the Rift

I'm on a bridge to nowhere [Sun God]

God of the Sun Posts: 198
Helovian Ancient
Stallion :: Hybrid :: 17 hh :: Ageless

The GOD of the SUN

Burn the whole world down

There is much chaos in the land, but the God of the Sun will always have time for his devoted followers. And in this moment, it is obvious that his most devoted and most loyal is in need. Still, the god lingers for a moment, watching the fiery display that is clearly meant for him. He sees the fire, the molten birds, the way the light pulses in time with the flight of the conjured avian creatures, but he also sees more. In the explosive exhibition he also sees the waves of Gaucho’s devotion, swirling tendrils of flame that may not look out of the ordinary to Gaucho but that speak to the fervent desires in the Wildfire’s heart.

One of the fiery birds begins to do a dance that is different from the others, twisting and cavorting through the air away from the Sultan. It is from this bird that the Sun God materializes, the bird rapidly shrinking and then exploding soundlessly. The light and heat radiate out, enveloping all of Gaucho, causing his markings to glow brighter for a few seconds but not burning him. When the brilliant display has finally faded, the Sun God stands before his devotee, a pleasant smile on his face. “You’ve made good use of the memories I returned to you,” he says fondly, pausing a moment to look at the barbaric beast who now rules his land. Africa’s failings have displeased him, but perhaps led to a more fitting (in his eyes) leadership. “Why do you have need of me, Wildfire?”

All the while, any clouds that might have been overhead seem to slowly dissipate and the island air that was already warmer than winter should be heats up further. Even the ground below, made of dirt and lush grass, begins to seed with some grains of sand. Even here in this paradise, the Sun God calls the desert to himself.


Messages In This Thread
I'm on a bridge to nowhere [Sun God] - by Gaucho - 10-26-2014, 06:32 PM
RE: I'm on a bridge to nowhere [Sun God] - by God of the Sun - 11-03-2014, 10:30 PM

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