the Rift

[PRIVATE] Hey Daddy

Adelric Posts: 101
Hidden Account
Stallion :: Hybrid :: 16.3hh :: 1.5 [Birdsong]
Tobias :: Common Cerndyr :: Lamplight Sevin
“We're going to the Basin,” he had answered her while they had walked, but would not deign to answer any more questions if she had asked them. He was busy contemplating. How to present himself to whoever would greet them at the gate, how to prevent any bad attention, how to be allowed to enter in search of Erebos... But with the appearance of daddy-dearest, it seems that all of his thinking will go to waste for now. He doesn't say it allowed, but he is truly grateful that Zunden has been so quick to jump ahead of him and block his way- to save him. Oh, how he loves his sister. They are so different and yet... Together they make quite a team.

Admittedly, he is mildly upset when Zunden chastises him for asking where their father has been, not knowing that she thinks the same thing in her head, but he is easily enough distracted by his father's rumbling bass of a voice. Will he sound like that one day? His foalish voice is nothing like that, so high pitched and dainty... Will he be strong and loud, booming to be heard even when he tries to whisper? Somehow he doubts it, but as he looks at his strong-willed sister he knows that she will command a room without even trying. She will stand tall while he slinks in the shadows, she will lead while he will follow, but he does not mind. So long as she lets him, he will stay near her.

As his father's head comes down to his level, the colt grows wide-eyed. Father or not, Krieger is a massive beast and it is strange to have something so large so close to his head. But his disconcerted frown grows to a smile as his father tells his sister to hush. But then he listens, just listens, and his father has so much to say. His mind clicks as he considers the possibilities. His mother did not want him near? He approached her without her consent? The words digest and he wonders if he should be angry at this man that he calls father, upset at him for hurting his mother? But how could he be? He has placed the gray beast on a pedestal, raised him up in his head so high, longed so many days for this meeting... He cannot be upset, but his smile slowly fades. He was correct to think that his family is broken because of him. And he will allow himself to take all the blame, for his mother has said that he came first before Zunden. He is minutes older, and so he will act the part of older sibling and shoulder this sorrow himself.

He does not even hesitate to lean in and press his head against his father's own, careful of the horn the protrudes from his head. “That is Tobias,” he answers a moment later. “He was given to me in an egg by a strange creature when I correctly completed his puzzle.” Cautiously, the fawn approaches, but still stays somewhat behind the others. Adelric can feel his apprehension and no amount of cajoling can bring him closer. Tobias is like Adelric in some ways, in that he prefers to think rather than act. He is still thinking about the beast that the children stand so close to.

“I like to think and collect knowledge,” he answers then, not sure what else it is he really enjoys. “Where did these markings come from? Why do we have them?” Of course, he is referring to the barbed wire. But he does not speak for long, instead yielding the floor to his sister who will likely have much more to say. He will let her speak what she wants- they will all be happier that way, he is certain.

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Permission granted to use magic or physical force with Adelric at any time for any reason to any degree, with the exception of killing him.

Please do not tag Adelric unless it is in an opening post

Messages In This Thread
Hey Daddy - by Krieger - 08-14-2014, 02:45 AM
RE: Hey Daddy - by Adelric - 08-14-2014, 11:46 PM
RE: Hey Daddy - by Zünden - 08-15-2014, 07:21 PM
RE: Hey Daddy - by Krieger - 08-16-2014, 05:45 PM
RE: Hey Daddy - by Adelric - 08-16-2014, 07:09 PM
RE: Hey Daddy - by Zünden - 08-17-2014, 03:21 AM
RE: Hey Daddy - by Krieger - 08-25-2014, 02:49 AM
RE: Hey Daddy - by Adelric - 08-29-2014, 11:51 PM
RE: Hey Daddy - by Krieger - 09-05-2014, 02:32 AM
RE: Hey Daddy - by Adelric - 09-05-2014, 08:50 PM

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