the Rift

Your war flag proudly standing amid the setting sun

Meriwether Posts: N/A
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Meri stood silently watching the events unfold before her, with a snort she gestured the little sunkissed equine to her side, quickly lifting her wing up just in time to avoid a collision with the backwards stumbling mare. The Peahen continued to speak as if she was offended, but Meriwether dismissed her and thrust herself forcefully between the two. The veteran calmly brought herself back into alignment, straightening herself out and presenting herself as an experienced soldier and leader. Her ears tugged forward just in time to listen to the rainbow vixen’s warning toward Jahzara and so she casted a quick glance back at the sunkissed mare before a towering glare aimed viciously and mercilessly at Bellona.

”Clearly you seem threated by this mare, Bellona. Which surprises me; I wouldn’t think a respectable warrior such as yourself would be so insecure.” She exhaled out slowly; looking the peahen over like a snake did his mouse. The multihued mare’s response to Jahzara’s antics disappointed Meri, while she saw great strength and wisdom; she also saw immaturity and arrogance. As far as pride was concerned there was a very distinct difference between being proud and being arrogant. In her life she has seen the destruction arrogance can cause, her kingdom was almost destroyed by it; an all-powerful and respectable leader succumbed to a life of greed, theft, and hatred. No, arrogance had no place in her life, not anymore and she did not want to watch the same thing happen to Bellona. The peahen walked a much to fine line between the two. ”It’s true we could be great allies, and perhaps one day. Side by side we could accomplish a lot but I have a strict code of right and wrong. Although it is not everyone’s code it’s my only sense of justice. I am a silent leader on a warpath or at least I once was and you are as cunning as you are intelligent. Should you need my services, I would be inclined to help you, so long as you prove to me you are not self-destructive.” She commanded, testing the peahen. Her words were not meant to offend and so it would be interesting to see how she responded to the rejection and although part of her wanted to go with the colorful creature she had to be sure in her abilities.

The mare’s crown remained forward, not giving Jahzara even the slightest twitch of her ear until she blurted out her right to claim Meri. The veteran had to admit, this girl had guts. ”Be respectful Jahzara, do not taunt the warrior; a panicked face makes the peacock proud.” She stated loudly, attempting to teach the palomino mare a lesson. As she listened to her talk about the World’s Edge the militant mare made no apologies for doubting the girl’s authenticity of her herd, but respectfully dipped her crown in the mare’s direction. “For now, I will come with you.” She decreed in a stony voice, making sure to stay positioned between the two. Meriwether stopped her hoof on the ground, a few inches from Jahzara’s dainty legs. The birds in the trees grew silent.

”I am a creature of my word, Bellona.” What exactly the battle-scared Veteran meant by that was up for anyone’s interpretation. She had hoped the colorful vixen would take it as a promise as opposed to a threat of some kind but the militant mare did not explain herself. It was decided that she was going to go with Jahzara, if not to join her heard then most certainly to protect her. She had a big heart and strong emotions, a dangerous combo if anyone were to ask Meri’s opinion. With a toss of her head, bits of her voluminous forelock shifted over her golden eyes. ”Let’s go Jahzara, I could use some rest.” The warrior stated. There was no room for any negotiation by the chill and rocky tone of her voice.

tags: @[Bellona]!
ooc notes: This was a TOUGH decision! D: Meri really does like Bellona! XD and so do I!
words: 670


Messages In This Thread
Your war flag proudly standing amid the setting sun - by Meriwether - 08-23-2014, 06:48 PM
RE: Your war flag proudly standing amid the setting sun - by Meriwether - 08-24-2014, 02:18 PM
RE: Your war flag proudly standing amid the setting sun - by Meriwether - 08-25-2014, 04:39 PM
RE: Your war flag proudly standing amid the setting sun - by Meriwether - 08-26-2014, 04:05 PM

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