the Rift

EQUINE :: Cross Country Race, Round TWO (edited)

Madyrn Maskan Posts: 87
Stallion :: Equine :: 17hh :: 16

With an arrogant and expectant air the brothers easily raced ahead, taking their advantage where they could and not bothering to spare a glance for those they passed. They were assholes, there was no denying it, and in a race meant to test their grit and resolve, they would not waver from their goal. Were they heartless creatures? No, but in this task, they would behave as if they were.

Though their techniques differed slightly, they seemed to be progressing equally, covering ground at the same rate. They hardly noticed that they were probably helping each other out, so in tune to the other's motions they were that even subconsciously they supported the other's weaknesses and strengths as required.

The race ventured north, and the brothers pushed on, doing their best not to falter as the earth beneath them changed. They had not been upon these lands directly before, but from the higher parts of their home, the Foothills, they had made many an observation, and felt many a chilly wind come breezing through the mountains to cool their home down.

Their hides were thick, living in the northern lands had promoted early growth of winter coats, and the draft heritage their blood contained gave them some defence against the cold that was coming. Broad plates devoured the land, snow lashed at their hides as it was kicked up by both steeds, whose dark hides contrasted greatly with the pale substance. They did not have a companion in the skies to aid them, but they did have each other.

Snorts produced pale clouds of frosty breath to be suspended before their massive frames with each stride, until with each subsequent stride the broad chests of the stallions would crash through the clouds and disintegrate them. They galloped onwards, pushing past whomever they could, barely watching their footing on the permafrost below. Eventually they looped around so that their noses were pointed South, a warmer wind rustled their manes confirming this.

But surely, only one brother could win.

Messages In This Thread
RE: EQUINE :: Cross Country Race, Round TWO - by Willow - 09-19-2012, 01:38 PM
RE: EQUINE :: Cross Country Race, Round TWO (edited) - by Bellatrix - 09-19-2012, 03:20 PM
RE: EQUINE :: Cross Country Race, Round TWO (edited) - by Madyrn Maskan - 09-20-2012, 07:32 AM

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