the Rift

[OPEN] Sooner or later it's over

Cera the Golden Prince Posts: 419
Outcast atk: 5.5 | def: 9.5 | dam: 4.5
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 16.3hh :: 6 Years HP: 65 | Buff: NOVICE
Ilaria :: Red Panda :: Heal Brit

Ilaria cooed down at Mara, trusting of the serpent that wound herself around the pale ankle of her bonded. Cera gently moved to brush soft lips against her cool, scaled side that curled around his flesh. He was as soft as he could be with the reptile, careful not to harm her or shift his position and disrupt her. She had been as present in his life as Ilaria and Fina, and while he could not read her mind or speak her language, he was eternally fond of her. However long she desired to cling to him was fine in his mind, and he would abide willingly. With eyes hidden away by blond tresses, brows clenched towards one another. Something was wrong with Gaucho. He wished he could ask Mara, glean from her whatever was hiding in the stallion's mind, but it was an impossible wish.

Slowly glancing up, drawing head higher to meet Gaucho's gaze levelly, he tried to clear his mind and think. Ears flicked halfway back upon his crown as his words were met with hostility, flaming appendages rising threateningly and derisive snort crackling into the air. Words he couldn't understand punctuated a promise of violence. Lies? Cera peered at Gaucho, trying to understand. He did not call Cera by his name, nor did he show any recognition when Cera mentioned their homeland. "Not know you," he had said. And suddenly, it clicked. Gaucho had amnesia.

Cera slid his wings close to his body, head turning to the side in an act of appeasement. Even so his eyes met Gaucho's in an attempt to form some sort of visible bond. " have forgotten, haven't you? You don't know me, or anybody else. But I can help you remember. Mara remembers me, right? Ask her. I tell the truth. You don't have to trust me...but I am a disciple of the Gods." He struggled to find words that Gaucho would trust, anything that could help calm the stallion. Cera wished he'd realized sooner, had not been so familiar with the stag, and only prayed that somehow he could convince the warrior to listen to him.

"The Gods I serve can return your memory. I can take you to them. I won't make you go anywhere, but I know everything is very confusing. It is your choice. I only want to help." Slowly he turned his crown back and with sad eyes lowered his head down to where Mara was encircled around his leg. "I will not fight you, Gaucho. I will not harm Mara, nor you. Attack if you will, but I refuse to do the same." With bated breath he closed his eyes, ready to accept any sort of blow should Gaucho decide he was lying once more or the Diviner had confused him beyond acceptance. His only fear was that he would stumble and somehow hurt Mara, should the stag truly engage him in battle. He hoped the snake would aid him, would try to help him convince Gaucho to let Cera lead him to the Veins. It was clear he could not be convinced to return to the Dragon's Throat. It was dangerous, maybe, to make himself so prone in the eyes of a predator who could not recall any emotional attachment with the painted child, but he had to try.

@[Gaucho] And is the contrast better? I could hardly read it on my laptop.

And they said you were the crooked kind, and that you'd never have any worth, but you were always gold to me
I am Ceraaaa
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Messages In This Thread
Sooner or later it's over - by Gaucho - 05-26-2014, 04:49 PM
RE: Sooner or later it's over - by Cera - 06-22-2014, 03:53 PM
RE: Sooner or later it's over - by Gaucho - 06-29-2014, 08:17 PM
RE: Sooner or later it's over - by Cera - 07-10-2014, 12:47 AM
RE: Sooner or later it's over - by Gaucho - 07-12-2014, 09:46 PM
RE: Sooner or later it's over - by Cera - 07-15-2014, 07:05 PM
RE: Sooner or later it's over - by Gaucho - 08-23-2014, 04:38 PM

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