the Rift

Lost claws, paws, and magic(mobiles?)

Tiergra Posts: N/A
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curiosity . . .

Tiegra noted his amusement with surprised pleasure, for the play on words had been for herself. But the striped mare certainly enjoyed another who appreciated wit as much as her, and a small smile turned the edges of her mouth up, sparkling behind her eyes. She dipped her head slightly in understanding of the coal stallion’s description of horn qualities within Helovia, ambergrlass horn glinting as it moved through the dappled light. At least now she would have a general idea of what she would encounter. The unicorns here? Did that imply there were non-unicorns?, thoughts float through her mind as she heard the ashy demon’s words. Then, her jaded eyes sparked as the they rivet to the ground at his feet to watch the frost spring up in delicate curls, bright alabaster against his solid onyx hooves.

Curiosity lighted her eyes, making them less predatory. Her features, once sharp and angular, softened and became more feminine. Although her face was not beautiful or lovely, for cunning and wit had long since buried those qualities, she became more striking and elegant as she took in the stallion’s magic. The white beneath her eyes gentled the deep green as it reflected into the widened spheres rimmed with black lashes. The green then turned to the glacial eyes of the dark stud, and though she had a lifetime of training her face to show what she wished it to, a glimmer of desire made itself known.

Despite it being but a smidgen of magic, the tigress assumed- from her experience- that where there were small magics, there was larger magic. "I see. How did you obtain that magic?” curiosity colored her voice gently, a purr instead of a throaty-


Her sharp teeth loudly closed on the empty air behind the griffin as the as the wind eddies brushed the sensitive skin of her head, her black ears sucked flat with her skull. She had been so intent on the frost that her ears missed the wind whispers of the owlish creature until it had surprised her vision and was beyond the scope of her jaws. Eyes once again narrowed into predatory silts, and she had dropped into a slight crouch in response to this ambush from above; her leonine tail that had been quietly looping behind her, now twitching in an agitated tempo.

Her catlike crouch was still as she watch the griffin alight her acquaintance’s horns, and she recognized it as a griffin. Her teeth, which had been exposed from her overreaction, sheathed once again behind her black lips, and she carefully straightened out of her pouncing position. Her tail, however, made her irritation known at being surprised twice within a short span by continuing to writhe quickly behind her, a blur of black and orange.

She heard and watched the stallion give his name, with no apparent hesitation. So it must be safe to use names, Although, I’m not certain I can trust my instincts here, she thought drily. "The pleasure is mine, Torleik,” the flatness of her tone left one wondering if she spoke with sarcasm or if she merely said the greeting of habit, "I am Tiergra.”

Feline gaze which had been trained unblinkingly on the griffin, returned Torleik’s dark face. "I apologize for assailing your,” she paused, searching for the correct word since griffins usually were not ‘pets’, "companion.” She looked back up at the griffin, eyes still unblinking, "Perhaps more caution is wanted with newcomers, little one,” she addressed the creature, the reprimand was careful. She was not sure if she would be understood, but it was in poor taste of Tiergra to attempt to eat something without a warning attempted.

She fell beside the larger stud as he invited her to walk with him. Although he was of a larger stature and longer leg as compared to her slender, smaller frame, her strides were long and catlike so they were well matched in speed. In response to his last question, a feline growl rumbled softly in her throat before she answered, "I am not usually as easily surprised,” she snorted her derision at herself, "and I’ve paws, with claws that are considerably useful for climbing,” she turned her eyes disdainfully at her cloven hooves moving quietly in the underbrush.

She returned her gaze to the direction of travel, "I also usually have magic,” her tail began twitching in larger motions, the tufted tip accidentally snapping against the stud’s hindquarters, though it had a mind of its own so Tiergra did not seem to notice. "I find not having it leaves me feeling quite…” she eyed the stallion and his griffin out of the corner of her eye, vulnerable.”

A few large drops of rain splattered around them, one landing against her amberglass horn. The large droplet reflected a prism of tannic, muted light as paused for a moment, attempting to grip to this slick surface, before succumbing to gravity and beginning its reluctant roll down to the horn’s base. Tiergra eyed the woods around them, "To where are we walking?” query was guarded, borderline suspicious, but her gait never faltered as she slunk through the trees with the demonlike stallion.

She thinks.
"She speaks."
ooc | I'm sorry for the delay- I ended up getting sick and hospitalized blah blah blah. But I'm better now! :) And have nothing to do but respond as I heal :)


Messages In This Thread
Lost claws, paws, and magic(mobiles?) - by Tiergra - 05-14-2014, 01:29 AM
RE: Lost claws, paws, and magic(mobiles?) - by Tiergra - 05-15-2014, 12:54 AM
RE: Lost claws, paws, and magic(mobiles?) - by Tiergra - 06-02-2014, 10:01 AM
RE: Lost claws, paws, and magic(mobiles?) - by Tiergra - 06-08-2014, 01:35 AM

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