the Rift

everybody wants to rule the world

Vesska Posts: N/A
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'To know you a little better' her ears perk and she cranes her head back to an upright position. She licks her dry lips and purses them into a bored smile, "you do not want to know me" she replies. She watches the gold stallion with wide eyes but not out of curiosity. Her attention passes over the other stranger who seems to remain silent and she abandons her interest with him. 'Thranduil, of the Aurora Basin, at your service', Vesska tilts her head a little and narrows her orbs at the statement. "at my service?" she inquires curiously knowing the statement is not literal she decides to play with it anyway. "does that mean you'll do anything I say in return for joining your merry band?" she hisses. Half hoping he does not see through her lazy disguise she is almost ready to throw it away and find something else about him to pick at. If however it does work she eagerly awaits having her own personal bitch around to do whatever she pleases.

Vesska slaps her tail against her sides ridding of bugs and other things, though there aren't anymore around she continues to do it until the area looks slightly irritated. Her nostrils flare nervously and her gaze does not break away from the 'interesting' acquaintance. 'Welcome to Helovia, Vesska' So this place is called Helovia? She ceases the tail whipping and remains quiet for a few moments "What does Helovia mean?" she asks dryly. Quickly she looks over him again and notices that he is slightly taller than she. Their horns are almost the same, except hers stand taller and in her own mind, like a noble crown. Of course she knows that one day she will be recognized for her brilliance and sit upon the throne she's always deserved.

@[Thranduil] @[Somnus]
Sorry Paddeh, I'm going to have to skip you, feel free to come back in if you like.

everybody wants to rule the world.

Messages In This Thread
everybody wants to rule the world - by Vesska - 07-29-2014, 08:28 PM
RE: everybody wants to rule the world - by Somnus - 07-30-2014, 12:59 AM
RE: everybody wants to rule the world - by Vesska - 07-30-2014, 03:41 AM
RE: everybody wants to rule the world - by Vesska - 08-10-2014, 12:34 PM

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