the Rift

If you hear my voice, come pick me up {Joining/Open}

Xira Posts: 67
Up For Adoption atk: 5.5 | def: 9 | dam: 5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 14.2 hh :: 7 HP: 64 | Buff: NOVICE
Kye :: Red-Footed Falcon :: Read Adoptable

Baldur spoke of a land that the mare had never heard of, and so when she came to realize that perhaps his mystique came from more than just his intimidating height, she found herself somewhat relieved. The more she knew about him, the more real he became, and thus the less irksome. He was no longer a simple shadowcaster, he was a figure from a foreign land, and she was intrigued. Kye seemed less thrilled with the prospect of learning something new, but she was not surprised. Her falcon was surprisingly jaded for one young. Perhaps Kye knew of the land; before the two had met, Kye had seemed worn from a journey. Xira had never asked much of her companion, and now that the opportunity to receive an answer had arisen, she had still allowed the subject to fall by the wayside. What a strange aspect of their companionship ot was.

"I have heard of neither your land or herd-" Xira began with a step to the side to allow for more space and a comfortable environment. Upon her back, Kye seemed to relax in the face of the dragon and turned away from it with a raised tail and an appearance of aloof apathy. She wondered what spurs the change in attitude- she wondered what Kye was thinking. But the bird remained reticent, and it was clear that she hoped to maintain privacy for the moment.

"-which suggests it is not close by. I was a bit of a wanderer myself, once," Xira continued after the split second interrupted by the thoughts of her bird. Kye seemed ruffled by something, and it pained Xira to realize that she didn't know what. She reached out with an eager mind, feeling for the little bird's troubles, but she was swiftly denied. In a moment Kye took flight, and left the crowd in silence. The roan felt slightly hurt, but could say nothing of it. She had been denied by the falcon before, but there was something different here. Did Kye resent her for settling down? Surely the bird understood that she had no intention of truly staying- that she wasn't going to rest in the herd forever. Then again.... what had she done as of late solely for herself? Was she not here simply for the good of the herd, ingratiating a stranger to build the Tuuli's numbers?

Xira shook her head as if ruffling the mane, but in reality the thought of her reasoning for staying by as of late haunted her. Still, like a blind old mare, she continued on. "The Tuuli took me in once and provided me with a home," Xira went on as the lump in her throat and the feeling of sickness rose until the taste of bile coated her senses. This was all true, wasn't it? She really had lost her fire.

"Should you desire a place to call your own, the herd would welcome a traveller such as yourself in a manner of moments, I am sure." The mare spoke once more, but this time seeming somewhat saddened. Xira let her wingtips flare out, and looked up to try and find Kye. The falcon had flown off too far, however, leaving no trace save for a single feather upon the earth.

Messages In This Thread
If you hear my voice, come pick me up {Joining/Open} - by Baldur - 09-16-2012, 04:22 AM
RE: If you hear my voice, come pick me up {Joining/Open} - by Xira - 09-20-2012, 05:55 PM

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