has added your records, the post will be removed. Thank you very much <3

Helovia does NOT enforce art-trades for items.
Items traded for art are considered 'gifts' on the prizelist.
Please keep this in mind, as the admin cannot, do not, and will not police art-related trades!

Prize-Use Form:
<b>Character Name:</b>
<b>Prize Being Used:</b> (name of prize exactly as on records)
<b>Details of usage:</b> (please be CONCISE - magic on ONE LINE ONLY and use formatting from records!)

Good Example
Character Name: Ophelia
Prize Being Used: Sun God Magic
Details: :: [Magic: Light (U) | Able to speak into the minds of others to communicate telepathically and control them with her words]

*NOTE: admin will decide restrictions
*If you are using a companion pass, give THE NAME of the companion, THE HATCH DATE of the companion (with a thread link), the SPECIES of the companion, and the ABILITY of the companion

Trade Request Form:
<b>Your OOC Name:</b>
<b>Their OOC Name:</b>
<b>Prize Giving:</b> (name of prize exactly as on records)
<b>Prize Received:</b> (name of prize exactly as on records)

Prize Conversion Chart and Allowed Conversions:
3 small items/markings = 1 medium item/markings
5 small items/markings = 1 large item/markings
2 medium items/markings = 1 large item/markings

If your character is in ABSENT ABYSS their companion and records will not display, but are still present.

Print this item

RPGfix Equi-venture