the Rift

If you hear my voice, come pick me up {Joining/Open}

Xira Posts: 67
Up For Adoption atk: 5.5 | def: 9 | dam: 5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 14.2 hh :: 7 HP: 64 | Buff: NOVICE
Kye :: Red-Footed Falcon :: Read Adoptable

He calls her little, and instantly she feels fire burning in her breast. She understood that he was older, she definitely understood that he was taller, but he had no right to speak to her like that. She found herself biting her tongue to keep from biting off his head, found herself shouting mentally instead to Kye, who fluttered with displeasure at the noise and dove from above when it grew to be too much. Kye's aim was perfect- it always way- and when she swept down from the canopy and stretched out open claws towards the mare, they found purchase on Xira's neck flawlessly. The falcon perched there and gave the stallino the look that her company couldn't- a look that showed how much hate Xira felt.

The worst part was that, because of fucking diplomacy, she couldn't do anything about it. If she wanted to stay in the herd she'd have to even out her habits somehow and make herself useful in a positive way. Stealing from other herds was all well and good for her, but she couldn't keep it up as she had been doing without consequence, and after the commotion caused because of Jackal, she worried that the next capture could be the straw that broke the pissy pegasus leader's creaky old back. And so she found herself brushing aside the comment with a forced smile, replying with a pleasantry that felt foolish on the tongue.

"Height means nothing, Goliath- surely you know that just as well as I," she said civilly, a slight smile twitching at the side of her lips. She couldn't help but assign him a name to match. He introduced himself soon after, but she paid it no mind. Yes, Baldurr was quite a nice name- perhaps someday she'd even call him by it. "I am Xira of the Tuuli, a herd that presides close by in the land known as the Dragon's Throat. We welcome those from all walks of life, should you desire a home." She said in a straightforward manner, trying to hide the fact that her words were little more than a recitation. Her eyes, dark peacock blue, flickered to meet his pale green gaze even after she spoke. From her perch, Kye pecked at her company and whistled softly, doing her best to gain Xira's attention.

Not now, Kye, she chided the falcon, brushing her aside with a quick toss of her mane as she straightened up. She supposed if she cooled herself down, she didn't really mind the comment about her height. It was nothing she was ashamed of- in fact, it proved to be quite useful. No, she did not mind that, she simply minded being treated like a filly.

As if on cue, a black yearling that matched her in height wandered into the clearing and quickly, effortlessly, began rattling things off. Perhaps this whole being nice deal was easier for others than it was for Xira. Kye twisted her gaze to face the dragon that fluttered around the unicorn and clacked her beak with annoyance, but a quick shudder of Xira's neck warned her away from any signs of hostility. That was not why they were there. She nodded politely to the yearling and met her gaze, but only briefly- Baldurr was the object of their attentions now. Here came the competition.

Messages In This Thread
If you hear my voice, come pick me up {Joining/Open} - by Baldur - 09-16-2012, 04:22 AM
RE: If you hear my voice, come pick me up {Joining/Open} - by Xira - 09-16-2012, 01:26 PM

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