the Rift

Night Out...

Xira Posts: 67
Up For Adoption atk: 5.5 | def: 9 | dam: 5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 14.2 hh :: 7 HP: 64 | Buff: NOVICE
Kye :: Red-Footed Falcon :: Read Adoptable

I love a good horror flick, so Dad took me to see one set in Stockholm - something called Hell’s Sovereign… I am brave though, bold, or reckless my passed mother used to laugh. Hahaha… That’s alright, I have the right head space, you know, the ‘intelligent’ approach - I reckon I’ve seen worse in school than rubbish events purged from someone’s subconscious, or dream. Besides, what else am I meant to do since I left home, I left all my writing gear behind so I won't be doing any homework.

Anyway, I went in to see this foreign movie with my caramel, vanilla ice cream scoop (not a fan of popcorn you see, and they were fresh out of that awesome thyme and garlic chip special). I didn’t have overly high expectations. I sat down the front, close, those heads just get in my way. The curtains drew back and I held my breath - tightly. I turned to the guy next to me - he was crunching those kernels so loud, yuck. “What’s ya name?” I asked despite his obnoxiousness. You know I’m friendly enough, with the ‘gift of the gab’, I think its called… “You ready for a scare? Hey, dude…” Anyway he muttered in his foreign tongue, ‘In your dreams’, so I shuffled to the other side of my chair and ignored him. Disgusting turd - maybe I should have punched him in the teeth.

The movie starts - a fine woman, practically oozing gold trim. She was dancing along a canal, flowers dressing it’s edge, and she paused to pick a green button pom. I pass a glance by that guy. He was grinning, apparently enthralled, a typical Swede. What was this crap, I was thinking - where was the gore (actually, I avoid it if I can). Then, from nowhere she appeared - another woman behind. The new one killed the first and even I held my breath as she pushed her over, into the water. We found out later on it was jealous homicide, she was thrown into prison for her trouble.

Tevs… I didn’t pay thirty bucks for CSI, that shit I can watch in my living-room. I stood up and left…

AB 0/4
DT 0/3
HF 0/2
WE 0/2

Kaj The Aurelight Posts: 381
Hidden Falls Conscript atk: 4.0 | def: 9.0 | dam: 7.5
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 17.2hh :: 8 Years 9 Months HP: 69.5 | Buff: ENDURE
Arabella :: Common Zephyr :: Wakiya Brit
Kaj hums warily and protect his prisoner Drom

I am brave though, bold, or reckless my passed mother used to laugh
--- "She is very brave", mother is dead

That’s alright, I have the right head space, you know, the ‘intelligent’ approach
--- "Dröm usually acts with intelligence"

I went in to see this foreign movie with my caramel, vanilla ice cream scoop
--- Flaxen chestnut, "ivory blaze"

I sat down the front, close, those heads just get in my way
--- Short at 14.3hh

She was dancing along a canal, flowers dressing it’s edge, and she paused to pick a green button pom
--- Magic ::[earth|the ability to grow green flowers on command. Once these flowers are eaten, they begin to heal your body.]

Swedish references (various)
--- Drom means 'dream' in Swedish and she speaks it sometimes in her posts

credit bronzehalo
Please only tag starting posts, spars, and threads collecting dust!
Plot with me here!

Xira Posts: 67
Up For Adoption atk: 5.5 | def: 9 | dam: 5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 14.2 hh :: 7 HP: 64 | Buff: NOVICE
Kye :: Red-Footed Falcon :: Read Adoptable

Xira was after Dröm’s cloak...

I love a good horror flick, so Dad took me to see one set in Stockholm - something called Hell’s Sovereign… I am brave though, bold, or reckless my passed mother used to laugh. Hahaha… That’s alright, I have the right head space, you know, the ‘intelligent’ approach - I reckon I’ve seen worse in school than rubbish events purged from someone’s subconscious, or dream. Besides, what else am I meant to do since I left home, and I left all my writing gear behind so I can’t do any homework.

1) In her profile it says that her father’s title was ‘King of Hell’.
2) Brave is a personality reference taken from profile
3) Mother died
4) Intelligent is a personality ref taken from profile
5) History reveals a turbulent past containing death, slavery, banishment and loss
6) Name reference - Drom means ‘dream’
7) Reference to leaving the Falls
8) Makes reference to the ‘program’ mentioned in her profile history, which is like school.

Anyway, I went in to see this foreign movie with my caramel, vanilla ice cream scoop (not a fan of popcorn you see, and they were fresh out of that awesome garlic chip special). I didn’t have overly high expectations. I sat down the front, close, those heads just get in my way. The curtains drew back and I held my breath - tightly. I turned to the guy next to me - he was crunching those kernels so loud, yuck. “What’s ya name?” I asked. You know I’m friendly, with the ‘gift of the gab’, I think its called… “You ready for a scare? Hey, dude…” Anyway he muttered in his foreign tongue, ‘In your dreams’, so I shuffled to the other side of my chair and ignored him. Obnoxious turd.

9) Caramel and vanilla are reference to eye colouring or coat and mane/tail colouring
10) No garlic is reference to the old Edge herd not having their herb garden available
11) Front seat is reference to smaller stature
12) Gift of the gab makes reference to Drom talking instead of fighting Kaj
13) Dröm is dream in Swedish.

The movie starts - a fine woman, practically oozing gold trim. She was dancing along a canal, flowers dressing it’s edge, and she paused to pick a green button pom. I pass a glance by that guy. He was grinning, apparently enthralled, a typical Swede. What was this crap, I was thinking - where was the gore (actually, I avoid it if I can). Then, from nowhere she appeared - another woman behind. The new one killed the first and even I held my breath as she pushed her over, into the water. We found out later on it was jealous homicide, she was thrown locked in an old prison for her trouble.

14) Fine woman is reference to petite Arabian build. Gold refers to flaxen hair.
15) Green button pom (a green flower) refers to Drom’s magic
16) Gore reference to her not fighting Kaj, and not fighting in the invasion
17) Murder makes reference to her sister killing her mother - mentioned in her history

Tevs… I didn’t pay thirty bucks for CSI, that shit I can watch in my living-room. I stood up and left…

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