the Rift

Fly Trap {Closed FINISHED}

Branwyn Posts: N/A
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B r a n w y n.

Auds flick on her dial as she watches the brute. Her perfume filling the air like some sickening sweet scent. She sees the wolf at his feet, the snarl and the low rumbling coming from its body and she peers down at it, her nares dancing carefully before it. Sir, you have a pet…. Wolf? she growls the last words and snaps her maw closed as the things barks towards her being so close to its master. Grinning she stays her ground, as if daring it to bite her. Pain would be quite welcomed right now and any bloodshed from her, well… she wouldn’t mind if this drafty beast of a male before her, took his own piece of her flesh. Grinning oddly, she focused on his maw as his words spilled out explaining what he was but the words were getting lost somewhere deep inside her mind as the little voices came and rang out again. Her eyes glazed and her auds snapped backwards as she shook her dial excessively, as if some vicious mutant horsefly was attacking her dial. She was there with the stallion and his pet, but she wasn’t anymore. She processed pieces, eland horns and spikes like a dragon, something called a unicorn and that he was a heavy draft breed.

Her legs carried her backwards into the dark as she sling her nape again trying to focus on the world around her, but it was pointless. The voices were chanting to her now I want a sister mommy, give us a sister you whore. Go fuck him and bare us another to stay and play Her auds plastered even further in the divits on her dial and she choked back a scream and brought her fores off the ground in a small rear like gesture before she snapped. SHUT THE FUCK UP. What I do and with whom I do it with, ISNT ANY OF YOUR FUCKING BUSNIESS you rotten little shits. GO TO HELL and then they stopped. Her ears rang from the volume of her voice as she stood there, splayed out and blinking. She looked around and there he stood, and without missing a beat, she took her place back in front of him and parted her lips to ask more questions Unicorn…. Eland horns on a draft horses dial… no.. No Sir I have never seen the likes of you in my life… So… she didn’t finish, she just licked her lips as the heat returned to her mare like caverns.

She noticed the nervousness on his façade. He seemed almost unnerved by her slight touch. She looked down at his growling pet, its hackles stood on end in warning and she looked back up at him. that thing’s probably right about me, yknow. Oh Rostislav, I have many demons and some not so hidden. She was vaguely aware he probably witnessed her outburst but she didn’t even care. It happened. It was something she couldn’t control or deal with. She didn’t give a fuck who seen it anymore. He wanted to fuck just as bad as she wanted to fuck, and she needed this. She needed a good lay because it had been weeks. She needed to find a way out of these gods forsaken woods and just deal with whatever else later. She wasn’t particularly dark at the moment, she didn’t feel like killing anything and she wasn’t exactly a danger currently to anyone here…except maybe the newborns and rodents scurrying about. Admitting that she was the vulnerable one here, made her fucking guts flip. She was use to holding the power and now, now she didn’t… but she could sway others with her body so she used it to her advantage and flipped her tail to the side once more and spun around in front of him. Hidden falls you say? Well, Lead the way Sir she flipped her long tail once more, knowing it would give him a clear view of her parts as he went around. She stood, waiting for him to guide her out of her and make her into his little sex toy for the moment.

703 words
I know, it was just to get her intentions across hehe. she is urgent to move out of here. She hates woodlands.

Messages In This Thread
Fly Trap {Closed FINISHED} - by Branwyn - 08-16-2014, 11:36 PM
RE: Fly Trap {CLOSED -Rosti} - by Rostislav - 08-17-2014, 12:32 AM
RE: Fly Trap {CLOSED -Rosti} - by Branwyn - 08-17-2014, 01:19 AM
RE: Fly Trap {CLOSED -Rosti} - by Branwyn - 08-18-2014, 03:19 AM
RE: Fly Trap {CLOSED -Rosti} - by Rostislav - 08-18-2014, 11:18 AM

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