the Rift

[PRIVATE] wearing pastel doesn't make you a trend setter

Oxy the Addict Posts: 322
Hidden Account atk: 5.5 | def: 7.5 | dam: 8
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 17.2hh :: 9 [Tallsun] HP: 73.5 | Buff: DANCE
Unnamed :: Common Boggart :: Mayhem Sevin
Ah, so your secrets have hit a nerve. You think you can see it, or maybe you're just imagining it... but you think she likes what you say. But is the idea of secrets that she likes, or the actual secret? It is hard to say, in the moment, your gaze almost blurry, and she begins to circle. She's a predator about her prey, sizing you up, looking for the best place to bite. Your weaknesses, your strengths. Or is she? Sometimes you think you can read her, but then something changes and you can't. She is as changing to you as her coat, layers of colors stacked upon one another. But perhaps she likes this game. She's a child seeing candy and she wants you. That much you can see, and you approve.

But you are a child seeing candy as well, as her hips sway and her tail flicks. There is no spark in your heart of intense desire, but you know something delicious when you see it. Nice ass, you think, and your companion chides you in your head, upset that you would think something like that. But you've become pretty good at ignoring her. Your brown eyes watch the swaying target, turning as she turns, daring not to look away in case she changes her tune. And what is she doing anyways, thinking? But you wait, because you can be patient... sometimes.

But finally she finds her words, and you only laugh in response. Does she see you? You give her a knowing smile and respond firmly. “Force.” You nod to your muscles. You may be skinny, underweight, almost malnourished, but your muscles are hardened and your scars speak of battles survived. “How many... discreet friends do you have?” And then you laugh again, because it strikes you as funny. Friends are good, but an army of one is enough for you. All you need to do is bide your time. Wait patiently. “Where do I find you again?” Best not to forget that little tidbit.

scars remind us our past is real
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Permission granted to use magic or physical force with Oxy at any time for any reason to any degree, with the exception of killing him.

Please do not tag Oxy unless it is in an opening post

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RE: wearing pastel doesn't make you a trend setter - by Oxy - 08-10-2014, 07:13 PM

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