the Rift

[OPEN] the wise man knows himself to be a fool [SEELE]

Blightghast Posts: N/A
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His splashing ceased once he realized someone had approached and he quit stomping abruptly. His cheeks flushed a pale red when he noticed it was a female that had come to sip from the pond he was disturbing. The water splashed up against his legs and it was clear he was the only one around who had caused such a commotion. Blightghast stood awkwardly for a few moments confused on what to do next. "It's rather hot out don't you think" he questioned dryly. Droplets ran down his legs and fell from his chest as he moved towards the shore and onto the wet dirt. The urge to shake passed as he realized it might be a rude gesture and he simply flicked his tail of dripping water.

The stranger was short and petite with a pelt that looked like muddied blood. A curious patch of white and a red design within it drew his attention. Only gazing upon the mare in brief moments he was careful not to look like he was staring too much. Her horn was long and looked rather delicate. Although he was sure he didn't want to test that theory. Blightghast moved a little closer and the cuffs on his locks chimed in unison to his movements. A sigh escaped from deep within his belly and he gazed upon the blazing sun with disapprovement.

tag; @[Seele]
words; 250
ooc; no muse at the moment D:

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.


Messages In This Thread
the wise man knows himself to be a fool [SEELE] - by Blightghast - 07-09-2014, 12:07 PM
RE: the wise man knows himself to be a fool [SEELE] - by Blightghast - 07-24-2014, 01:45 AM
RE: the wise man knows himself to be a fool [SEELE] - by Blightghast - 07-30-2014, 01:16 PM

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