the Rift

[OPEN] The sun has yet to die for you.

Kahlua the Sunshower Posts: 662
Outcast atk: 5.5 | def: 9.5 | dam: 4.5
Mare :: Equine :: 15.3hh :: 9 [Orangemoon] HP: 65 | Buff: NOVICE
Khan :: Common Blue Dragon :: Frost Breath Sevin
The queen could always count on her trusty king be there in every important situation and today was no exception. He arrived just behind her in a lovely display of his magnificent capabilities as a pegasus. She turned her smile to him, letting him stride up beside her, but giving him his space even though she desired to press against him in warm greeting. There was an air about him in this moment and she knew that he meant business so instead of interrupting, she just watched, trying to learn, trying to take in his demeanor, note what he has noticed, listen to the words he has chosen to greet the crimson woman at their borders. She tried, she tried oh so hard and still... it was difficult for the brainless woman, but she tried nevertheless.

Two more arrived then, one for each side, and Kahlua nodded to both. She was sorely disappointed that she had yet to introduce herself in person to the painted paint who was taking her position as warrior seriously, but Kahlua appreciated that the girl was dedicated. As for Kiara... her words caused the poor queen to gasp aloud as her blue eyes sprung back to Aurelia. Was it true? Could it be? The queen found herself- for once- at a complete loss for words. For a hair of a moment her eyes turned back to Kaj, but the red mare- Eris- was speaking again, showing her burnt shoulder, giving proof to the claim that Kiara had laid down.

Already, just as Aurelia was stepping backwards and contemplating her rank magic, Kahlua was contemplating her own. She knew that her Storm Bringer was aptly named and she was sure that his warrior's heart was already pumping blood more readily than it needed to. Still, she waited, calling upon lady moon for asistance but not yet releasing the flood of magic that was building beneath her skin. She wanted to hear what Eris had to say, to let Kaj hear what Eris had to say, uninhibited.

And indeed, Eris had many words to say. A respectful nod of thanks was given to Kiara for healing their Seer as appropriate but for the most part the queen watched the Blood Empress, whose name she had to admit she was not entirely fond of. Still, she was forgiving... She couldn't be all bad. But the queen's emotions were up and down as she could not help but agree with Eris. If what she said was truth then Aurelia had violated a very basic right of the herds- giving them peace and respect until they invited a stranger into their home. But again the queen was thrown for a loop as Aurelia began shouting. Pleading her case before her king and queen, a poor child claiming a mistake instead of malicious intent. Kahlua's brain hurt.

Finally, Eris' gaze returned to her. An alliance? This was all too much for the poor queen. “I want to be your friend, Aurelia,” she did manage to slip in, though it was honestly more of a reflex. Everything was getting very chaotic and the queen was beginning to shift uncomfortably back and forth. And in the end she was so focused on the Blood Empress that Kahlua did not even notice Aurelia disappear. But as she returned to normal color and began to seizure, Kahlua had found that her nerves had had quite enough. What the heck was she supposed to do with a seizing horse!?! For her own sake more than anybody else's, the queen released her magic upon the meeting, letting its calming effects wash over her, closing her eyes and feeling the stress leave her body.

Calm... calm... calm... When she opened her eyes, even though the scene was exactly the same, she felt better already. Still, she should likely attend to the seizing girl... She glanced to Kaj for a moment then turned her gaze to Kiara, as she began to move towards Aurelia at a trot. She hoped the medic would not be opposed to helping a second time because neither Resplendence or Alysanne were anywhere to be seen. “Aurelia?”

OOC| Kah used her rank magic Clear Mind- Able to calm the tensions around a situation in any given thread, except in battle. 

Permission granted to use magic or physical force with Kahlua at any time
for any reason to any degree, with the exception of killing her.

Please do not tag Kahlua unless it is in an opening post

Messages In This Thread
The sun has yet to die for you. - by Eris_ - 05-26-2014, 09:50 AM
RE: The sun has yet to die for you. - by Aurelia - 05-26-2014, 10:24 AM
RE: The sun has yet to die for you. - by Kahlua - 05-26-2014, 11:30 AM
RE: The sun has yet to die for you. - by Kaj - 05-26-2014, 05:02 PM
RE: The sun has yet to die for you. - by Cheveyo - 05-26-2014, 05:37 PM
RE: The sun has yet to die for you. - by Kiara - 05-26-2014, 06:59 PM
RE: The sun has yet to die for you. - by Eris_ - 05-26-2014, 07:32 PM
RE: The sun has yet to die for you. - by Aurelia - 05-26-2014, 08:17 PM
RE: The sun has yet to die for you. - by Kahlua - 05-26-2014, 10:09 PM
RE: The sun has yet to die for you. - by Delinne - 05-26-2014, 11:51 PM
RE: The sun has yet to die for you. - by Ghost - 05-27-2014, 03:40 AM
RE: The sun has yet to die for you. - by Kaj - 05-27-2014, 11:41 PM
RE: The sun has yet to die for you. - by Cheveyo - 05-28-2014, 11:35 AM

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