the Rift

Lost claws, paws, and magic(mobiles?)

Torleik the Bloodskald Posts: 354
Outcast atk: 4.5 | def: 8.0 | dam: 7.5
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.3 :: 11 HP: 66.5 | Buff: SWIFT
Irelyn :: Plain Griffin :: Molten Dagger RedGod
The beard of glory...

Not accustomed to manipulative, cunning females, Torleik found himself warmed but wary by the glimmer of desire that flickered in this strange mare's eyes after he demonstrated his magic. Did she want him, or the capabilities he possessed? He wasn't sure, and doubted asking would yield him a proper answer - so he pushed aside any pride he might have felt over the look she gave him and buried it deep. The stallion was not fool enough to be ignorant of the ways women beguiled men, even if he did sometimes fall prey to the tactics.

She asked him how he had obtained that magic, and his smile was somewhat rueful. "I haven't the slightest clue, unhelpful as that is. I visited a god to seek his favor and was rejected. I attempted to obtain magic when an orb of it was up for grabs, and I could not. After the season of Frostfall, I realized that the ground froze beneath my hooves." It was truthful. He had won no contest, received no favor from the gods; the only object he'd won, if it could be called that, was the molten egg Irelyn had been laid in. The magic? It had come slowly, over time.

A sudden and violent crash of this mare's pointed teeth together made him tense, and the stallion felt a wave of fury drown him as Irelyn wheeled to the side to avoid being a meal before alighting on him. Confusion reigned through their bond, wondering why this thing had tried to attack her. Torleik snorted and lifted a massive hoof, smashing it down to the ground just inches from the crouching mare's face.

A single warning.

"You had best keep your mouth to yourself, mare, lest I break your sharpened maw for such insolence," he growled, voice low and dangerous. "You are new here, so I will allow you that one mistake. Do not repeat it," the General of the Basin warned.

Begrudingly, he shared his name without fear - a name was a name. He was not some spy, some thing to hold secret identities or aliases, and received hers in return, along with an apology for snapping at his companion. Tiergra addressed Irelyn with a reprimand and, to his amusement, his owl-griffin defiantly clicked her beak at the strange mare in response.

"Not wrong," Irelyn sullenly grumbled telepathically.

"Perhaps you should warrant a closer application of your own advice," the Bloodskald returned as they began to walk. He did not trust this woman, not at all, especially when he learned she used to have some sort of predatory form with paws and claws. She would make a rather perfect machine of violence amongst the soldiers, though, that he could not deny.

"From what I understand -" he began, cut off by the surprise sting of a tail smacked against his backside. The hell was that? Torleik hadn't the slightest clue how to feel about what had just occurred. "...the borders of Helovia have magic that strips all newcomers of any previous companions or obtained magic. Or so I have heard. I had neither when I arrived so I felt little different." His gaze briefly roamed over her body. "It also seems, in some cases, it changes physical forms." The Bloodskald was still quite unhappy with Tiergra's behavior towards his companion, but knew he had to let it go for now. He had warned her. She knew better. Now. "You will have ample opportunity to regain magic, I am sure."

The rain began to fall around them, Irelyn giving a low growl of discontent. She did not like being wet. His current audience asked where they were walking and he nodded forward. "To the Aurora Basin, where most unicorns reside." His reply was simple and succinct as they left the cover of the trees, and the heavier rainfall, and began the gradual ascent. Some time passed in silence as they crossed the scrubby, tundra-covered land before they finally approached the massive sentinel that guarded the Basin's entrance. Halting in front of the sentinel, the Bloodskald turned to face the predatory mare. "If you wish to be a part of the Basin herd, I will take you inside. If you do not, I must leave you here, as the sentinel will not let you pass without an escort."

Torleik did not feel compelled to invite her in; something about her raptorial nature prevented him from extending a welcome. It was like inviting a wolf into his cave while he slept. If she wanted to choose the Basin, he would allow her; if not, he had given her enough information about this place to go elsewhere.


OOC: Oh no! I'm glad you're doing better, and no worries! I had wondered where you went off to and hoped you'd come back :D Welcome back, and I hope you heal up quickly!

Credits: Image by Schwartze @ DA
[Image: 531c0b471919e]

No man is an island.
Pixel by: Tamme :D

Please tag me in all posts! Thank you!

Messages In This Thread
Lost claws, paws, and magic(mobiles?) - by Tiergra - 05-14-2014, 01:29 AM
RE: Lost claws, paws, and magic(mobiles?) - by Tiergra - 05-15-2014, 12:54 AM
RE: Lost claws, paws, and magic(mobiles?) - by Tiergra - 06-02-2014, 10:01 AM
RE: Lost claws, paws, and magic(mobiles?) - by Torleik - 06-04-2014, 08:57 PM
RE: Lost claws, paws, and magic(mobiles?) - by Tiergra - 06-08-2014, 01:35 AM

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