the Rift

[OPEN] An icy grave for the blind

Sekhmet Posts: N/A
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On heavy wings hangs the albatross


As the serpent twisted upon frosts decay cast forth hoof by aching hoof upon the wastes of gathering storm. A mane long, trailed like comet fire and her eyes burned forth with fire and life hotter than a thousand suns as her lips drew to a snarl, the singularity of the storm held forth a denizen to the unicorn of eternal flames and as she fluttered ever forward upon the cascading abyss of ebony and alabaster’s sheen she trudged forth like the lone sentinel, a final survivor of some fantastical war. Yet here she was, standing upon the hallowed blankets that whispered so bitterly to her soul as phantom whisps of a her ghost like mane flowed and tossed their limp stands upon her gaunt, slender face. Causing her expression to further harden and her teeth to clamp forth into a grit. She was an orb of light, a whisp mother upon the frey, blending so deeply into the canvas of ethereal desire and frosts vengeance. Her long lashes fluttering as they worked so tirelessly to shift the snow from penetrating her focused gaze, her pupils contracting to thin dashes upon the sheen of glittering turmoil. Never had something so deathly be painted forth in such beauty.


Yet so with a sudden roar the fae stuck out as ice shifted beneath ebony hoof and she flew, tossed beneath the striking of snow as she fell battered and smashed upon frost in her ungraceful descent, for an event that seemed to have happened so quickly, as the siren gathered her bearings a no more than a few feet away from the slight hellish forging of cold that stood forth in pride in the form of a large hill. She realized she had fallen from the top, unaware of her perching’s. Her body cried out to her in protest as she struck out her feet, ascending with new found elegance after such a brutish incident, yet she ignored its pleads and pushed ever further forward upon the swirling motions of the cold that seemed to almost spin her head with its nauseating motions. Night was nearing and the cream streaked clouds glinted forth upon moonlights banner. She knew upon this moment that she would have to find rest, perhaps a place to refuge until the bitter howls of the realm had silenced and so sleep took its thrall and she welcomed it. Perhaps she would stay here for a little while upon her bed of moonlight.


She stayed upon this post for a day or so, shrouded from the winds until the blizzards cry faded to no more than a faint memory of what it had been and she of course staggered forth. Forth into the expanse of light and cold. Forth into the loneliness that gripped her so as she wished only for a companion to converse with. The whole idea of exploration had become so much more a daunting task to her now.


She must have had walked for hours. She did not count, she did not think to. Her mind was a clockwork mechanism ticking ever sullenly without comprehension nor analysis of her action and so she echoed such lifeless demeanor until she saw the form of another. Picking up her mere ramble of a pace the snow hued siren ushered forth upon the terrain to greet the silhouette that seemed so promising, her nearing viewpoint ever morphing as she noticed foliage like appendage blossoming from the others back, yet in her desperation she staggered further forth to the other and in a passion of communication she spoke forth, her vocals lavishly decorated with honey and silk yet tinged with a sense of melancholy to the auds of another. “Oh goodness darling am I glad to see you.” She then took in the other with a lasting glance. The mare before her was unusual to the eye, a gypsy vanner with feathered hoof, bearing a pale flare upon her face. Her form was well built and to Sekhmet’s eye, strong. Yet the tree upon the others back seemed to catch her attentions the most, it ushered an air of curiosity upon the siren and after shifting her weight slightly upon ebony tinged hoof she cast it once more a sideways glance.


"Sekhmet Speaks" . 'Sekhmet thinks'

Stock/Art Credits- bleu-claire-stock . fillyrox . Noctera


Messages In This Thread
An icy grave for the blind - by Fig - 12-02-2014, 09:00 PM
RE: An icy grave for the blind - by Sekhmet - 12-03-2014, 12:46 PM
RE: An icy grave for the blind - by Fig - 12-04-2014, 03:05 PM
RE: An icy grave for the blind - by Sekhmet - 12-05-2014, 01:38 PM

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