the Rift

Niki's Chillens

Malificent Posts: 14
Hidden Account atk: 7.5 | def: 10 | dam: 2.5
Mare :: Unicorn :: 15.1hh :: 5 HP: 60 | Buff: NOVICE
Mare, Unicorn, Outcast (atm)

Personality will grow as she grows with Helovia, at the moment she hasn't had much interaction with others so she's a little rough around the edges in speaking and such matters. The only thing I know about her is that she will be loyal to those that are loyal to her, good to those that are good to her.

No fancy stuffs, so she has no magic and no companion or items and that good stuff. Just a plain ol' uni.

Plots I'm Interested in Pursuing:
- A home for her. Whether she fits in best with a herd or an outcast group, whatever she falls into that needs her as much as she needs it.

- A potential lover ALTHOUGH I want this lover to teach her a lesson that not everyone who falls in love is meant to stay together forever (initially this will be to give her personally some bitterness, making her a little more matured and rough around the edges with love and connections because of what she has experienced (until she finds another lover, if she ever does.)) Perhaps someone to lead her on thinking they are in love as well but finally decide that it's not for them, that the relationship won't work and things just fall apart.

- Someone that she grows very close and fond too, lets just admit it, a best friend is a must. They gots to do lots of fun stuffs together! Fun can be a wide range of stuff. I imagine this plot will have lots of things to do with as time progresses.

- Perhaps at sometime, take in a foal that is not hers. Someone she can care for and learn/experience foal things with as she never really had a relationship close with her parents, I think learning that having a parent who cares does wonders for a foals upbringing.

Who to meet?
- Elsa:: take tour of Falls, befriend each other
- Kvothe:: talk about his little group and make friends
- Myrrine:: mother daughter relationship? (possibly)
- I'm very forgetful sometimes, so please tag me in all posts related to Mal, if that doesn't work.. feel free to PM this account.
- Magic allowed, just no killing, harming, etc. without my permission.

Messages In This Thread
Niki's Chillens - by Malificent - 12-08-2014, 09:06 PM
RE: Niki's Chillens - by Elsa - 12-08-2014, 09:15 PM
RE: Niki's Chillens - by Bucephalus - 12-08-2014, 10:01 PM
RE: Niki's Chillens - by December - 12-08-2014, 10:25 PM
RE: Niki's Chillens - by Malificent - 12-10-2014, 04:51 PM

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