the Rift

PEGASUS :: Flying Race, Round THREE

Hector Posts: 262
Outcast atk: 7 | def: 9.5 | dam: 3.5
Stallion :: Hybrid :: 18.3hh :: 7 Years HP: 63 | Buff: ENDURE
Veci :: Plain Boggart :: Suffocate Dream
How can we win? When fools can be Kings
Hector was slipping behind badly and it seemed all his joyous fun dipping and diving through each ring hadn't served him well in standings for the race. The glittering water slowly disappears into the distance as Hector pushed all his might into his broad wings. The Thistle Meadow lay briefly below him, leonine tail flicking from side to side as the ducked through a turquoise ring, taking the sharp bend slower to compensate for the bulk of his body. He knew next to none of the competitors he flew against, their unknown bodies gliding in front of him.

The orange steed was brought out of his musings as he realized he couldn't see the rings anymore. Was he lost? A flash of blue caught his attention, eyes narrowing, wings flashed upwards until he was almost upon the ring and its bearer. Hector gritted his teeth and recoiled his wings as he lithely slid through it. Orange oculars snapping to every cloud, watching for the next one.

The Endless Blue was coming back to him now as the race neared it's end. Where would he finish? He did not know but Hector had thoroughly enjoyed himself. It reminded him that although he possessed unicorn and equine blood, the ability to fly was something he wouldn't loose. The muddy brute gave himself one last push and looked rather curiously at the Moon Goddess who hovered by the final ring. He remarked to himself how this was the first time he had seen a God before passing through the last ring.

• Dragon's Throat Rank Experience: Fortify | Level 3
• Permission given for moderate power play, magical influence and damage at all times

Messages In This Thread
PEGASUS :: Flying Race, Round THREE - by Official - 09-25-2012, 06:19 PM
RE: PEGASUS :: Flying Race, Round THREE - by Sierra - 09-25-2012, 06:38 PM
RE: PEGASUS :: Flying Race, Round THREE - by Jaydan - 09-26-2012, 07:30 PM
RE: PEGASUS :: Flying Race, Round THREE - by Hector - 09-28-2012, 10:31 AM

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