the Rift

Your war flag proudly standing amid the setting sun

Jahzara Posts: 63
Hidden Account
Mare :: Equine :: 15.1 hands :: 6 Birdsongs

'Are you positive you can find your way back, Lady Jahzara? You know what happens when you wander!' The annoying squawk of the golden vixen's hallucination pestered in her ear, perched on her neck and bouncing with each step. "I'll be fine, Archie. Stop being a worry-wart!" With a bit of frustration, Jahzara shook out her mane to jostle the tropical bird around in an attempt to make him disappear. If only others could see her hallucinations. Watching him bounce about with his wings outstretched in a desperate attempt to hang on was quite a sight. "Go away, I promise if I get lost you can say 'I told you so.'" Jahzara mocked, giggling as her adviser finally gave up and dissipated.

Jahzara was not alone for long, at least not her mind's eye. As soon as the tropical bird had left, her favorite illusion began to waddle along beside her. 'What are you even doing back here, Jay?' The voice of the purple spotted pony spoke in words that only the golden vixen could hear clear as day. "Well, Kahlua's been really nice to me. And the World's Edge has been a wonderful home so far...Even if I haven't met everyone yet. There isn't much I can do to help out, but maybe I can find new people to join!" Jahzara spoke with cheerful tone, filled with a childlike excitement that most horses her age outgrew. Lily gave an understanding nod, smiling up at her friend as she trotted along beside her. It wasn't too long before the pair heard a voice echoing through the trees, just barely catching the end portion of what was being said. Something about a home and allies? 'Sounds like you're in luck, Jay. Let's go see...'

They only had to weave past a handful of more trees before spotting a pair of winged horses before them...Winged!? Jahzara came to a sudden halt, almost instantly becoming slack-jawed and wide-eyed as she stared at the pair. Never before had she seen such creatures. (After all, she had not been in World's Edge long enough to learn about pegasi or unicorns, having only met fellow equines.) Even Lily stopped short for a minute, looking back to Jahzara with curiosity. 'Uh, ever seen them before?' The arabian cross shook her crown, these hallucinations must be new. Perhaps the new environment triggered them?

Jahzara tried hard to compose herself, but she took a step forward without even a second thought. "Wow..." She stared fondly at their massive wings, particularly the brightly colored, multi-hued mare. "You're so...pretty. I've never imagined anything like you before." Oh poor, naive Jahzara. She offered a friendly smile as she circled around the pair, first around the peahen and then again around the battle-scarred grey. "You're huge...You must be really strong!" She meant well, not trying to insult the darker colored mare by any means. Just like a yearling though, Jahzara often stated the obvious without too much a filter. And indeed, to Jahzara, the mare towered over her at almost a full three hand difference. The strange hallucination was a beast compared to the fragile frame of the arabian cross. And she was monstrous compared to the tiny Lily.

Lily watched the horses of flight, boldly wandering up to them to introduce herself. After all, fellow hallucinations were always free to communicate with her! 'Hello there, ladies. The name's Lily, welcome to the gang!' Lily stepped up to the colorful mare, reaching out with her purple muzzle to touch her fellow illusion...Or so she thought. Thoroughly expecting to bump the peahen's leg, Lily was certainly caught off gaurd when she went through the vixen! Logically, no one else could see, hear or feel the pony other than Jahzara or other hallucinations. So when Lily's muzzle swept through the mare's leg as though she was nothing more than wind, it's not surprising that her reaction was a little...Dramatic. 'HOLY SHI-SHI-SHE'S REAL!' The sudden outburst caused Jahzara to jerk her head around, eyes somehow even wider now. "Real? You...You're real?"

Jahzara turned her crown to let her healthy brown eye study them more closely. While Lily was having her own little panic attack, frantically trying her damnedest to 'touch' colorful pegasus to no avail, Jahzara absentmindedly stretched her neck out towards the dappled mare's wing. "How can that be?" She asked allowed, more to herself as she attempted to touch the feathers in disbelief, as though to disprove Lily. 'She can't be real! She's a bigger rainbow-butt than I am!' Who ever would have thought that the purple pony would have the bigger over-reaction?


Walking On Air
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Force permitted against Jahzara, but please to not maim or kill her!
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Messages In This Thread
Your war flag proudly standing amid the setting sun - by Meriwether - 08-23-2014, 06:48 PM
RE: Your war flag proudly standing amid the setting sun - by Jahzara - 08-24-2014, 12:16 AM
RE: Your war flag proudly standing amid the setting sun - by Meriwether - 08-24-2014, 02:18 PM
RE: Your war flag proudly standing amid the setting sun - by Meriwether - 08-25-2014, 04:39 PM
RE: Your war flag proudly standing amid the setting sun - by Meriwether - 08-26-2014, 04:05 PM

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