the Rift

[PRIVATE] Hey Daddy

Krieger Posts: 43
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 18.2 :: Seven Buff: NOVICE
Krieger watches his young brood quietly the rare smile lighting up his usually sullen features. This was the proudest moment of his evil twisted life. How could a stud like him have made such wonderful foals? 'It must be their mother's blood.' He thought silently taking in their barbed wire like markings, stout bodies and legs. Sighing softly as his two foals listened to his confessions, he wondered if they would hate him now. Or were his children just as cold hearted as he was? The beast watched his son as the innocent smile slipped from his brown face. Did he hate him, and if he did would Adelric tell him? Squinting calmly Krieger examined his son; he was sure he could see a wicked thought rolling around in the young male's brain. Keeping his silence he turned towards his storm on hooves curious on how she would take it. He could tell from her proud stance that she would be a leader, she would demand retribution.

He was surprised by his youngsters, the only thing they did to let onto their unhappy feelings was their smiles slip. Thunder rumbled from his massive chest, "Tell me children, be honest, who do you blame for this?" Pulling his dome up slowly he watched the pair quietly hoping his size would draw forth the truth. If they did not want to speak he would accept that, but unwillingly. Lowing his head once more to them the beast nuzzled his children. Zünden's sweet words rolled within his mind and he wished Adelric had said the same thing as well. 'Oh well, maybe one day they will both come to love me as I do them.'

The beast smiles softly at his bay speckled son as he introduced the fawn, and explained how he had been given to him. "It's a pleasure Tobias. You better watch out for my son." Eyeing the brown deer he shifted his attention to Adelric before speaking again, "I am very proud of you my son." As Zünden piped up about her brother's smarts causing him to smile brighter because his kids got along so well.

The filly's question surprised him so he lifted his head up slightly in agitation. Reminding his angered mind that she was only a foal he swallowed the lump in his throat and prepared to speak. Before his voice rumbled forth Adelric spoke again asking about the marks they all shared. Thinking for a moment he did speak, hoping his vocals would boom over anymore questions, "I am blind in one eye, because another I was fighting hit right above my eye and knocked it out of whack. As for our markings, I assume that's what you're talking about them." He paused waiting for confirmation, before talking again, "I can't remember my sire or dam, but I figure they had them as well. Somethings are passed down from mother and father to foals. It's clear to see you each have my markings, one of my eyes, Adelric has my short tail, and Zünden has my short temper." His own temper gone a smile covers his muzzle again before playfully bumping his daughters neck, and attempting to do the same with his bay son.

He listened quietly as Zünden mentioned fighting and protecting her brother. Lowering his head to look at the pair of them again, his vocals rolled forth serious this time, "You both have to promise me right now, that you both will watch out for each other. I know that you two are very different; that is not a bad thing. If you're ever in a fight together, Adelric will be able to find the opponent's weaknesses and Zünden will be able to exploit them. Always love and value the other, you only get one family." Letting his hard single eyed gaze soften he addressed them once more before falling silent, "I would love for you to come and live with me, but think of your mother. How would she feel if you just left her? That being said, you are able to make your own choices now, if you do pick to come to the Aura basin with me, you must not tell them you are only half unicorn. This is EXTREMELY important because the majority of them are racist and do not approve of other races. If even one of you comes to the Basin, you both most have the same story about your lineage, so you will not get the other in trouble."

Words: 754
OOC: Sorry it took so long! I've been swamped and it took forever to address everything lol! <3
"Talking" 'Thinking'
Image Credit
Please tag Krieger! All degrees of attacking is fine besides killing him, besides power-play(ask permission!)

Messages In This Thread
Hey Daddy - by Krieger - 08-14-2014, 02:45 AM
RE: Hey Daddy - by Adelric - 08-14-2014, 11:46 PM
RE: Hey Daddy - by Zünden - 08-15-2014, 07:21 PM
RE: Hey Daddy - by Krieger - 08-16-2014, 05:45 PM
RE: Hey Daddy - by Adelric - 08-16-2014, 07:09 PM
RE: Hey Daddy - by Zünden - 08-17-2014, 03:21 AM
RE: Hey Daddy - by Krieger - 08-25-2014, 02:49 AM
RE: Hey Daddy - by Adelric - 08-29-2014, 11:51 PM
RE: Hey Daddy - by Krieger - 09-05-2014, 02:32 AM
RE: Hey Daddy - by Adelric - 09-05-2014, 08:50 PM

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