the Rift

everybody wants to rule the world

Vesska Posts: N/A
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Vesska does not notice the stranger at first and is almost caught off guard by the blatant greeting. She halts and cranes her neck to look at the specimen that has unfortunately graced her with his presence. Her head still relatively low to the ground she does not speak. She stares with stale eyes and a gaze now pricked with annoyance. She tilts her head with great care and looks upon the golden man at an angled view. With a widening grin she opens her mouth, "what would you like" her words dry and cracked. She wets her chapped lips with her tongue and eases her head upwards to look at the gentlemen easier. Flies dance on her sides but she does not bat them away and continues to stare with a sort of sadistic curiosity.

Lifting a front leg she steps forward but does not break her gaze. "Well aren't you a handsome fellow" she spits. Vesska's gaze shifts and her interest is disturbed by another stranger. A tall gold flecked stallion catches her bloody stare and she raises her head to meet his. 'Feisty', her ear twitches at the comment but she does not acknowledge it. Both strangers shared the same pool of crowned lineage that she emerged from. Though they are different they are the same under her gaze and her desire to play was overwhelming. She slaps her sides with her whip ridding the bugs that play on her hide.

"What are your names" her tongue slithers as she eyes the two males curiously. Though she doesn't care for their identities she feels they might be important later. "I am Vesska" she asserts and finally closes in on the first male that approached. Her eyes gloom over the bodice of the golden double horned male and she swallows the forming lump in her throat. Her crimson gaze moves to the other male and she purses her lips into a wide grin. 'Yes, take me back to your leaders so I can kill them.'

@[Thranduil] @[Somnus]

everybody wants to rule the world.

Messages In This Thread
everybody wants to rule the world - by Vesska - 07-29-2014, 08:28 PM
RE: everybody wants to rule the world - by Somnus - 07-30-2014, 12:59 AM
RE: everybody wants to rule the world - by Vesska - 07-30-2014, 03:41 AM
RE: everybody wants to rule the world - by Vesska - 08-10-2014, 12:34 PM

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