the Rift

Flutters and Welcomes

Dsiox Posts: N/A
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[ Ghost: the butterflies aren't real. She is kind of insane and hallucinates. She thinks she's in a wonderful majestic world and imagines up all sorts of things but none of them actually exist. I put everything that she hallucinates in grey so that it may be easier to differentiate? It's real to her so she's not just making them up. They are completely real to her.]

The butterflies continued to flutter on and trailed Dsiox through the forest. Though she was the only one who could see them and they were but a mere projection of her own imagination, they were completely and utterly real to her. Most of the time she didn't live in the present and stayed in her own head. Whether this is by choice, or it is the only thing that she knows is a mystery. For after all, how can one choose to be insane? Any rational being would choose reality, would they not?

She followed the butterflies, trekking through the forest and disrupting the critters that were in her path. Her turquoise eyes glinted through faded eyes. For it was a rare occasion when she could fully focus on reality. The energy that it took her to escape from herself was insurmountable.

She would have played in the sun with the flirtatious insects all day but a dark thing with blood on it's skin startled her. The thing had a knife sticking out of it's head and large arms coming out of it's sides. They looked monstrous. Dsiox could see the ground starting to kindle underneath the hooves of the emotionless thing. It started to move into the sun and Dsiox backed away. This...this hellion looking thing. What was this. This...this isn't right. The egg that was floating by her withers pressed itself against her neck. It was shaking. The butterflies had all vanished into thin air. The sun seemed to darken as she stared into the piercing eyes of the beast. It was a nightmare.

""What brings you here, may I ask?"" The creature asked Dsiox in a cold voice. She was scared. She wanted the sun back and the butterflies. What was this thing in front of her?

""I... I...was just playing with..."" she looked off toward where the butterflies had been but was cut off by another horse. This one was a beautiful grey thing. A knife also stuck out of her head but it was much less menacing. Perhaps it could be described as a sort of physical marking? Not like the scary dark thing on the other horse. Her light coat and long mane and tail were welcoming. Her amber eyes sparkled at her as she slowly approached. She nodded toward them and said, "ladies." Her greeting was much warmer than that of the former.

Yet another horse approached. This one had the strange arms too but also had a smile on her face. She was a beautiful black speckled thing. She seemed very sincere, however. And the creases in her eyes showed a kind of honesty. Dsiox saw little birds appear around her. Sparrows she should think. They were just tiny little chirping and happy fellows. They flew around the mare and a few landed on her back. She counted six of them of all different colors: white, yellow, blue, red, white and black, and yellow and white. Then she spoke, ""hey there! I saw you pass by, and I simply had to say hello. I came to meet one and I am able to meet three. It must be my lucky day. Oh! I forgot to say; I am Rei of Dragon's Throat. I am sure that it will be a pleasure to have met you three."

"Dragon's Throat," Dsiox thought to herself, "well I'll make sure to keep clear of any throat of any dragons." She envisioned a massive and cruel dragon who's land was scorched beyond repair: a cruel and terrible leader.

Dsiox started to back away from them, just a few steps. The fire mare, the knives, the arms, it was a lot for her to see. For someone who is used to being in her own head this crash to Earth was pretty startling. Not that she was ever exactly completely 'down to Earth' but this is as close as she would ever get.

"Hello all." 

text text text  
"blah blah blah."
dsiox's hallucinations  


Messages In This Thread
Flutters and Welcomes - by Dsiox - 07-03-2014, 10:01 PM
RE: Flutters and Welcomes - by Ghost - 07-04-2014, 01:44 PM
RE: Flutters and Welcomes - by Sheba - 07-04-2014, 02:15 PM
RE: Flutters and Welcomes - by Sheba - 07-08-2014, 11:19 AM
RE: Flutters and Welcomes - by Sheba - 07-14-2014, 03:41 PM
RE: Flutters and Welcomes - by Rei - 07-04-2014, 02:19 PM
RE: Flutters and Welcomes - by Dsiox - 07-04-2014, 10:03 PM
RE: Flutters and Welcomes - by Ghost - 07-07-2014, 11:54 AM
RE: Flutters and Welcomes - by Dsiox - 07-13-2014, 06:07 PM
RE: Flutters and Welcomes - by Ghost - 07-14-2014, 06:11 AM

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