the Rift

[OPEN] Strangers Like Me

Cheveyo Posts: 159
Hidden Account atk: 6 | def: 9.5 | dam: 4.5
Mare :: Equine :: 15.2 :: 8 :: Tallsun HP: 62.5 | Buff: NOVICE

done made the devil a deal, he made me pretty, he made me smart

My harks flicked forward as the painted warrior introduced himself, his name seeming quite feminine as it floated to my eardrums and into the filing cabinet of my grey matter along with a mental picture of his pale eyed features. For a moment I thought about asking if his name had any particular meaning to it, but that thought didn't last long as I wasn't normally one to start up conversations on possibly personal information. I didn't want to start anything that would eventually lead to questions about my past that I hoped to keep in my past for as long as possible.
I glanced down momentarily, not having to watch where I was walking any longer. The path we were following was one I knew like the back of my hand now, one I travelled on often in order to make sure everything was safe and sound now that there were more openings in our wall than I could count. Actually, there were nearly a hundred, boredom had struck mercilessly one day and I had spent the day wandering the border of the Edge taking catalog of each and every hole in the glass. But that piece of information was one that I would be keeping to myself for a very long time, it seemed foolish now that I had wasted away a whole day counting the shattered glass...for the time being I was content watching the mist swirl around my ivory dipped limbs as the stallion and I moved further and further into the lands of the Edge. It would be about an hour until we ran into the cliffs that would be our demise if we were idiots who continued to walk into the crashing of the waves. "Ha. I think you're right. Though my skills may need to be brushed up on should I wish to avoid being beaten up like this agian. I have a lot to learn" The words of the slightly smaller stallion drew my attention away from my foolish musing and back to the reality in which we stood. I shook my skull lightly before looking at the stallion and offering a gentle smile. "If you ever need brushing up, let me know. I'm always game for a spar as long as I don't have patrol that night."
I figured there would be no harm in offering to help the painted steed shape up a bit, the experience would do me well as well. I felt as if I was growing rusty with the lack of excitement throughout the lands, but that was a blessing just as much as it was a curse. "I am sorry, but I'm glad you kept your health. Do you miss it, your former home?" For a brief moment I wanted to chuckle when the stallion offered his apology over the loss of the Foothills. Sure, it had been my home for a bit of time, but the Edge seemed to be the piece of the puzzle that had been missing for the time I was in the Foothills. Here I was more of a social butterfly then I ever was there, and I was still quite shy and in the shadows here. "There is no need to be sorry. I don't really miss the Foothills, the Edge fits much better and I regret nothing of my choice to come here." Once I had answered, I quickly turned the attention on the stallion, bringing the conversation back to him in hopes that he would want to talk about himself and we could stay on this topic for a while longer.
"Far away from here from a herd that doesn't exist anymore. I was a child of the military, circumstance meant I had no parents, the soldiers looked after me. A few years later it was attacked by another herd and we were overwhelmed, I managed to escape, but I have no idea what the land is like now" I remained silent for a few moments once the red and white steed finished telling the story of his homeland, a pang of sadness tugged at my heartstrings as I thought of my own history that didn't seem to far from his own. My skull lowered ever so slightly as words began to drift softly from ever so slightly parted kissers. "Perhaps it was a blessing disguised by a curse Fiore." I hadn't meant to sound like a storyteller, or some kind of oracle as the words fell from my kissers, but lately that's what I was beginning to believe of the death of my dearest Kwahu. It was a tragedy, no matter which way you spun it. But either way, I was free now, no longer tied to my brown skinned two-leg, rather I was tied to others of my own species who needed me to help keep their homelands safe. And I would die trying.

"blah blah blah."
Tag;; @[Fiore]
Words;; 822
OOC;; Sorry it has taken me so long dear <3 Finally getting through some replies tonight. holy eff, muse boost

so I'm gonna break me a million hearts

pixel bt Pash, it's also a clicky to my table/tracker

please tag Cheveyo!!

Messages In This Thread
Strangers Like Me - by Fiore - 06-08-2014, 05:31 PM
RE: Strangers Like Me - by Cheveyo - 06-09-2014, 09:39 PM
RE: Strangers Like Me - by Fiore - 06-11-2014, 05:23 PM
RE: Strangers Like Me - by Cheveyo - 07-04-2014, 02:07 PM
RE: Strangers Like Me - by Fiore - 08-17-2014, 05:47 PM
RE: Strangers Like Me - by Cheveyo - 08-20-2014, 11:20 PM
RE: Strangers Like Me - by Fiore - 08-24-2014, 05:47 PM
RE: Strangers Like Me - by Cheveyo - 09-15-2014, 03:08 PM

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