the Rift

UNICORNS :: Swimming the Coast, Round THREE

Cineviam Posts: N/A
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Theatricality and deception are powerful agents.
You must become more than just a man
in the mind of your opponent

Everything was going swimmingly.

Fatigue had begun to set into his muscles, his legs feeling like they were going through the motions a bit sluggishly. However, with good timing and a whole lot of luck, he had been in the lead the whole time, chasing no one and consciously trying to conserve his energy for the end. You never know, one of the competitors may surprise him with a burst of speed and give him a run for his money.

He relaxed again, once he put the weathered formation of rock that formed the bridge and island well behind him, as if earth and stone could somehow evolve, nurture and contain malevolent attitudes and intentions. The water started to cool out here but it had begun to turn murky as they headed toward Spectral Marsh and again he wished it was a Cross Country race. Hellena had shown him the safe path through there.

Suddenly something grabbed his tail!

At first he thought one of his opponents had caught up to him but when he twisted turned his head to see behind him, no one was there. Thanks to the murk of the water he couldn’t see below the surface as he thrashed against the unknown threat, dragging him backwards and off course. Front legs continue paddling, more like flailing to keep his head above the surface while he attempted to kick out with his hinds, “LET GO!” he shrieked. All he could do was watch in dismay as Faelene passed him to gain the lead.

Finally he felt the weight drop from his tail and he was free to move forward again. Desperately he pumped his legs, trying to get back on track but by the time he did, three more herdmates passed him. He cursed at himself, if only he had kept a bigger lead than loss from the unexpected wouldn’t have been so great. The struggle had taken a lot out of him, crimson could be seen from Cineviam’s flared nostrils and his brow was furrowed.

Around the loop of Spectral Marsh, he no longer fixed his red eyes on the horizon, his gaze was much too fuzzy for that. Instead he focused on the cherry and mahogany rump of the Doctor, trying to close the distance, but before long he had a new goal to fix his sights on – Endless Blue’s shore. He just wanted this blasted race to be over!

The moment his hooves touched bottom, relief flooded through him so intensely he felt tears prick behind his eyes. He had no idea what he placed, but at the moment he didn’t care. He wobbled more violently than the first hours after his birth and his knees buckled, wanting nothing more than to lie down for a few minutes and rest. However, the drowned rats pulling themselves out of the water weren’t alone. The Moon Goddess and a bunch of hornless were waiting for them. Could it be a trap? He wouldn’t put it past any of them and he puffed himself up a bit but otherwise stared at them wordlessly.

iii.6 years
iv.edge stallion
v.created by blu
vi.adopted by taurus

Messages In This Thread
RE: UNICORNS :: Swimming the Coast, Round THREE - by Cineviam - 09-23-2012, 08:37 PM
RE: UNICORNS :: Swimming the Coast, Round THREE - by Monster - 09-24-2012, 05:35 AM
RE: UNICORNS :: Swimming the Coast, Round THREE - by Keahi - 09-24-2012, 01:34 PM
RE: UNICORNS :: Swimming the Coast, Round THREE - by Korra - 09-24-2012, 01:50 PM
RE: UNICORNS :: Swimming the Coast, Round THREE - by Aurelius - 09-24-2012, 02:36 PM
RE: UNICORNS :: Swimming the Coast, Round THREE - by Validino - 09-24-2012, 08:11 PM

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