the Rift

Your war flag proudly standing amid the setting sun

Meriwether Posts: N/A
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Dipping her crown, a deep breath escaped her nares. Her toasted golden eyes veered slowly at Jay and then to Bellona, watching the two figures as they spoke. Gone were the days spent responsibly stacking out the political fields, making plans and setting them into motion. All Meri was left with now was measuring up opponents and possible allies in a strange and unfamiliar place. Without her home there was no stability in her rather reckless life. “I see, good to see you aren’t lost then, Jahzara.” Meri responded slightly amused. That was of course before the stone sentinel that stood in front of them eye’s almost popped out of her head at the palomino’s remarks towards Bellona being a spy. It took every ounce of her being to keep from laughing out loud and in order to regain herself Meri cleared her throat, flicked her ears forward, and held her head high in dignity and overwhelming pride for her accomplishments of keeping a straight face.

Her moist lips twitched as the war-veteran mulled over her options. Meriwether didn’t know if she could trust Bellona or if she’d just be used like some pawn in a game of chess and as far as Jahzara went, well she didn’t know if this herd actually existed. For all she knew the mare dreamt up the whole encounter with Kahlua and lives with a bunch of imaginary friends, in the land of wallawallabingbang. Both living arrangements had their share of downfalls but it would beat the solitude she encountered day in and day out. She needed to hear what made their herds the right pick.

“May I ask, why is it you want me to join you?” Meriwether’s question was hastily spoken towards Bellona, but held plenty of bite. She stomped her foot on the soft ground and where once would be a rippling effect of noise was nothing more than a thud into the dirt. The herculean mare’s brow furrowed lightly before turning back to Jahzara trying to solidify that she was indeed part of a herd and not one just made up in her head. “Kahlua you say? I see… and would I be of use in this herd? Forgive me but you aren’t making your position up are you?” Meri said bluntly she hated to doubt the mare but she had to know for sure. Meri adjusted her stance into that of a perfect soldier and awaited a response.

tags: --
ooc notes: That was not poopy xD this post was poopy! @[Bellona]
words: 559


Messages In This Thread
Your war flag proudly standing amid the setting sun - by Meriwether - 08-23-2014, 06:48 PM
RE: Your war flag proudly standing amid the setting sun - by Meriwether - 08-24-2014, 02:18 PM
RE: Your war flag proudly standing amid the setting sun - by Meriwether - 08-25-2014, 04:39 PM
RE: Your war flag proudly standing amid the setting sun - by Meriwether - 08-26-2014, 04:05 PM

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