the Rift

[OPEN] All of your dreams are made of strawberry lemonade

Cera the Golden Prince Posts: 419
Outcast atk: 5.5 | def: 9.5 | dam: 4.5
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 16.3hh :: 6 Years HP: 65 | Buff: NOVICE
Ilaria :: Red Panda :: Heal Brit

Cringing away from the ghastly sight of his scar inspires a surge of regret in Cera's conscience, and he hums softly in apology. "It is not pretty, I agree. But it is a symbol that I have survived," he spoke softly, eyes warm and understanding. He, too, had been unable to stand the sight of it when at first he had received the wound. Even if magic had the capability of erasing the scar upon its initial creation as a wound, it would never eradicate the scar upon his mind. Time had healed him, far faster with the aid of his doting father and the wisdom of the Earth Turtle. But the scars, both of them, would remain until he met the end of his days.

Her sheepishness is unwarranted, for he is already concerned for the shadows that dance like reminders of plague between her ribs upon her coat. He attempts to catch her eyes this time, instead of turning aside his gaze for her comfort. "Conversation does not lull from a desire to eat, Sia. I will not be offended, it was I who interrupted your evening after all. Please, graze. I chatter far too much for my health as it is," laughter poured from his maw in a kindly manner, attempting to lighten the otherwise serious consideration for her health. It was a wound Ilaria could not stitch together with her magic, one that could only be shrunk by the tending of the individual it afflicted.

Such curiosity offers him more time to speak, to elaborate and craft for her the experience he cannot fully offer her. The time for her to consume the flesh of the blades at their disposal. Her nervous laughter and flittering eyes are saddening, for there was arrogance in all species, and the reaction she was expecting could be evoked no matter the lack or presence of horn. "No wish is ever foolish, Sia. Many wish for flight. If it was a gift I could give you, be assured I would. It is...exhilarating. You feel unbound, unchained. The sky is your palace, no matter how many others may share it at a given time, it is an unspoken agreement between all flighted beings. It both belongs to all, and belongs solely to you." Voice becomes wistful, loving almost, as he tries to put into words an emotion far too pure and beautiful for any language.

"It is...hard to describe. You are disconnected, untouchable, powerful. This sight you see, this high above? You see it and you know of all the evil and the danger, and you don't fear it at all, because it cannot touch you. But it is so pure, so innocent, a beautiful sensation. Skill is gained in time, but even newly flighted beings...flying requires trust in yourself. If there is one thing able to make a lost soul realize who they are, in and out, it is flight. So long as you know yourself, you will never fail, never falter, never fall." His own early flight days were full of pain, physically, but nothing aside sheer joy mentally and emotionally. Flushing to have been so adoring in his lengthy speech, he quiets, turning head away shyly.

In fact he is rather relieved when she speaks, taking the floor for herself with as much abandonment as Cera in her past. His eyes softened and he turned, boldly reaching muzzle out in offering for a returned touch, a gesture of kinship and trust. "You do not deserve such treatment, Sia. I too was abandoned by my family. But I swear upon the Gods, I will not abandon you, Sikeax." His lyrics are strong and sincere, a fire blazing in emerald depths, echoed by a purr from the companion astride his lean shoulders. "You are my sister by herd and my friend by bond. Should you ever need me, for duty or for kinship, all you must do is call." Such a promise was offered to all those he loved or held dear, one he would always abide no matter the bountiful numbers collecting beneath its umbrella. He would sooner drop dead of exhaustion than leave them with a broken promise and shattered trust.

Hoping to have not made her uncomfortable with his often blunt honesty and overwhelming kindness, the patched cherub moved away and began treading the coral carpet into the depths of the island once more as he considered her question. Once he found his answer he began to laugh, embarrassed. "I uh...I tend to adopt many into my family. I am unrelated by blood to all in Helovia. I have a habit of taking others beneath wing and never letting them leave." Even as he says this his smile is wide and adoring as he envisions those belonging to such a category. Cera chuckled and shook his head fondly before continuing on. "Ranjiri and her son Ryuu, my sister and nephew. Africa and Sohalia, both my sisters long before they ever found themselves crowned. Hector, my uncle and brother in some odd fashion. Amani, much like a daughter but a sister to me. Many I consider family do not lie in the desert as well. Midas, my father, Czar of the Falls. Rasta, one of his flock. Aurelia, an outcast meant for our lands." Realizing how long his list was, how he had finally managed to start fighting the loneliness he felt so often and so deeply with his emphatic nature, only made his smile glow warmer.

"It's a lengthy list, and it grows ever longer. I would be honored to have you upon it one day," he admitted, directing his smile at the cremello child.

Knowledge is the key to all things.</style>

image by mandj98 @
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RE: All of your dreams are made of strawberry lemonade - by Cera - 08-03-2014, 04:10 AM

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