the Rift

everybody wants to rule the world

Thranduil the Laurelin Posts: 598
Outcast atk: 5.5 | def: 11 | dam: 6.5
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.2 hh :: Eight HP: 77 | Buff: ENDURE
Haldir :: Common Cerndyr :: Dark Mist Hawk

The plan was going wonderfully. Yet at this particular moment it sucked. Snorting in disgust at what he was making himself do, the golden stallion slipped in and out of the shadows of the threshold. There was a need to get close. Get locked in. Be needed. That required doing deeds that were needed. And most unfortunately that included visiting the Threshold. The twin horned had not been here since he himself first entered the lands. Musing over the past, he grinned to himself thinking of the trouble he caused for Arah and Crash Course, and wondered if they regretted what they did. Well they could never say he didn’t warn them what sort he was. Chuckling low the golden slowed to a walk and began his search for some stupid unicorn to bring home and collect his praising reward.

Many equines were passed up, and several pegasi. Harks now faced back, this is just fantastic. Cat tail whipped about his sides. Mind grumbled with the stupidity of this mission. He had seen several wagons trains from this land cross through the Arch in his small time here, but now, they’re all gone. Great. Harks pinned. A waste of valuable time. It was not that the gold was angered, but considering the dullness and slowness of his plans at the moment, the Threshold he had hoped, would bring him something new and a step up on his checklist. Giving up his search and turning back north the gold stomps through the forest. With harks pinned and mind busy complaining, he’s nearly on her before he senses her.

The scent of thick pine air is interrupted. Harks lift and body stills, head moving about and see a figure in the shadows approaching. Above the shape though, two curving blades raise high. A grin grows, there now. Wiping this clean he finds himself a calm look. Eyes serene yet his body holds an edge. Not all who entered this land would be lost babes, some would be fiery warriors. Stepping more into a ray of light he turns to look fully at the oncoming unicorn. Attention of the gold is drawn and he nods to the sleek black creature. “Afternoon.” One word, a million thoughts. Now, it was up to her. What games would she want to play? The golden knew so many.

OOC ::

Posting Poetics

[Image: 5381546acbe33]
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Messages In This Thread
everybody wants to rule the world - by Vesska - 07-29-2014, 08:28 PM
RE: everybody wants to rule the world - by Thranduil - 07-29-2014, 10:41 PM
RE: everybody wants to rule the world - by Somnus - 07-30-2014, 12:59 AM
RE: everybody wants to rule the world - by Vesska - 07-30-2014, 03:41 AM
RE: everybody wants to rule the world - by Vesska - 08-10-2014, 12:34 PM

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