the Rift

If you hear my voice, come pick me up {Joining/Open}

Baldur Posts: N/A
:: :: ::
the true meaning of war

The giant sighed and continued his walking. Where was he? The minty eyes observed his surroundings once again. He didn't recognize this forest at all. The tall trees, the lush grass mixed with dirt under his hooves...
'I must've entered a new land of some sort. It sure didn't look like this in Kirinia, neither in that land I traveled through... What was the name? Dixtrod? I have to ask someone here - if I ever find a living creature that can speak.' He lost himself in his thoughts, and almost bumped into a small pegasus in front of him.

He widened his eyes and stared at it. Where the hell did that come from? It hadn't been there a few seconds ago. He observed the pegasus with critical eyes, like if it was a ghost. He slowly started to back away, but then it spoke.
"Uh, hello!"
The stallion stopped in the middle of a step, and looked at it. The voice was female, which concluded that this was a mare. He tilted his head and watched her with a confused look in his eyes. Did she possibly live here?
The little mare seemed just as surprised as he felt, and he suddenly smiled wide.
God, she was small. Atleast 11 inches smaller than him.

The huge Fjord cleared his throat, and a little chuckle ran out between his lips.
"Hello, little one.", he spoke and looked at her with a more amused look. He listened to the mare's words again and slightly nodded to her question.
"In fact, I do seek shelter. Hopefully a permanent one, too. My name is Baldur, and may I ask for yours?" He pronounced his name strangely, not like others would if they saw the spelling. When he said it, it sounded like Bálderr - mostly because of his origin.

Baldur took a step closer to the strange, green mare and lowered his head so that he could see into her eyes. Hehe, she was just almost as big as Gyda, just a little smaller.
He smiled again, and waited for her answer.

Word count: 350
OOC: Hehe xD

Walk, walk, walk.
"Talk, talk, talk."
'Think, think, think.'

Messages In This Thread
If you hear my voice, come pick me up {Joining/Open} - by Baldur - 09-16-2012, 04:22 AM
RE: If you hear my voice, come pick me up {Joining/Open} - by Baldur - 09-16-2012, 10:35 AM

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