the Rift

[OPEN] imaginary friends live in imaginary homes [Jay, welcoming]

Fiore Posts: N/A
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A heart of steel starts to grow

The ocean lapped itself up against the cliff wall and Fiore shivered before taking a step back. The view from the top was impressive indeed, the wind toyed with his mane, ragging it back and forth. Impressive but respectable and rather scary if one should look down, Fiore had quite quickly decided. No horse would take a dive off this sheer edge voluntarily, though it was certainly a good place to dump unwanted visitors should such an unfortunate need arrive. With ample steps, the soldier backed away and made his way towards the forest having cleared his mind with the wild wind. He started searching his mind for things to do, places he could go or visit, tasks that needed completing or just... Stuff! It was one of those days where the hours dragged and his feet dragged with them, a day where some would probably use it to rest and recuperate, but the painted lad found himself a little to restless, but not quite raring for adventure. The awkward in between that usually amounted to not doing much at all.

His mane returned in messy clumps onto his neck as he entered the cover of trees, his forelock lopped oddly over one ear in curly, unruly strands as his tail snagged on bits of undergrowth. Fiore found the cover of branches to be much more preferable to the open sea air that rolled in over the cliff. He watched with interest as a lantern fox darted off behind a bush, a blur of black soot and white paws, they were hard to catch and not animals you'd want to look straight at lest they enchant a spell upon you. The land as a whole was full of strange creatures, Fiore had quickly found out, and he was intrigued each time he saw something new.

Lazy footsteps took him closer to the border where he heard voices, one familiar and the other less so. Eagerly, he increased his rhythm until finally he came across the painted Queen and a warm dun coloured stranger. He smiled brightly, dipping his head respectfully to Kahlua and nodding once to the new girl, his beryl eyes were bright and welcoming. "'Lo Kahlua, my ever beautiful Queen. Who might this be?" His voice was bold and intensely vibrant as ever. He remembered the first time he had come here, Kahlua and another mare had met him at the shattered glass wall, welcoming him into their land with ardent gesture. The feeling of belonging and family was something he would never forget from that day.

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RE: imaginary friends live in imaginary homes [Jay, welcoming] - by Fiore - 08-17-2014, 01:10 PM

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